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(Created page with "'''Omni Delegates' Meeting - 20 June 2024 7pm-9pm''' Foreclosure deadline is August 7 - 6 weeks 6 days weeks from now! == Meeting Details == * Talk at https://omnicommons.org/meet or 515-428-1108 (PIN: 465814905) * Type at https://omnicommons.org/notes * Send proposals to consensus@lists.omnicommons.org prior to the meeting * Someone should go check incoming mail RIGHT NOW. === Roles === * Facilitator/s: Azadeh * Stacktaker: * Timekeeper: * Notetaker/s: Paige/Patrik...")
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Latest revision as of 21:37, 21 June 2024

Omni Delegates' Meeting - 20 June 2024 7pm-9pm

Foreclosure deadline is August 7 - 6 weeks 6 days weeks from now!

Meeting Details


  • Facilitator/s: Azadeh
  • Stacktaker:
  • Timekeeper:
  • Notetaker/s: Paige/Patrik
  • Next meeting's facilitator(s):


  • CCL: Patrik
  • FNB: Toan
  • LL (inactive): John
  • SMAC: Azadeh
  • SM: Daniel
  • SR: William
  • DG (inactive):
  • Quorum (2/3 of active groups):


BRIEF INTROS MAY INCLUDE: name, pronouns, groups you're in, land you're on, if you're a delegate, unmet access needs, meeting roles you'd like to help with, discussion topics or proposals to add to agenda, announcements/updates/report-backs from your groups, safe space issues or updates PROMPT people to share contact info in the chat, so we can stay in touch

Check for mail for Omni

Who volunteers to go check if there's mail for Omni right now? This agenda item is part of the meeting notes template.

CAST meeting 6pm

  • Shreya - scenario planning, look at different timelines and scenarios.


  • Ken - 52 days left, but tomorrow reaching out to mulberry to confirm foreclosure countdown. Had 6 meetings with potential investors/funders. And 2 meetings with people interested as investors. And 2 more interested in. One bank (Community Bank of the Bay). Do not have funds fully secured yet. Most hopeful about bank option (have Pro Forma, setting up 3rd mtg), but timeline getting short.
    • the investors interested in supporting a solution, but became clear they were interested in ownership. didn't continue because it pointed back to singular ownership.
  • developing a fund, a savings account, linked deposit. CDFI, insured up to $50million per deposit. If you know someone in position to deposit for 5 years at 1%, like CD, dollar per dollar a bank could lend it to us at 3%. Right now Mulberry is doing 5%. That allows for more potential donors. Link deposit fund.
  • Pallavi - depositing 25k for 5 years, if someone did that would they collect interest?
  • Ken - yes federally insured, they would make 1%. That's a great way. Because its not official with bank yet, really pushing it through
  • Pallavi - I think that is very viable, I have a trust as well. Think its possible we could
  • Patrik - similar to LLC idea Jake brought up, but much simpler. We should probably talk to those who had pledged into the LLC
  • William - if we are pitching this concept, you put your money into this trust for 5 years, and at end of year you can take it out. Very easy pitch right
  • Ken - we will have the fine print, that will provide much better detail. 3% they would lend it back, savings account at 1%. Dollar per dollar. Anything deposited can be treated as restricted deposit, designated.
  • Shreya - we currently, CAST and Omni, dont necessarily have formal agreement to partner. We as CAST are only here at this point to stave off foreclosure. At this time not technically engaged in the active arbitration and reformulation, coalescing of the org, and newco. As we shift gears into scenario planning, we are committed to doing 2 more sessions to understand needs, and if mutual interest, interested in doing a dreaming spaces process, wrapping in needs of the artists in the building.
  • Shreya - two main scenarios on the table. In next 2 weeks we will verify where we are with the bank.
    • Ken - in our estimation, if we dont secure greenlight from bank in 2 weeks (secured appraisel, and sprint towards goal), then we encourage you to think about what to do if this doesnt happen. Could dissolve LOI. Generally speaking, if anyone else is bringing in a bank, we need 45 days. We are on 3rd meeting with this bank. One scenarios is creating a phone bank, but anot
  • Shreya -
    • first scenario, greenlight, phonebank for different contributers, and engage our partners
    • second scenario, no greenlight. We have 4 options for funders, lets say exhausted, then we would have 4 weeks to pull 800k. Foreclosure process begins, from there auction starts in about 4 weeks, that's where we would be prepping for a move out of existing world of Omni. That's a place where we can open up some space to see what that could look like. Could explore a dreaming spaces that is more of a future planning or transition planning. Could be a dreaming spaces that explores new space and or, for orgs to find different spaces, would be different than CAST/Omni relationship, but rather CAST/other org
    • Ken - worst scenario is 4 weeks, but could be up to 4 months. Could sell than more than it bought. Value of this building more than 2million. Buyer offering more than required 800k.
  • Patrik - How do these timelines work with property taxes, which are due July 1st?
    • Ken - will have to make some inquiries
  • Patrik - ask for a community meeting
    • Shreya - definitely heard, and thats our goal and intention. Also while we are waiting
    • Pallavi - I hope people you are talking know CAST goals
    • Patrik - its more a confidence thing, have not met CAST before. Not so much exact logistics
    • Shreya - we want people to understand our role, limitations and superpowers
    • Pallavi - I feel like the members are not on the same page, they wouldn't be so adamant to meet you so that they can trust you. They are thinking you will be buying the building from us
    • Tyese - I think right now our goal is secure the building. Once building is secured we will go deeper into community engagement process, so that everyone associated with Omni, including periphery activators, are in the conversations to shape how you all move forward as a group.
  • Shreya - want to open up space for some broader Q&A. Questions, possibilities or thoughts.
  • Pallavi - question about timeline, in best case scenario that we get approval from the bank. between now, when are we expected to have those community meetings, and when in position to tell people what is going on.
    • Ken - I think the meetings should start right away. I think realistically we would encourage everyone to embrace idea that it'll take time to negotiate. Probably wont have open sourced security system, need things to kinda work, need to decentralize some of those systems. Going to start new. Still ask people to sign back up to be members, but to do so as individuals or orgs. We dont know if we secure a loan, what membership cost would be. We have some models, but until we get a loan, we dont know
    • Pallavi - on the topic on door systems. Phillip Bell wanted to set up a "unifi" system. Doesn't want to do it until he knows it will stay.
    • Ken - do what you need to do. Not in a position to do that.
  • Yar - what can we do to help you?
    • Ken - linked deposit program. If bank moves forward, might be some requests for people to do on site walk throughs
    • Ken - if questions come in lieu of next meeting, feel free to forward them. Also we can make the linked deposit program anonymous. Not dissimilar to Mulberry Trust.
  • Toan - what do you think of Omni Commons?
    • Shreya - I think the Omni's dope. Are you wanting just our gut response or something more specific?
    • Toan - people have different interpretations of what Omni is. It changes. I ask people this all the time and get different answers. Figured I would ask you
    • Ken - personal opinion, I think its strength is its fragility. Complex, organically constructed, emotionally held community, but because of that its messy, challenging to sustain. Family sometimes cant split food evenly, need space to sort that out. My objective opinion is you always have this challenge of governance without structure. Our goal is not to change the heartbeat, but give you guidance on how to strengthen thing. Not "do we like this program and not that one", not our role.
  • Patrik - questions on the LOI. I dont have the list on front of me.
  • Silver - should we be not offering any events past August?
  • Ken - you can have full use of the building until its sold. So that's most definitely past August
  • Silver - ok worst case scenario, past Aug 7, and not out, will our stuff be out then?
  • Ken - falls to the practice of the firm they hired
  • Patrik - how confidential should these meetings be? Right now we are taking notes, and plan to publish them. Can we do that?
  • Ken - big believer in sharing information. Generally helpful when people know more.
  • Toan - In one word, what I'm feeling right now is gratitude. Was in a car collision recently, made me think about things. Feeling grateful for a lot right now

