Event:2021/12/16 Delegates
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Omni Delegates' Meeting - December 16, 2021 7pm-9pm
- Talk at https://meet.google.com/diw-hszw-msr or 515-428-1108 (PIN: 465814905)
- Type at https://omnicommons.org/notes
- Send proposals to consensus@lists.omnicommons.org prior to the meeting
Meeting Roles
- Facilitator/s: Patrik
- Stacktaker:
- Timekeeper:
- Notetaker/s: Yar
- Next meeting's facilitator(s):
- ANV: Silver
- CCL: Patrik
- CSC: roberto
- FNB: helen
- FYE: inactive
- GWS: inactive
- LL: inactive
- Sudo Room: Jake
- Sudo Mesh: inactive
- Quorum (2/3 of active groups): 5 of 5, YES!
- We are front-loading most of the meeting into these intros! Now is the time to put forward any of the following things, many of which used to have their own meeting sections
- introduce yourself: name, pronoun, affiliation, if you're a delegate
- do you have any unmet access needs at this meeting?
- what land are you on?
- what meeting roles you'd like to help with
- discussion topics or proposals you'd like to put on tonight's agenda
- report-backs from any of your working groups
- updates from your collective
- any brief announcements
- updates on any conflict mediation
- if you've asked anybody to leave the building due to safe space issues
- please be BRIEF! Less than 4 minutes per person! Anything that might take longer must be put on the agenda as a discussion item
- patrik: CCL delegate
- sarah: more building upgrades;
- Roberto: CSC delegate. Event this Sat 5-8pm, showing short films from Chiapas. Chiapas SupporT Committee Comparte Exhibition Closing: https://fb.me/e/d3bbKaqCe
- Helen: FNB delegate.
- Silver: calling in from Mexico, ANV delegate
- Yar: NAD (Not A Delegate). interested in Officer elections
- jake: Sudo Room
Officer Elections
- president: jake, sarah lockhart
- secretary: marc juul, sarah lockhart
- treasurer: john torok
- Voted: Yar, Patrik, Jake, Roberto, Silver, Helen
- President: Jake
- Secretary: Sarah
- Treasurer: John
- Sarah will submit update to Secretary of State
roof & leaks updates
- Yar: spent last couple weeks putting a lot of goo on the roof - didn't dry and some washed out with rain. Another work day tomorrow; Mike starting 8am. Have already done two layers of the thinner coating. Next is pure silicone; supposed to dry in 2hrs. Mike says we've already paid for the $4K in volunteer hours. Next rain Monday?
- Patrik: Mike mentioned putting in extra roof drains - was that part of the original proposal?
- Sarah: more drainage badly needed. AFAIK no extra cost? Skylights ordered and paid for - plan for mid-Jan, depending on shipping
- dk proposed that 20% of net ballroom proceeds go to improvements https://omnicommons.org/pipermail/consensus/2021-November/003111.html
- last time we delayed consensus
- presumably this means, after expenses
- roberto: what about other rooms? what if we run out of money?
- Nothing we decide here is set in stone - can always decide to change if needed
- sarah: entrance hall ends up playing a major role, so maybe improvements could include that room?
- CONSENSUS: yes (CCL, sudo, anv, csc), abstain (fnb), block (none)
Sudo rent forgiveness
- Don't have updated proposal yet.
PLP space issues
- yar will invite them to the next meeting
- delay to Jan 6
- Roberto: if PLP wants the entrance mezzanine, where do we put the library? Find an org who can take over some of the library?
- Sarah: lot of effort in moving library. Move computer terminals and put library against that wall?
- Yar: do we even need those terminals? Could just give laptop (chromebook?) to 1-2 people using them.
- Silver: moving library was a lot of work! like idea of library wall - maybe even including space where fridge and microwave are. Library also needs organizing - can this group help?
- Sarah: lot of effort in moving library. Move computer terminals and put library against that wall?
- Roberto: how much private space do they need? Can we keep a library-like space that can still be used for meetings?
- Sarah: they mainly want a wall and a door - could negotiate exactly where that wall is - could be further back from CSC office.
- Yar: most hinges on what PLP wants - conversation not very productive until they're part of it.
- Roberto: PLP wasn't proposing to be a collective, right? Just want space?
cashless events
- Sarah: this seems like a discussion for January - big conversation.
- No events planned before end of the year.
meeting ended early! 8:20PM!
End of Meeting
- please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents onto the omni wiki at https://omnicommons.org/wiki
- then please erase the contents of this pad
- then please cut & paste a blank template from here: https://omnicommons.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Delegates_Meeting_Notes_Template&action=edit
- previous notes are archived here: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Meetings