Event:2022/07/07 Delegates
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Omni Delegates' Meeting - Thursday July 7, 2022 7pm-9pm
- Talk at https://meet.google.com/diw-hszw-msr or 515-428-1108 (PIN: 465814905)
- Type at https://omnicommons.org/notes
- Send proposals to consensus@lists.omnicommons.org prior to the meeting
Meeting Roles
- Facilitator/s:
- Stacktaker:
- Timekeeper:
- Notetaker/s:
- Next meeting's facilitator(s):
- inactive groups: CSC, FYE, GWS, LL, sudo mesh
- ANV: active, nobody here
- CCL: active, Patrik
- CLP: active, silvia
- FNB: active, joe
- MOP: active, nobody here
- Sudo Room: active, jake
- Quorum (2/3 of active groups): need 4, yes
BRIEF INTROS MAY INCLUDE: name, pronouns, groups you're in, land you're on, if you're a delegate, unmet access needs, meeting roles you'd like to help with, discussion topics or proposals to add to agenda, announcements/updates/report-backs from your groups, safe space issues or updates
- yar
- Gotten 3 resumes for bookkeeper - would love more people on hiring committee
- want to schedule calls with lawyer jesse, insurance broker traci, job interviews
- silvia CLP
- patrik CCL
- wants to discuss noise complaints from neighbors - that is the kind of thing that could shut us down
- kimiko CLP
- joe fnb
- New Parkway Theater "nonprofit of the month", get 20% of their income wednesday
- serving at sf mime troupe
- peoples park close to being taken and destroyed by UC, but won restraining order
- jake
- looking for volunteers to work on RFID access system
new hire
- yar wrote bookkeeper ad text, went rogue and started adding more optional things to job description https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AFihgzSP3Q5vDc2gCbeWV0zdKhUoXf761nksDhlW4Jw/edit?authuser=1
- 3 resumes so far, 3 more promised via backchannel, hoping to start interviews next week. join the hiring committee!!
event money
- PROPOSAL from last meeting: events group will keep its money in a separate Omni bank account, and will accumulate money through the first week of september. By that time, the delegates will make a decision about how and when money will start to be transferred to omni's general funds.
- Already have a separate account; money is accumulating
- group plans on reinvesting some money into things that will eventually make more money, wants to start making small purchases immediately ($25/month for venue websites, for example) but will stay cautious?
- with very brief update every delegates meeting on what money has been spent
- quorum of delegates say it's fine to proceed until september this way? no objections. all 4 delegates present are cool with it. (CLP, CCL, FNB, Sudo)
noise complaints
- Sunday June 19 (BCC qing qi concert) - loud music till approx 1:30am?
- Fri June 24 (BCC concert) - "loud music well past 10pm"
- Sat June 25 (cam life) - loud & late music, cars revving
- Marquise may have contacted them - need report back
- need to figure out what the noise cutoff should be on weekends - 10pm or midnight? unclear
- DK email: an issue that was left to a future project is, the acoustic wall does not extend west into the SW storage and A/V room areas which is unfortunately the closest point to their house. Omni’s siding is also in increasingly dire shape there, and that likely contributes.
- Groups have been bringing their own equipment - makes it harder for us to control sound levels. What type of equipment are we lacking? graphic equalizer, stage monitors. One sub is blown out
- Need to test Omni sound systems
- one of the basement speakers was a rats nest
- "if we had a good graphic equalizers and baffles, that would do wonders"
End of Meeting
- please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents onto the omni wiki at https://omnicommons.org/wiki
- then please erase the contents of this pad
- then please cut & paste a blank template from here: https://omnicommons.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Delegates_Meeting_Notes_Template&action=edit
- previous notes are archived here: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Meetings