delegates meeting 7pm

California Prison Focus

  • Anka brought in visitor from California Prison Focus, looking for ADA accessible room. Ticket booth? Small classroom? Acta Non Verba room?
  • need space store archives, conduct meetings,
  • PF - started with san quentin 6. pelican express, california prison focus. Various lawsuits, first org that fostered relationships with CDC, hepatitis HIV, bring rights for the incarcerated class. Right now we are struggling for space. We have primarily been existing through volunteers. In 2011 - 2013, strike organized. Creating a street agreement to end hostilities, multi approach.
  • John - whats your staff, your membership?
  • 5000 subscribers to our newspaper. Primarily we get volunteers, office managers, looking for volunteer coordinator. Like a co-op.
  • Patrik - how much space do you need?
  • PF - house and store our archives, conduct meetings, continue work we've been doing before our time. litigation, lot of reports. go inside and figure out the conditions of the incarcerated class, and report that, and to their legislators. Involved in voting rights, improving labor payment. Small org been existing since the early 80's.
  • PF - primarily we need office space. Do work in reentry, and affordable housing. Office space is one thing, but also need space to do our workshops. One of primary programs is the Radcliffe awards. Used their resources to support the homeless strike. Take prison art and put it on display. No one beyond redemption. We dont want violence in our community, created a parallel society.
  • John - delegates are in the process of working with CAST, to figure out how to keep this building and preserve for the future. Great work, and Im familiar with lawsuits coming out of California prisons, remember folks during Occupy being in support, I didnt realize Prison Focus has been here this long, very glad to hear there is an art piece to the work, if this goes through, that would be a piece that would be highlighted, arts and community
  • PF - I am artist, and I know a lot of grassroots and mainstream artists. Lean towards philanthropy. Lots of arts through social justice. Did a piece recently in SF in a theatre in bayview district. Did a whole piece on involuntary servitude.
  • Patrik - Also we want you to be aware the future is uncertain.
  • Patrik - are you interested in becoming a tenant or a collective
  • PF - people person, with you all
  • Toan - how urgent is your need?
  • PF - where i am at now, shutting building now, August coming up and we are doing a project. December we do the Radcliffe awards, want to do it big.
  • Patrik - ownership changing aug 7, so we can get you in before that, or can put in good word for you. Terms will change, do not know rent will be, but we would love to have you in the building given the work you are doing.
  • Silver - whats your budget?
  • PF - paying 4something a month now
  • Silver - I'm happy to send follow up on price points of the room
  • Patrik - we are aiming at $1/sq foot.
  • Patrik - can encourage them to start as tenant ASAP, and as tenant they can begin collective membership process?

