Delegates Meeting Notes Template
Weekly Omni Delegates' Meeting - %%DATE%%
The meeting begins promptly at 7pm, every Thursday, and ends promptly at 9pm, unless delegates agree to continuation. Contents:
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Working Group Report-Backs
- Proposals
- Discussions
- Action Items
- Tabled
- Optional Breakout Session
- = Attendees =
- Facilitator/s:
- Introduction to the Omni Commons & our values:
- Explanation of hand signals:
- "deaf applause", "raised hand", "point of process", "direct response", "time's up", "stop and reflect", "kermit" (wildcard), etc.
- Stacktaker:
- Explanation of progressive stack: Raise your hand and make eye contact with the stack taker. Please wait your turn, and try not to interupt or speak over others. Direct responses are allowed only as Points Of Information/ Clarifications, etc (use hand signal). For everything else, please raise your hand and wait your turn.
- Timekeeper:
- Reminder to keep comments brief.
- Notetaker/s:
- URL of this pad:
- Important Note for the Pad:
- Please do not move or delete meeting notes from the pad, unless you have archived them properly. Always leave the most recent meeting's notes, and the template at the bottom. !! Thank you.
- Vibe Reader:
- Reminder to stay calm, be respectful, and think before speaking.
- Next weeks facilitator(s):
- Encourage someone who hasn't facilitated before. If they'd like support, someone who has facilitated before can join them to facilitate together! If they'd like to know how the agenda works, here's a page outlining the different parts of our agenda:
- == Delegates ==
- Black Hole:
- CCL:
- FNB:
- La Commune:
- MPM:
- Sudo Room:
- TIL:
- Phat Beets:
- OptikAllusions:
- Quorum:
- == Introductions ==
Please be brief! Introduce yourself: Name; Prefered Pronoun; Affiliation; If you are new, what is one thing that brought you here?
- Optional Ice-breaker:
- = Announcements =
Any Omni-related announcements. Please be brief! Maximum 1 (one) minute per announcement. Reminder: Working Groups reports are after this, please save W.G. announcements for later.
Announcement of recent bans.
- Pigeon asked to leave on Tuesday 05/11 by Niki following re-engagement with another community member she had previously undergone conflict resolution.
- = Working Group Report-Backs =
Please be breif! Maximum 5 (five) minutes per W.G. WGRBs are Alphabetical; All W.G.s are equally important. Report-backs consist of answering 3 (three) questions:
- What did you accomplish this week?
- What problems or action items are you currently working on?
- What do you need to bring to our attention and/or need help with?
Building, permits, and Facilities
This group needs help; Ballroom-readiness needs and plans:
Challenging Domniant Culture (CDC)
Meetings:Sundays at 12pm
Meetings: Saturdays at 1pm
Communications / SysAdmins
Meetings: nope :)
Meetings: Every other Thursday at 7pm
Meetings: Mondays at 6:30pm
Meetings: Thursdays at 6pm
Please provide the following information with your proposal:
- The date the proposal was put on the pad;
- The group or person making/bottom-lining the proposal;
- Who will be speaking to the proposal at the meeting;
- Where the full text or other information about the proposal can be found, if it's not all here.
Meeting-wide discussion of issues, concerns, ideas, etc.
Action Items
For Next Week
Any Proposals or Discussions which were tabled for lack of time, etc.
Optional Breakout Discussion
This Week's Topic
Ideas for Breakout Discussions
End of Meeting
- please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents onto the omni wiki
- then please erase the contents of this pad
- then please cut & paste a blank template from here: