Event:2024/03/14 Delegates
Omni Delegates' Meeting - 14 March 2024 7pm-9pm
Meeting Details
- Talk at https://omnicommons.org/meet or 515-428-1108 (PIN: 465814905)
- Type at https://omnicommons.org/notes
- Send proposals to consensus@lists.omnicommons.org prior to the meeting
- Facilitator/s: Patrik
- Stacktaker:
- Timekeeper:
- Notetaker/s: Marc
- Next meeting's facilitator(s):
- CCL: Patrik
- FNB: Toan
- LL:
- SMAC: Ruby
- SM: juul
- SR: Alex
- DG:
- Quorum (2/3 of active groups):
BRIEF INTROS MAY INCLUDE: name, pronouns, groups you're in, land you're on, if you're a delegate, unmet access needs, meeting roles you'd like to help with, discussion topics or proposals to add to agenda, announcements/updates/report-backs from your groups, safe space issues or updates PROMPT people to share contact info in the chat, so we can stay in touch
Property Tax
- Jake, over email: Alameda County Secured Taxes bill for $19,709.70 due on February 1st which has already passed. We can pay without penalty until April 10th, after which a 10% penalty will be applied which is another $1971
- Currently waiting to hear back from County assessor on welfare exemption. Meanwhile, we have to pay any new taxes until matter has been resolved.
- Alex: ballpark figure how much CLP boycott has affected events?
- Philip: can look at people who canceled or did not respond
- Patrik: need to ask to prepay collectives rent by April 1st
- Patrik can send the email
Media Lab update
- Submitted Stop Waste grant
- Agreed to keep stairs to Sudo accessible, and tape off floor to ballroom stairs
Soap dispensers
- Events group requests soap dispensers - soap keeps disappearing. East Bay Rest Supply $15 each x 6, about $100 plus install
- Also need to start ordering liquid soap
Board Resolution to close bank accounts at other banks
- Sarah: Omni has about $4k in two accounts at Beneficial (one that Jenny & Laura established as part of the earliest efforts at refinancing in 2019-ish; and one is the NOMA account - the balance of which is the rent NOMA owed Omni for basement storage).
If an officer of Omni were to take this signed Board resolution to Beneficial Bank, and present ID, the bank would close the account and give the Omni officer a check made out to Omni that could then be deposited into Unify, and these funds could be used to pay Omni's property taxes that are due next month. This is based on a conversation I had last year with a bank rep at Beneficial about this. The key things are: 1. board resolution agreed to w/signature of Secretary or other Board member (e.g. Alex or Patrik could sign) 2. in person visit from Omni officer currently listed with Sec of State (Jake, Imma, or Jacqi) who has photo ID
- there is also the account at Self Help CU that has about $1900 in it -- this process would most likely work with that account as well.
- Official vote on closing these accounts and transferring the money to current Omni bank account:
YES: Alex/Sudo, Toan/FNB, Ruby/Media Lab, Patrik/CCL, juul/SM
Official officers are currently:
- Jake
- Imma
- Jackie (sp?)
Reply to CLP boycott
- We looked at some language to reply to boycott inquiries. Events team can decide what language to use.
Social media accounts
- Is Silver currently only one with access?
- Marc: make sure recovery email / phone not tied to a single person. Yar may be able to help set up a recovery mechanism under Omni control
End of Meeting
- please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents onto the omni wiki at https://omnicommons.org/wiki
- then please erase the contents of this pad
- then please cut & paste a blank template from here: https://omnicommons.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Delegates_Meeting_Notes_Template&action=edit
- previous notes are archived here: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Meetings