Event:2014/07/22 Governance Meeting
- 7pm at Omni (ballroom)
Facilitator: Sarah
Notes: Jenny/you?
Attendees: Sarah, Ahnon, Jenny, Elizabeth, Olive, Brie, Mara, Matt, Niki, Matt
- Use policy/schedule for common shared space
- Revisit revised bylaws
- Working groups: What is their function, scope, etc?
- Decision making model: Consensus? Modified consensus?
- Safe space and conflict resolution policies
- Membership: What are the requirements for groups in the Omni?
Working Groups
- Existing Groups: Communications, Governance, Challenging Dominant Culture, Finances (not really), Building Maintenance (tomake), Common Space (tomake)
- Problems we've observed:
- Bottom Liners not bottom-lining
- Niki: Maybe remove bottom-liners and just schedule the meetup times?
- Person can delegate new point person if they aren’t going to be around
- Check-ins at main meeting
- Each group should have someone checkin
- The same people are in all the working groups.
- Sarah: Maybe this is worked out in defining what is required of Member Groups
- Olive: Channels that are available for communication are not super productive for harnessing energy that's here for the project
- Matt: Maybe instead of focusing on meetings and email list, have white boards, etc that make it really clear what is needed as an appeal to the community.
- small bite-sized chunks of work that has been agreed on and is clear
- Part of the issue w/non-participation is that there's not been an opportunity for new people to step up into leadership roles. We should be more explicit about who should be bottom-liners / requesting volunteers to bottom-line working groups.
- Patrick: do we have a place where sensitive information can be stored?
- DK: Suggested setting up a separate wiki
- Elizabeth: Maybe it would be good for people currently bottom lining working groups to relinquish their roles as request new bottom liners
- Sarah: Concern with there being too many meetings, maybe members of working groups can determine how they meet.
- Bottom Liners not bottom-lining
- Solutions!
- More work parties and fewer meetings!
- Whiteboards throughout the Omni
- Contact info to point people in prominent locations
- Prominent ToDo list / kiosk
- Tiered by accessibility (how much is needed to know to complete the task)
- Project management tools available at terminals (with printing stations)
- Alternatives to incumbent working group meeting schedule (eg; working totally online, meeting monthly rather than weekly)
- Fold Building Maintenance into Space Ops
- More authority to the working groups!
- Maybe more small groups should meet during the meeting
- Matt: "If you chop up a potato in small pieces you can cook it faster" * Start with a breakout session of all of the working groups
- Is there a requirement for member-group participation in working groups?
- How much autonomy do working groups have?
- Assume all happens in working groups
- What happens in the general meeting?
- If a working group is unsure whether or not something should be brought to the general meeting, then they should bring it!
- Small working group budget?
- What things cannot be done in working groups?
- Eg; Talking with city officials?
- Meeting format
- Start with a breakout session of all the working groups from 7-8
- More informal, checkin and update the group with what you've been working on / concerned with and set agenda this way, then breakout to smaller groups/pairs to complete tasks
- Delegate meeting from 8-9
Safe Space
- Omni has provisionally adopted sudo's conflict resolution policy
- https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Articles_of_Association#Section_3.2_Conflict_Resolution
- Safe Space policy is largely adopted by the Geek Feminism community and lives here: http://wiki.omni-oakland.org/w/Safe_Space_Policy
- Tacit agreement that groups would respect other groups bans
- Can adopt 'template' policies from the Omni
- What about conflict _between_ different groups? Policy should be Omni-wide
- Patrik suggests an 'Opt Out' possibility
- Matt thinks this is problematic
- Individual collectives should make such choices themselves as much as possible - "Assume good faith"
- Ahnon: This gets back to the problem of member-groups that are only say, 2 or 3 people (who could pass bans based on personal grudges rather than process)
- Matt thinks this is problematic
- Tiers of 1) access to the individual space and 2) access to the building
- Post Code of Conduct prominently in the space
- Who can people turn to in an emergency situation?
- Knowing how to de-escalate a conflict is important, we should have a skillshare
- Problem: What about conflict between people in two different groups attempting to ban each other?
- Can group A ban a member of group B, with no reason given and no appeal possible?!
- Trust in the process
- Need to have conflict resolution process that involved *both* groups in that case
- Perhaps an added tier: between conflicting parties & mediators --> to the member-group involved -> to the omni at large
- Some folks who can volunteer as Conflict Stewards (maybe who've gone through mediation / facilitation training) would
- Safe Space Policy / Code of Conduct to be adopted by all groups
- Ban reciprocity: Bans made by one group are respected by all other groups unless the ban pertains only to the member-group in question, though any banee can be
- Groups can ban their own members, and that should be respected by the other groups (not Omni-wide necessarily)
- Conflict Resolution process defined by each group independently, though those who don't want to do this work can adopt the omni conflict resolution template
- Tiers of conflict resolution: 1) between Steward / Mediator / Involved parties, 2) Within the member-group in question, 3)
- In the case of conflicts between groups or those unaffiliated, those conflicts follow the Omni's conflict resolution policy
Action Items
- Post call for working group bottom-liners and protocol from the wiki to the mailing list: http://wiki.omni-oakland.org/w/Working_Groups#Working_Group_Protocols (Jenny)
- Set up kiosk w/ some project management thingy (eg Asana; do.omni; github; jira; slack)
- Find out who's bottom-lining all of these working groups and checkins! (Niki)
- Propose new meeting format on Thursday (Jenny)
- Safe Space / Conflict Resolution proposal for delegates consensus
- New meeting format proposal
- Consense on safe space / conflict resolution policy
- What sort of decisions should go through the Big Omni?