Event:2014/11/20 Weekly Delegate's Meeting
November 20th Delegates Meeting The meeting will begin promptly at 7pm and end at 9pm, unless consensed upon to go beyond 9pm
- Facilitators: Ian & Kevin
- explain hand signals: deaf applause, raised hand, point of process, direct response
- Stack: Kevin
- Timekeeper:
- Notes:
- URL of this pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/omninom
- Vibe Reader: Amy
- Next weeks facilitator(s):
- encourage someone who hasn't facilitated before. If they'd like support, someone who has facilitated join them to facilitate together! If they'd like to know how the agenda works here's a page outlining the different parts of our agenda https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Facilitating_General_Meetings_Tips_and_Info
- Delegates: Kathleen (CAMO), Stephen (BAPS), Liz (Optik Allusions)[not a voting member btw], David Brazil (La Commune), Chloe (Black Hole), Brendon (Sudo), Danny (PA), Cere (CCL),
- Quorum: Yes
- facilitators for next week: Brendan and Jenny
Name; affiliation; if you are new, one thing that brought you here.
- Sarah: On Sunday, OMNIdance is hosting a dance performance of our artist-in-residence from Sweden (Tuva), performing her solo in the Disco Room at 8pm on Sunday. Free morning shake sessions every morning this week from 10-11am - open to anyone.
- Joel: There's something weird going on with the electricity upstairs - possibly due to the fridges and microwave. We should talk to an electrician
- Cere: We should pull an extension cord from the spa/sauna area. Let's move the microwave.
- Cere: We should pull an extension cord from the spa/sauna area. Let's move the microwave.
- Stephen is organizing a book purge on Saturday - FREE GOURMET FOOD
- Max wants to offer community self-defense classes.
- La Commune is now open and having shifts!
- Documentary screening this Saturday evening at Omni: State vs. Reed - Campaign to End the Death Penalty - please come in show of solidarity this weekend!
Working group report backs, 0-5 mins each (max 40 mins)
Reports consist of answering 3 questions:
- What did you accomplish this week? - what problems or action items do you need to bring to our attention? - When is your next meeting?
How We Organize
OMP are concerned with entering into a more formal arrangement with Omni and want a contract to assuage concerns
global calendar is live! and it's not yet the booking system, fyi
- we have around $13K
- we've received two grants!
- $5K from Left Tild
- $10K from ________
- see email to the discuss list today
- the 29th (12pm activities, on) and Sunday Nov 30th (brunch on) are a party and an open house, respectively
- all groups should have some representation on the 30th
- sudo took out trash
- baps swept the basement
- work party this saturday, 11-1, to pull the books from the basement. please come and help!
Please provide the following information with your proposal: the date the proposal was put on the pad; the group or person making the proposal; who will be speaking to the proposal at the meeting; where the full text or other information about the proposal can be found if it's not all here.
11-19-14 Booking WG Proposal (Stephen)
- Currently, the Booking WG is responsibile for processing all Ballroom and other rooms rental and use requests and bottom-lining such events. This makes up a significant portion of money we use to pay rent. It's also the group responsible for facilitating several of the awesome events you all have seen taking place in the Ballroom and elsewhere over the last couple months. However, as we, the OOC, grow, we're receiving more and more requests to use and rent the Ballroom and other rooms by outside groups and it's just too much for our current handful of participants to take on. Furthermore, a lot of the work we're taking on is simply communicating with other groups to connect people to relevant bottom-liners, etc. In other words, we're doing work that could be disseminated more effectively.
- We propose that every member-collective of the OOC must occupy the Booking WG's with one active participant. This participant will be responsible for learing how to bottom-line Ballroom events, learning how to co-ordinate with outside groups for use of the ballroom (including discussing rental prices, signing contracts and so on) as well as taking on the relevant communication between the Booking WG and the member-collective for which they are apart in order to reduce the unnecessary communcative work we're currently taking on. Right now the Booking WG doesn't meet in person, but exists primarily through e-mail. However, the Commons wg is informally related to the Bookings wg, insomuchas it duscusses issues related to use of Common space/renting and providing space, etc. It'd be fine and totally great if this person from each member-collective changed often, because one of the initatives of this proposal is to recognize that we must make this knowledge common so that more people understand the process for using/renting the space. In other words, we want to spread commoning knowledge! We're beginning to receive multiple space use/rental requests a day and many of these requests are opportunities for us to bring in rent or build solidarity or strong relationships with our community that will be extremely important in the future.
- To join the Booking wg go to https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/booking
- The next Commons wg (which discusses matters relevant to the Booking wg) will meet this Saturday at 10am in the Omni and meets every other Saturday at 1pm/10am.
- Unanimous consensus. Passes.
11-19-14 Proposal from Finances WG
- Amanda Amgo will take over from Niki as the Omni's CFO. The finances working group will work closely with Amgo and will check in with Amgo after 6 months to see if she wants to continue as CFO.
- Amgo will be added to the Omni's bank account and will be responsible for paying Omni's bills and maintaining an overall picture of the Omni's financial health.
- ^ Jonathan Montoya volunteers to be the particpant for le Sudoroom (lonlazarus@gmail.com)*****
- Jen Angel has also volunteered to help us out with some of the longer-term projections, has lots of experience in bookkeeping
- Unanimous consensus. Passes.
11-19-14 Proposal for Rise Above to use upstairs water lines/drains in old laundry room for washout booth. (Gabriela)
We would like to put our washout booth (3'x3') as well as power washer and supply cabinet in the upstairs laundry room to wash screens and other printing tools. Since it is already plumbed the hook up should be very easy. If at some point Omni decides to install a washer dryer in there, there will be enough room for that to be next to our set up. It will not block access to the shower.
