Delegates Meeting Notes Template

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Omni Delegates' Meeting - 6 June 2024 7pm-9pm Foreclosure deadline is August 7 - 8 weeks from now!

Meeting Details


  • Facilitator/s: Patrik
  • Stacktaker:
  • Timekeeper:
  • Notetaker/s: Paige
  • Next meeting's facilitator(s):


  • CCL: Patrik
  • FNB: Toan
  • LL: Inactive
  • SMAC: Azadeh
  • SM:
  • SR: William
  • DG:
  • Quorum (2/3 of active groups): 4/6 - yes!


BRIEF INTROS MAY INCLUDE: name, pronouns, groups you're in, land you're on, if you're a delegate, unmet access needs, meeting roles you'd like to help with, discussion topics or proposals to add to agenda, announcements/updates/report-backs from your groups, safe space issues or updates PROMPT people to share contact info in the chat, so we can stay in touch

Check for mail for Omni

Who volunteers to go check if there's mail for Omni right now? This agenda item is part of the meeting notes template.

Property Tax letter

  • Received "Notice of impending tax collector's power to sell" - need to pay $288,396.95 by July 1st.
    • Patrik: How does this square with the 43% offer letter we received earlier? Is this because we did not respond to that letter? Need to loop CAST in on all of this!
      • Paige - did we receive a letter saying that? I dont remember seeing that.
  • Christina in April quoted, 30 day window begins once 43% granted. May take 60-90 days. Not sure if the bill we just received is that. Doesnt look like this. Christina did ask us to think about whether or not we pay the 43%.
    • Paige - we will need to pay the bill, then decide whether or not accept the 43% to my understanding. But not clear when we need to pay, because they havent told us what the adjusted amount is yet.
    • Patrik emailing Christina a scan of the mail we received.

CAST todos

  • Patrik: What is our drop-dead deadline for foreclosure? We're talking just weeks now, right?
    • Paige: August 7 - 8 weeks from now
      • Added to meeting notes template!
  • Paige todo will email about SOP being done, and will ask SL to share what financial info was shared so far so we can add to it if need be

City of oakland temescal/telegraph business improvement district ballot

  • will be scanned and shared
  • Patrik: this is just an up or down vote, no line item choices. If the majority of ballots opposes the BID annual assessment ($3750.08 for Omni), then the BID does not happen this year. We could just abstain (not fill out the ballot), in which case the BID likely will continue to happen, as it has since 2015.
  • not high priority

Safety call number

  • Paige - nice to add more to sign
  • William - also thinking of adding an anonymous QR code they can send to.
  • Azadeh - Oakland non emergency number
  • front door has the Oakland fire department direct line to bypass 911
    • (510) 444 1616

conflict resolution

  • Paige - ask about email from M to J.
  • Toan - talked to J. about this recently. I then messaged M. directly mentioning that I am addressing the concern. Asked for more context and details so we can better process this. No response yet from M. Is M. still part of any groups at Omni?
  • Patrik - need a team of people to deal with this. This is group Phillip was trying to get volunteers for
    • Azadeh - a remediation crew?
    • Patrik - yes what William set up is rapid response. But also need a team to follow up on repeated behaviors. Not usually the immediate response team
    • Azadeh - do you think this is resolved Toan?
    • Toan - I think good to support J, J. is really down about this last email. I think good to get some clarity from M. Good to get more details
    • Paige - I can follow up with Yar?
  • Azadeh - also what happened last week on Slack, no remediation.
  • William - I talked to J. about. Suggest sending a letter saying not to say certain things.
  • Toan - yes personally, letter sounds good. Not to tolerate some behavior. Has ripple effects, like to Azadeh. Do you have a willingness to meet? Gives chance for an apology. Could invite other volunteers as a witness
  • Azadeh - dont mind letter proposal. Not an allowance we have given to everybody.
  • William - I dont know the current standard, havent seen anyone else been censured here?
  • Azadeh - wouldnt block this as a next step.
  • Patrik - has been asks before, to different people to censure, i.e. ask not to join delegates meetings. Also when vote from Jamal, I originally voted in favor. In retrospect, do think that vote was rushed. I voted not because I thought J. was racist, but because of a behavior issue, unwillingness to step back and regulate. I dont know if that warrants getting banned from the Omni, but requires some sort of action on our behalf
  • William - I dont have a history of complaints, but okay to now say something. Rather give warning so not so up in the air on this past history.
  • Azadeh - makes me uncomfortable if we have prior history.
  • Toan - a lot triggers them, making uncomfortable for the whole space
  • Azadeh - seems like Y. doesnt want this to continue, stepped up into crossfire. Close to home because they all care.
  • Toan - dont think sustainable if they just avoid each other

  • Azadeh - someone offered laser cutter to SR. J said we can only have one? Diverted something that couldve been for SMAC. Interrupted conversation, then donor was not comfortable.
  • Patrik - are technical reasons not to have in basement, ventilation. Was that in discussion? Probably some creative discussion.
  • Azadeh - CC proposed some solutions but after the fact.

Events update

  • Phillip - informed event renter that no smoking or loudness kept on, cant use ballroom. Silver reported quiter
    • Summer camp kids, going to use the Den to start. Talked about wanting to get us in touch with schools that want to run their end of semester events.
    • Games store came and checked out the disco room and other rooms.
    • Tonight is nonprofit record release performing party. hired security that Pallavi put us in contact with.
    • Caught up with all requests on forms, but seems like there are different emails people reach out to, havent gone through. Asking Yar for permissions to those
  • Azadeh - I met with Its your Move earlier in the week. Person gave a bunch of feedback about how we could use our space, but said long turnaround for communications. Glad to hear you got in touch .
    • Phillip - roundcube is finnicky. Attachments make it not come through. If its done through the web form (, I respond within 48 hours. Using email system Yar gave us, either doesnt send or hits spam block. Email system not stable. I am going to just call until email working, but if anyone is asking about events, tell them to fill out the form. We are set now with Its Your Move.

lock doors

  • Toan - old key for LL didnt work on the door in basement. Thinks it might have been changed. About a month ago I was inspecting downstairs, realized no key for it.
  • Paige - Yar was in contact with tenant, maybe now given there are two unresponses, we say now we are going change out the locks ourselves by a certain date?

Event Request for Youth Film School

End of Meeting