Black Hole Collective Lab
- Celluloid film development lab
- Communal workspace
- Film screenings and workshops
Lab / Machines provided to the community:
- 1x film processor
- 1x contact printer
- 1x optical printer
- 1x flatbed editor
- 1x sync machine
- Multiple Rewinds
- Splicers
- Multiple film projectors
- Many more devices to enable celluloid film production
Resources provided to show films at the omni
- 1x Xenon 16mm film projector (very bright :)
- Digital HD video projector
- Some equipment augment existing sound system
- Can bring screenings of filmmakers & films to the space
Collective Members
- ~ 10 people
1. Tooth 2. Zach Iannazzi 3. Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta 4. Matt Christiansen 5. Linda Scobie 6. Mark Wilson 7. Mary Helena Clark 8. Jason Wade 9. Isaac Sherman
Financial Contribution to OOC
- $600 to start.
- BH was originally offered free space by OOC to incubate their community resource
- Will contribute more $ as project / membership grows [fill in]
- Proposed use
Form questions
1. Mission statement What do you do? What happens in the world because you exist? (1-3 sentences)
2. Origin and group history How did you start? What have you done? (1-3 sentences)
3. Participation in the Omni Why are you interested in becoming a member? How does your group intend to use the space? What are your needs? (less than 5 sentences)
4. Group finances and paying rent What does your group do to support itself financially? What is your best plan for contributing your potential share of rent to the Omni? (less than 5 sentences)
5. Dedicated space If your group would like some dedicated space at the Omni, what square footage and what features are you looking for? Which specific rooms do you feel might be suitable? (1-3 sentences)
6. Other contributions to the Omni This question should inspire some imagination. We are exploring ideas to pay rent and purchase the building in the long-term. The basic plan is for each group paying a share of rent. Potential plans include groups sharing profit from their activities, producing Omni events, and booking other events. What is the best-case scenario for using the Omni space to further support your group? (less than 5 sentences)
7. Additional Is there any other information that you think would be useful for us to know about your group? (as many sentences as you like)