Omni Commons has three stories (basement, ground floor, and second floor).
The total area of the building is approximately ~22,418 ft2 (square feet) (summed by floor, respectively: 4799.84375 + 12300.6875 + 5317.25
= 22417.78125), which is ~2083 m2 (square meters).
Detailed Drawings
Detailed drawings 1/11/96 by Rod Lamkey - Design Services. Lots of cool details and dimensions, but a bit hard to read in places.
Slightly cleaned up versions:
Annotated Floorplan
The following floorplan images have been annotated with corresponding names/numbers for the logical sections of the building. A composite "full" plan is provided, along with a file for each floor. The individual files should be sized to correspond to 1px = 1 inch.
This spreadsheet contains an estimate of the size and features of the spaces, based on name/number: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17DINigEczGwjfTdmdxl-MpYe1KJzJJDeCHRQnMC9usg/edit#gid=1418749855
Draft Initial Proposal
The following proposal is highly inaccurate, it's a first-stab gesture so we can drastically reshape and correct it.
You should be able to easily edit the "svg" version using Inkscape, available on every platform (Windows, Mac, Linux).
Draft Initial Proposal - NS
Another possible plan for space allocation
Draft Name Proposal
From Korl!