- Sudo concerned about the nature of the agreement. Friendly amendment: That this be a temporary situation?
- Brendan will talk with her.
- 9 consense, 1 stand-aside
- ^_^
11-19-14 Optik Allusions' Proposal for tenancy
- Sarah Bierman & Liz Ray from Optik Allusions will be here to discuss the proposal.
- Text of the proposal:
- Mission Statement: Optik Allusions aims to empower people that are otherwise discriminated against - people of color, women, queers, differently abled, and mentally diverse folks - to utilize the overarching medium of the moving image and create films that provoke and challenge the dominant culture. By pooling our physical and mental resources, we make films in a spirit of collaboration and solidarity, supply a lending library of film equipment for creative projects, offer free, at cost or donation based classes, and host film screenings.
- Origin and group history: Optik Allusions had its first meeting on 07/09/14, as a group of interested artists affiliated with various collectives within OMNI. So far, we have collaborated on a 2 minute grant application for the OMNI, as well as producing, filming and editing the Omni’s fundraising video. We’ve started receiving donations of film equipment, we host weekly film screenings that foster community within the Omni, and one of our members is working with a developper on a collaborative editing tool, with the intent of creating ways in which storytelling can become collaborative and participative: http://sudo.teleputer.org:8558
- Participation in the Omni: Currently, OpAl is not seeking membership but tenancy, with the possibility of applying for membership in the future. Our members are already involved in the Omni community and now we are joining forces to contribute to Omni’s mission of making the means of cultural production a common resource. In order to accomplish our goal, we need a secure room for an editing suite and to store our equipment library.
- Group finances and paying rent: OpAl will be financed by the personal contributions of its members. We have a recommended monthly membership fee of $20, and people are free to pay more if they can, or less if they can’t (in exchange for volunteer hours). As of now, since only seven members of our budding collective can commit to paying 20$ a month, the rent we could reasonnably offer amounts to 140$. As our membership grows, we hope to be able to re-assess this amount.
- Dedicated space: We would like to rent the room labeled as “Muses” on the floor plan [1], above and to the left of the stage (when viewed from the ballroom area). “Muses” is 89’ square on the main floor, with a lofted space that is 43’ square, for a total of 132’ square. We will turn it into a soundproofed editing suite where we can work in quietude and darkness, and we will need to secure the room with locks to protect our equipment.
- Other contributions to the Omni: Best case scenario is that our fundraiser video helps Omni raise two million dollars! Other scenarios include more fundraiser videos, and promotional pieces for collectives within Omni to boost their visibility and membership. We can also provide technical help and equipment for any film and video related projects. Such services include setting up projectors and sound systems for screenings or presentations, setting up lights for staged events, filming events, and editing the footage to accommodate the needs of the group who requested it.
- Scott suggests collaborating with Media Arts proposed tenancy
- Sudo excited about changing the culture of that space for something productive and useful, formalizing whatever arrangement works.
- Concerned about stewardship of the balcony
- Need to follow up on insurance requirement, so proposal is postponed til December.
- 11-20-14 OMNI MEDIA ARTS Proposal for Tenancy
- Through many thriving years, the Omni has been a community landmark as well as a hub for local and global artist, there were fitness and social areas, not to mention functional passage ways and rooms to insure the function and fluid in the business along with it's We, UNIT 1, propose to create the OMNI Media component, which includes documenting and broadcasting events, producing commercials and ads bringing awareness of happenings, providing a platform for Artist, Engineers, Techs and All, have a place to share their voice about their project. OMA will make sure that each collective has a continuous advertisement and is updated if need. Also, as we'r all helping resoil or rather revitalize the Omni soil, we OMA will go into the community to gather the stories and historical facts on the surrounding community and create a documentary that we will then share and show it to the UNIT1 is also, proposing to help the OMNIPOT with $100$200 per month to rent out the upstairs office next to the stage crows nest. If we are to hold space for Media Art, that would be the best space being next to the stage and a structure is already set up. We are willing to write up a log also, so the space and media equipment can be use cohesively.
- Below is the break down of the plan of action, thank you for reading.
- Office/ Media room : $100-$200 per month
- Equipment: Computer Camera Tripod Lighting Mics
New proposal?
- WE already have a $500 weekly-limited discretionary fund for emergencies: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Event:2014/07/31_Weekly_Delegates_Meeting#Proposal:_EMERGENCY_.2F_DISCRETIONARY_FUND
- Can we improve and clarify such a discretionary fund? (Ask for feedback from Finance Working Group, thanks!)
- e.g. Set new limit(s) for discretionary funding (petty cash)?
- Who put this on the pad? Since the intention of this proposal wasn't clear, we will discuss this next week.
Breakout discussion
I would like to finish up the discussion we started a couple of meetings back about how to handle being open to the public. It was a very productive and useful discussion but we ran out of time. I would facilitate and it would take another 20 minutes if we are efficient. Is this something people would like to do? Let me know! Laura T DZ reads the La Commune 'Preparing to be Open' proposal:
- Ground Rules
- Expulsion
[Include photos of the lists Laura made]
- Important that individual collectives policies be reconciled in the proposal
- Should be as simple and clear as possible without leaving anything essential out
- David DZ, Jenny, Amy, you? working on the new proposal
- Volunteer / HelpDesk solution: Jenny and Brendan on tech support, Danny and Sarah on organizing
20 minute breakout discussion ideas
- OMNI Finances - How can move toward more transparency about how much the Omni costs? And more comfort talking about money within the Omni and its members
- TOPIC: kindness, forgiveness, self care, debt and jubilee
- TOPIC: friendships, relationships, and organizing
- TOPIC: What is your 50 year vision for The Omni? The year is 2064: What is the Omni? Who/What makes up its membership? How has it changed Oakland and the rest of the world?