Event:2016/09/15 Delegates Meeting
Weekly Omni Delegates' Meeting - 15 September 2016 7pm-9pm
- Introductions, Meeting Roles, and Delegates Count [10 minutes]
- Announcements [10 minutes]
- Bans [10 minutes]
- Working Group Report-Backs [15 minuntes]
- Proposal Birdhouse withdrawing as a member collective: [10 minutes]
- Proposal: Treatment Room as Omni Office: [15 minutes]
- Discussion: Consensus is a Process. [10 minutes]
Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Affiliation
- Jenny - S
- Rachel
- Mary Ann
- Jose
- Tatille
- MArcus
- Ken
- Emji
- JOel
- Julian
- Lynn
- Laura
- Joe - remote
- Liz - remote
Meeting Roles
- Facilitator/s: Dragon & Jenny
- Explanation of hand signals: "deaf applause", "raised hand", "point of process", "direct response"(wildcard), etc.
- Stacktaker: Joel
- Timekeeper: Tatille
- Notetaker/s: Laura, Jenny
- URL of this pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/omninom
- Vibe Reader: Marcus
- Next meeting's facilitator(s): Jose
- ABDC: Tatille
- BAPS: Julian
- BH: inactive
- CCL: Ken
- CSC: Jos
- FNB: joe remote
- GWS: Rachael
- LL: Liz remote
- Sudo: Jenny
- TIL: Emji/Joel
- YES: N/A
- Quorum: Yes (8/9 active)
- Rachel - Haiti Action doing a Int'l call to action on Sept 30th - 25th anniversary of the US-backed military coup that overthrew the Lavalas government of democratically elected President Aristide on Sept. 30, 1991, actions in many cities, including Oakland.
- Emji - We got a proposal passed to share the haunted closet for storage, but it's not going to work out. Jenny suggests under the stairs in SUDO but it needs to be de-ratted and secured. Ken - Patrick is patching holes
- Laura: Last wknd there was a Turf Dance battle here (TurfINC) - they are considering becoming an Omni member collective or tenant and stewarding the Disco Room for classses / rehearsals and having their dance battles in the ballroom every 2-3 months.
- Joe: Sat 9/17 - 5th Anniv. OCCUPY SF and Wall Street. Open Mic SF 12-3 Sue Bierman Park SF
- Add to list of people asked to leave
Working Group Report-Backs
Building & permits
Meetings: Not currently. Wanna facilitate them?
- This group needs help; https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/building
- The upstairs kitchen area has been very active. we need a clean up day.
- Ken may organize a kitchen cleanup day some time in October after CCL electrical work is done.
- Joe will finish entrance Hall wall as soon as it is accessible.
Meetings: Second and Fourth Thursdays at 7pm
- This group needs help:
- Lynn - requests semm to be up.
- Jenny - maybe we should add a field asking where people heard about the OMni
This group doesn't actually exist.
- Who wants to facilitate actual in-person meetings?
- September newsletter is out. Please share: http://us9.campaign-archive1.com/?u=7b3df74e35ed3cfc94d1f7fcd&id=24890862a1
- Thank you Jenny for doing the newsletter.
Meetings: Currently conjoined with Fundraising (Mondays at 6pm)
- Will Omni Make It Next Month: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PU2CZbjRDOccfu9drVvU52xYbLl640ahbPornJkTqAs/edit#gid=0
- A: No, unless we procure another friendly loan for at least $6K (two in the works).
- Jenny - Marc is working on a large friendly loan from another hacker space
- Jose finishing reconciling our checking acct, then working on the balance sheet
- Jenny made an itemized projected budget for 2017: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18a_YAMJnqTy_wUifSF9asvZpZXz2puen5e8iJPrtRUs/edit#gid=0 <- doesn't seem to be a shareable link, it requires requesting access. Or was that intentional?
- Brokerage account application went in.
Fundraising/Buy the Building
Meetings: Mondays at 6:00pm
- Will Omni Buy the Building Next Month?
- A: Possibly. It's complicated.
- We need to finance a $4500 appraisal, only two responses thus far.
- A: Possibly. It's complicated.
- Member collectives and other groups associated with Omni should apply for an Oaklandish Indie Award. Grace will be coordinating people to nominate groups and help fill out the very simple nominating form. This is a low effort/higher liklyhood of success than most grant applications: http://oaklandish.com/oakblog/tag/oakland-indie-awards/
- Another grant possiblity for collectives is the Alternative Exposure Grant, deadline 9/22. grants of up to $5,000—to foster the development and presentation of artist-led projects and programs that are direct, accessible, and open to the public. Funded activities may include a new exhibition or exhibition series, the ongoing work of an arts venue or collective, a public art project, a one-time event or performance, publications directly related to the visual arts, an online project, an artist residency, a series of film screenings, and more.
Proposal: Birdhouse Proposal to withdraw as a collective
To the Omni Community,
The members of Birdhouse Art Collective would like to thank everyone at the Omni for supporting us as members of this community. Unfortunately, due to a lack of financial and time resources, we are unable to fulfill our obligations to the Omni going forward and wish to formally withdraw as a collective. We are able to pay rent, expenses, and insurance through September 30th.