sounds good to everyone

  • Anka - Omni classroom, ANV room, or Ticket booth
    • Patrik - but cant use Ticket booth when events?
    • Anka - yea they still can sometimes when events. Just sometimes a little loud
    • Silver - ANV room makes no sense, quiet area
  • Azadeh - should we vote on accepting them as tenants?
    • Patrik - lets wait next week when they get an application to us

Property Taxes

  • Christina suggests 1 or 2 volunteers to attend Assessor meetings
  • Paige - Last meeting, Pallavi and I were there. I would volunteer just because Ive been following this discussion for a while.
  • William - I would soft commit to attending, not available at all times. But do not know history of what is going on
  • Paige will email Christina
  • Silver - we should appeal to get larger exemption than 43%
  • Paige - would have to go back 10 years. issue they pointed out is proving ballroom not used for private events. would have to go through all events to sort
  • Silver - I want to be part of this actually. Willing to support documentation
  • Yar is willing to show up with meetings too, just not in the next week.
  • Paige and Silver will join the meeting, will have larger group available to talk with Christina about contesting the 43%
  • Paige will email Christina


  • Did Myan request funds back from Mulberry? Due back May and June
    • Patrik sent reminder on email chain. May need to go through Jesse, since he is our main communication channel with Mulberry.

Posting emergency / safety numbers

  • Azadeh - Safety number sheet. Propose that all the information gets sent to me, I can make a one page thing to post around. I think we talked about having a few different numbers.
  • Patrik - I think there should be 3 numbers: our number, fire/health, and mental health. Need to explain what our phone tree does, how it gets sent out to a group of volunteers
  • Paige - could also have on that sheet having no cops in space
  • Azadeh - yes, I will print it out
  • Patrik - found crisis resources page on our wiki - https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Crisis_Resources

Building bans

Removing card key access

  • Fire safety concerns, and repeated noise complaints. Given multiple warnings, that were dismissed.
    • Philip - we could just say no events going forwards, revisit topic next week.
    • Philip - for now I will just say no events going forwards based of the cease and desist letter.

CAST debrief

  • Should we put together a CAST followup doc?
  • John - recap: moderately confident they will get the funds, either through community bank or another lender. If not, still some options we can pursue. There is a federally backed account set up that individuals could contribute to, 1% return on investment, that would be loaned to Omni commons at 3%, better than our current interest rate. Its a 5year agreement, and donors could be anonymous. In any event, an all hands on deck event to raise funds. Their commitment is to save the building, stop foreclosure, keep community intact, if building is not foreclosed upon, and we are able to continue, they are willing to renegotiate, come to a broader engagement with the omni commons with how to think about reorganizing ourselves.
  • Patrik - sounded like they would have an answer from the bank in 2 weeks, but agreed we should do the community meetings with CAST before that time
  • Philip - should I be trying to reengage my funding options?
  • Philip - can someone give me the exact number?
    • $877,764.39 due to Mulberry, unknown $$ due to foreclosure closing costs, unknown $$ due in property taxes (still awaiting amount due with exemption)

unifi door access

  • Philip - gathering parts lists and quote for unifi, to slowly cover all of the doors. Would give app and key fob access. All self contained, not like Ring which has connection with the police. I've installed it at other community centers Ive consulted for. We are tight on money now, but can pay for it now given getting reimbursed. I think 500 or less just for door, after that hub made every next door would be 200. May be able to reuse existing lock mechanism on front door now. It does app access, or key access, or fob. Long term can add camera, and then can open door via camera. Figure we dont want to dive that far into investment now. Trying to select something CAST wouldn't need to replace.
  • William - does seem like money we could use on something else
  • Philip - thats why Im okay with fronting it, as long as paid back in 12 months
  • William - want to make sure people in my collective don't lose access
  • Philip - now collectives could be gathering a list of members who should be added, and sharing that with me. Can use existing key fobs.
  • Patrik - we have the info from current card holders?
  • Paige - has name, email, collective
  • Azadeh - can you send that list to collectives for them to do the pruning?
  • Paige - sure I can ask someone to do that
  • Paige - there's a need for a physical key lock on the door. Can we approve funds for that now and do that ASAP?
  • Philip - can add physical key along with this project, so I can front that cost too for a locksmith
  • Azadeh - any objections?


End of Meeting