Event:2018/01/27 Commons
Omni Commons Commons Working Group Meeting - Saturday 27 January 2018, 10:30am-12pm
- Introductions (5 min)
- Booking guidelines for collectives events (20 min)
- Bookings protocol (25 min)
- Regular in-person meetings (10)
- (facilitator) Katrina
- (note taker) Julio, Laura
- David
Booking guidelines for collectives events
- Send a reminder to consensus/discuss lists about event requests from member collectives: (also put it on the wiki)
- Laura will draft this
- Omni collectives use space for free for programmatic events or fundraisers - though sometimes also raise money for Omni.
- If you are having a fundraiser and are raising a substantial amount, consider donating some to Omni.
- Collectives need to submit an event request to commons. Can't just approve it themselves.
- WG needs to make sure that it is not conflicting with other events, and that it appears properly on the calendar.
- Commons will communicate that the event is approved and and publish it. Don't assume it's ok if you dont hear back.
- Three days notice minimum required.
- If you're a member of Commons WG and you are proposing your own event or for your collective, someone else on commons still has to agree to it
- If it is a new or big event, work with the commons wg to make sure they function well and are legal (write a contract if there is alcohol, insurance needs)
Bookings protocol
- David will draft this, share with the group for input
- Responsiblities of collective holding events:
- Communicate with commons and other event holders on the same day about relevant issues
- Clean space before and after
- If there is an event in the ballroom, have people use the Shattuck entrance
- David suggests a checklist for collective events
- In general, if there is an event conflict, the event that was requested first has priority
- If there are many people (>100), strongly encourage renters to enlist help from Omni A/V folks, and if they are bring their own stuff, be very clear that they will not
Regular in person meetings
- For continued commons working Group privileges to publish events, you have to attend a meeting and discuss and accept new guidelines new guidelines
- Katrina thinks it's absolutely crucial that we actually meet and talk about the events
Action items
- David will write 1st draft of general booking protocol an share it to wg for comments
- Laura will draft protocol for member collective event booking
- Julio will find a time for most people to meet.