Birdhouse Art Collective
Seems like less of a proposal and more of an announcement, not sure what there would be to discuss for 10 mins (as scheduled) -Liz
Proposal: Treatment Room as Omni Office
- Submitted by Jenny originally on Sep. 1st, again on Sep 12th.
- Full proposal with mockups: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hUkRLgY1Wpv7PkqwnzX5NvVgKSOZictp0ESZZwCecoc/edit
- The Omni needs an office of its own. As we take on increasingly complex accounting, bureaucratic, and fundraising endeavors, we will need:
- 1. Space to securely store paperwork for both sharing with relevant working groups as well as likely future audits,
- 2. Fully-equipped and comfortable space to meet with potential grantors and city officials,
- 3. Quiet and readily-available space to work on tasks such as accounting, grantwriting, permit applications, etc;
The current TIL / CSC / GWS office, suggested at an earlier meeting, is too crowded to store and secure all that Omni needs in an office (determined after a meeting with relevant space-users present). The former Liberated Lens room, also suggested earlier, is too dark, stuffy, and small of a space to conduct the aforementioned activities.
- The upstairs Treatment Room, adjacent to the TIL / CSC / GWS office, is an ideal space for a locked Omni-centric office space. Said space would still be available to rent for small meetups (as well the TIL/CSC/GWS office), but would by and large be the principal domain of Omni-related work.
Available resources:
- Fully-functioning and maintained printer/scanner/copier and necessary supplies
- Organized filing cabinets with all necessary Omni dox
- Large-screen monitor for collaborating / sharing documents / spreadsheets / presentations
- Central office phone and conferencing equipment (VOIP)
- Well-maintained and comfortable furniture for hosting meetings with funders, city officials, etc;
- Minifridge and coffee-maker for grantwriting and bureaucracy-crunching hackathon
- Basic office supplies and postage materials
Stored documents would include:
- Bank and utilities statements
- City documents (permits, zoning clearances, business tax licenses, etc)
- Insurance documents for all collectives
- Previous and soon-to-be-submitted grant applications
- Sublease and fiscal sponsorship agreements
- Purchase receipts and check copies
- All nonprofit documents, eg; copies of our 1023 (501c3) application, 3500 app, CT-1, etc
- Information on fiscally-sponsored projects (financial statements, etc)
- Reference documentation on nonprofit law, IRS stipulations, etc
- Keys to the space would be distributed on an as-needed basis, principally to trusted members of working groups who need access to workspace, office supplies, and documents. There would be an additional key added to the master keyring in the secure storage room for Commons WG volunteers. This proposal is being submitted by Jenny, who would like initially create keys for members of the finance and fundraising working group members.
Donations Appreciated:
- Office supplies such as paperclips, tacks, printer paper, folders, highlighters, pens, etc;
- Large-screen, high-res monitor and wireless mouse & keyboard
- Filing cabinets (2x of equal height)
- Coffee tables (see mockup)
- Lighting (bulbs, focused lamps, warm offset)
- Shelving (for reference books, binders, etc;)
- Liz: LL didn't discuss this so we would have to abstain, but personally I think it's a good idea and it sounds very necessary for all the office work that this project requires. Makes sense to have an office...
- Emji - we discussed this and there isn't enough room inn TIL. We are already looking of more storage. IT seems like a good idea to have a space for secure storage for files and a a place for work to happen in this new phase of Omni's life. There should be a quiet and potentially private space to discuss finacnial matters. It's also rarely used. It is a super underutilized space. This seems like a good proposal for the use of this psace as omni grows.
- Joel - I know there is a concerna bout increasing the amount of reserved space in the OMni, but thhis seems like an essentiial need to continue work that is vital for the space. Im surprised this proposal hasnot been made earlier.
- Almaz -I support the proposla from what I heard last week.
- Laura - are we ready to consense on this since there are no concerns?
- Consensus: Rachel, Jose, Almaz, Tatille, Ken, Julian
- Abstaining: LL, SUDO
- Passes
Proposal: ABDC Wash out sink
- Discussion at last meeting seeking approval of having a washout sink in the bar area of the ballroom.
- Discussed last meeting
- Tatille presents a diagram and reiterates the proposal.
- MArcus - are we going to be washing out right there or rolling it to another place with a hose?
- Tatille - washing out wil happen right behind the bar.
- Marcus -we are discussing a way to recycle the water we use for washout and then dumping it after use.
- Consensus: Rachel, Almaz, Jose, Ken, Tatille, Julian, Jose
- Abstain: SUDO, LL
- Passes
Discussion of Process around Marcus' Co-Working Proposal
There was a lot of confusion around the process by which the proposal was blocked at the last meeting.
- Presented as a 6-month project to test out how it would function, identify active participants who would want to steer it toward a collective / nonprofit form.
