Event:2016/09/01 Delegates Meeting
Weekly Omni Delegates' Meeting - 01 September 2016 7pm
- Introductions, Meeting Roles, and Delegates Count [10 minutes]
- Announcements
- Bans
- Working Group Report-Backs
- Proposal: Treatment Room as Shared Omni Office Space
- Proposal: Productions Working Group (withdrawn?)
Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Affiliation
Meeting Roles
- Facilitator/s: joe
- Explanation of hand signals: "deaf applause", "raised hand", "point of process", "direct response"(wildcard), etc.
- Stacktaker:
- Timekeeper:
- Notetaker/s: Julio
- URL of this pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/omninom
- Vibe Reader:
- Next meeting's facilitator(s):
- BH: inactive
- CCL:
- CSC:
- FNB:
- GWS:
- HNJ:
- LL:
- Sudo:
- TIL: inactive
- YES:
- Quorum: 2/3?
- Not on Asked to leave page from previous meeting:
- James Moon asked to leave by Laura
- Dag (FNB) asked to leave by Robb for repeated domestic use of space
Working Group Report-Backs
Building & permits
Meetings: Mondays at 8pm
- This group needs help; https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/building
Meetings: Second and Fourth Thursdays at 7pm
- Brought in over $5,574 in August \o/
- This group needs help:
Meetings: Currently conjoined with Fundraising (Mondays at 6)
Fundraising/Buy the Building
Meetings: Mondays at 6:00pm
via Jenny 9/1 I would like to propose accessible-under-contract shared use of the Treatment Room as Omni office space until January of 2017 - at which point we will assess where we're at wrt the cafe (Agua Viva), the office space, and the basement in a conjoined Space Assessment meeting. I have preliminarily put this on the Omni Google Cal (pm me for an invite).
The Treatment Room would be available by priority to: 1) Omni Finance/Fundraising WGs, TIL, Global Womens Strike, and Chiapas Support Committee; 2) Conflict Mediation, scheduled BAPS classes, and Wellness initiatives; and 3) Commoners helping to steward the 2nd floor Commons areas in the Omni.
Proposal: Productions Working Group (10 mins)
via robb 8/7: Establish a productions working group to coordinate common space event needs, including but not limited to cleaning, a/v checkout/setup/operation, event security, creating a/v rental procedures, facilitate rehearsal space rentals, etc.
active members of said group will be able to trade use of a recording/rehearsal space in the two rooms adjacent to Liberated Lens' of which they shall steward for such use to generate revenue for Omni Commons and promote the art of musickal expression.
Commons WG would handle booking, scheduling, contracts and invoices in tandem with Productions
Weekly Omni Delegates Meeting - 18 Aug 2016 - 7pm Archived for posterity