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Latest revision as of 02:07, 7 June 2019

Omni Delegates' Meeting - 16 May 2019 7pm-9pm

for instructions on preparing and archiving these notes, please see the bottom


  • Introductions, Meeting Roles, and Delegates Count [10 minutes]
  • Access Check-in [5 minutes]
  • Brief Announcements [5 minutes]
  • Working Group Report-Backs [15 minutes]
  • Member Collective Updates (10 minutes)
  • Ban Report (if any) [5 minutes]
  • Proposal: Sudo Mesh Tenancy Agreement [10 minutes]
  • Proposal: Self-Dealing Resolution for Jenny Ryan [5 minutes]
  • Discussion Z: [10 minutes]


Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Affiliation; any brief announcements; say whether you're a delegate; let us know about any access needs you have†

  • WHY DO WE ASK PRONOUNS? To make space for people who are trans, nonbinary, gender noncomforming or otherwise vulnerable to being misgendered. It's not an invitation to make jokes or trivialize the idea of pronouns. If you are fine with the gender and pronouns society generally assigns to you, please just say what they are without fanfare or embellishment. Conversely, please don't pressure anybody to give their pronouns, as that can harm trans people who are closeted or questioning. The point is to prompt and normalize asking, but not to mandate or enforce. Thank you! <3 Yar
  • Yar No Access Needs - sudo room / building
  • robb - sudo room - commons / building
  • Asaad (ab) He/Him - FYE Collective No Access Needs
  • dennis He/Him - librated lens No Access Needs - 5pm films on Sunday
  • jenny She/Her - Finance Bldg working groups - No Access Needs
  • null - He/Him sudo room member
  • phil He/Him Food not bombs - No Access Needs
  • mary anne - She/Her - chiapas

Access Check In

Is everybody able to participate fully in this meeting? Do people have unmet needs or concerns?

Meeting Roles

  • Facilitator/s: yar + whoever else
  • Explanation of hand signals: "deaf applause", "raised hand", "point of process", "direct response"(wildcard), etc.
  • Stacktaker:
  • Timekeeper:
  • Notetaker/s:
  • Vibe Reader:
  • Next meeting's facilitator(s):


  • CCL:
  • CSC: mary anne
  • FNB: phil
  • GWS: rachel is in sac
  • LL: dennis
  • Sudo: yar
  • Quorum:

Brief Announcements

  • liblens 400 years film this sunday at 5, "homeless first" on june 9 (liblens-made documentary about FTCFTH) + juggling performance & report on homeless people walking through salem for justice

Working Group Report-Backs

Building & permits

Meetings: Not currently meeting


Meetings: Currently ad-hoc; join the 'Commons' list

  • robb: not much to say. issue with almaz not following procedures. she refuses to submit requests.
    • maryanne: did she move her stuff out of there?
    • robb: don't think so. computers still here also
    • yar: she's aware that not engaging in mediation means they have to move their stuff, but they're asking for more time while they find another place to put it
    • robb: still same old bs, not submitting requests or going through the , just using the space whenever she feels like it
    • jenny: share laura and robb's perspective. this continues going on. we have an established process for booking and scheduling events so we can coordinate transparently. ballroom event was booked for saturday and was trying to coordinate the spaz event later on, but it didn't happen. would like more clarity. almaz has been part of the commons wg for two years and knows the process...
    • maryann: I think there should be a time limit so this stops going on indefinitely. and would definitely have
  • This group needs help:

joe: Beginning Tues 5/21 there will be art construction going on noon to midnight in the ballroom for the Sat 5/26 Show of Skin Project.


Meetings: Not currently meeting

Finance & Fundraising

Meetings: Currently conjoined, 2nd & 4th Mondays at 6pm

  • Jenny's learning new budgeting features in quickbooks and should have something pretty on point for 2019-2020 projections based on the past 2 years
  • The books are reconciled through 2018, started on the 2018 990s (which we got an extension for)
  • grant opp: http://decapital.org/

Member Collective Updates

What is going on with your collective? What are you working on? What have you accomplished? Any events coming up? Any difficulties you are encountering that you need help with?