- Proposed to be the site manager and receive a stipend - there seemed to be some contention about that (though would be onsite daily and cleaning / stewarding the space)
- First proposed it in the middle of May, went through several iterations based on feedback from collective members after checking in with several folks who had issues in person (eg Ken, BAPs folks)
- After finally meeting with BAPs, felt more discouraged and also time was running out before he'd have to find a job
- Feedback was constructive and helpful, eg sense of collectivity (though had originally said this was a 6-month startup phase until collective would coalesce)
- Had spoken with Joe (FNB) early on, originally seemed cool with it... more recent apprehension was completely unexpected
- joe:20:13 Helen told me that she has discussed it with FNB people and they were against it. When she, Robb and myself broke out Robb added that it was not a collective and would be very hard to get the sace back once established.I asked her if this meant we would block and she said yes.
- Helen and Joe had asked about the named of potential tenants, had some names but no established relationships
- kind of a chicken and egg problem without concurrence to start the project
- had made contact with several folks seeking affordable coworking space on the SF Chalkboard list
- gamma:20:21 it's a shame the stipend was a point of contention, personally I'd like to see everyone getting compensated for their work in the Omni whenever possible
- jenny:20:21 +1
- gamma:20:21 that's why I advocate for AV techs getting paid for their time
- gamma:20:23 no other groups have seriously taken an interest in that whole basement space for quite some time, too
- Joe: I think Helen would agree that FNB's process es[ecially at the last meeting was flawed in ways. In light of that I would consider resubmitting a slightly altered proposal and FNB would be fastitious in its consideration.
- Laura: I was frustrated as I know nothing will happen to improve the basement space and it will continue being unused and unmaintained
- Ken: Up to people who have issues with the proposal to step forward and provide their expertise to make it more compatible with Omni's vision/values.... everyone who's objected to the proposal seems to have not read it very thoroughly
- Mary Ann: Very confused... it was blocked, then unblocked, then after I'd left it was blocked again
- Lynn: Seems to me the people who had objections weren't very forthcoming about their discussion earlier when it could have been discussed... had they been, could have had the kind of dialogue marcus had with ken
- gamma:20:26 Can anyone summarize the underlying concerns for blocking? 1. the space might be hard to get back once the group gets established, 2. people find it unfair that marcus would get paid? is that it? 3. it's not starting out as a collective but what's the deeper concern here? it seems to me like it hasn't been named
- gamma:20:27 we can work with people's real concerns, rather than haggle over hardline positions and personal preferences
- gamma:20:27 all other discussion seems unnecessary to me
What went well?
- Jenny: Proposal was very clear and thorough
- Lynn: Area got cleaned out! *claps*
- Marcus: Good dialogue with Ken
- Ken: Everything Marcus did
- Dragon: Ideally if someone has objections, or a group does, you talk it out outside the meeting and work it out
What didn't work?
- Laura: Objections didn't get raised soon enough (well, some did)
- Marcus: People weren't reading the proposals, just hearing about them secondhand and then making decisions off of it... collectives shouldn't be able to cast a vote if they haven't understood the proposal
- Dragon: Didn't like the way the last meeting went... sidebar convo in the middle of the discussion was kind of rude... everyone should be able to hear and discuss it
- Rachel: How to enforce everybody read the proposal?
- Emji: In the past, if you haven't read the proposal your collective would abstain
- Laura: Job of the delegate to thoroughly read the proposal and convey it in full even if not every collective member has read it
How could it work better next time?
- Ken: Probably person making the proposal should go to every collective's meeting after proposing it and find out what their objections are, talk to them, etc;
- Joe; Block should be discussed with collective to be modified and/or understood. It needs to be a very strong ideological or moral grounds for blocking.
- Liz: Online decision-making platform! I propose Loomio (loomio.com)
- Ken: Important proposal since we're so financially strapped... Facilitator should prep the meeting by reminding people to prepare themselves
- Dragon: Delegates need to make sure to give thorough reportbacks of the meeting to their collective... ask collectives to be more involved... blocking 3 months down the line shouldn't happen
- Julian: Can't recall if there's a succinct summary... perhaps could summarize all of the essential elements in a page
- lots of concurrence**
- Marcus: Since I haven't been able to go out and job hunt these past two weeks, I'll give it another 2 weeks... have another version of the proposal that addresses FNBs concerns
- gamma:20:44 benefits of a platform: all proposals collected in one place, each collective has a communal account (not personal accounts for members), they log in during their general meeting and discuss whatever new proposals are there. They can also vote yay/nay/abstain, make amendments and counter-proposals
- gamma:20:50 dawww, no comments on the loomio platform?? c'mon guys, I think it could be really helpful! has anyone even looked at it yet? geez, I sound like their biggest fangirl
- Lynn, more emails, not simultaneous
- JUlian - peole wont use
- Jenny - I've tried to get people to use other platforms but people just wont log in and use them.
- can we arrange a trial run at least? And make sure every group tries it for the trial run? it doesn't have to be loomio but I think they're pretty user-friendly. WELL SORRY this doesn't have to do with Marcus' proposal and the process it went through, perhaps I'll save this for another conversation. But I think it would have helped. It's already 8:55pm
- you can bring more specific information about these kinds of platoforms and Loomio to a meeting and so people will have a clearer idea what it involves if you want, gamma.
- yeah, maybe I'll go around to everybody's meetings. It's easier to start with smaller dialogues and build up to the delegate meeting
- Joe: Happy Equinox