  • nobody here


  • still working on 15k grant, which we've been approved for, to send down to the Zapatistas
  • new gov't is ramping up paramilitary operations, Zapatista need all the help they can get


  • sunday kitchen is a big issue cuz of omni construction. work party this saturday to declutter kitchen area
    • probably should move stuff into the basement rooms for now


  • rachel's in sacramento


  • dennis got to it in brief announcements


  • still going deep on our space improvements, still planning to epoxy the floor this summer
  • null put an air scrubber in the space, the air's gotten quite dusty with all the space improvements so this should help

Ban Report (if any)

  • Add to list of people asked to leave
  • Dmitry is asking for mediation. They're looking for people to take over his deliveries on saturday afternoons 4-5


Proposal: FYE Collective

  • via Asaad on 5/16/19:
  • FYE Collective is still a new, emerging (unincorporated collective). Discovered Omni through David, who we reached out to cuz we were looking for a new workspace. Our lease with Alena Museum (a safe space for creative POC in W Oakland) expired at the end of March - it was a live/work space for 6 of us. Currently spread out finding new living situations and are looking for a collective workspace.
  • Mixed medium artists - I mainly work with clothing and textiles. Tailor/repairer/upcycler of textiles, give life to fabrics. Sheedo is mainly a painter, also works with clothes. Stoney's a musician/DJ/event organizer. Ashiyah is a musician and a cook/caterer, vegan/holistic foodstuffs. 4 is the core crew; the larger group is ~10-12 people.
  • First time working with a collective of collectives. Very in tune with the Oakland community, younger demographic. At our past location we had 3 events, one of them an Open Studio event with all sorts of makers, live performance events.


  • Phil: One of the areas you're looking at is the mezzanine - currently an open space. What are your needs wrt security of your equipment etc
    • We do need some secure storage but are also interested in a collaborative/shared workspace. No walls of building, we're space activators and more interested in activating space than closing it off
  • Jenny: Do you have a preference for any spaces in particular?
    • Asaad: Especially like the mezzanine, because of all the natural light. Also interested in helping activate the basement media lab area - already an industrial sewing machine back there, and I also do screenprinting.
  • Yar: So you're talking about two spaces: one a shared space with maybe a locker, and the other a private office.
    • Asaad: Yes, not familiar with all the office spaces but a private office and a shared workspace would be ideal.
  • Yar: Is anyone in your collective experienced or into building? Lots of small offices variably in use, but
  • Jenny: describes vision of media lab and excitement for reactivating that project
  • Yar: how portable is your equipment?
    • Asaad: don't really have a full screenprinting setup right now. have an industrial sewing machine i wouldn't want to lug up and downstairs. most of the rest of the
  • Robb: describes dream of basement small rooms to become a recording studio
    • Asaad: 3 of our members represent a pretty talented women trifecta of music production. definitely interested in maybe one of those rooms as the private office, with the shared community print shop right behind us

Proposal: Sudo Mesh Tenancy

  • via Jenny on 5/16/19:
  • Now that Sudo Mesh (not to be confused with Sudo Room, out of which the project initially spawned in 2013) is its own 501c3 and has acquired insurance for the org (with Omni listed as Additional Insured w/ a Waiver of Subrogation), we need to sign a formal lease agreement with Omni Commons. Sudo Room, though a Project of Omni, is also a Party to this agreement given our occupation of the platform for storage. The agreement is attached and up for consensus by the Delegates. This is by and large a simple formalization of what has been our ongoing arrangement since we moved into the building in 2014: use of the platform area in Sudo Room for storage of our networking equipment, maintenance of Omni's wifi network, and weekly meetings. When we host workshops and panels in the ballroom, we go through the normal process and pay the normal nonprofit rate for booking space. We have been donating $100/month to Sudo Room for the past 6 months for use of space, and would continue that arrangement.

The attached agreement has passed consensus of Sudo Room and Sudo Mesh members.

While there's definitely some overlap of Sudo Room members involved in Sudo Mesh, the mesh crew has grown and stabilized over this past year and is also entertaining the notion of applying to become a member collective.

Full lease agreement: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-HQobnoJnGgJH4xvWGd6aV6SIywRab0N3aOocMBdzTE/edit


  • delegates seem ready to consent? those approving today as opposed to in 3 weeks: yar, mary anne, phil, dennis 4/6 = quorum. it passes.
  • we all feel this doesn't need to wait for the next meeting, it's the status quo, has been going on for a long time

Proposal: Self-Dealing Resolution for Jenny Ryan

  • via Jenny on 5/16/19:

Because I'm currently an officer of Omni Commons, our lawyer Jesse has informed us that the board needs to formally pass what's called a 'Self-Dealing Resolution' to approve "reasonable compensation" for the bookkeeping work approved by the Delegates in April.

The resolution also includes an independent contractor agreement. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Full resolution: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12lyWYsxeUm39aWbhZPpjaw2w1HdA8x-B0nuiooB0FAE/edit#


  • a better deal could not be found elsewhere? we all laugh about how true this is. jenny is being underpaid.
  • phil: this is a normal procedure, very reasonable
  • yar: if you have to recuse yourself and you're the official sudo delegate, does that mean we don't have quorum?
    • jenny: bylaws say directors are decided by collectives
    • so as long as ken or rachel agrees out of band this is ok?
  • consensus: dennis, phil, mary anne, yar
    • we should also check in with rachel and ken and get their response on the record


Example Discussion Item

Last Meeting Notes


End of Meeting