Event:2024/08/22 Delegates

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Omni Delegates' Meeting - Day Month 2024 7pm-9pm

Meeting Details


  • Facilitator/s:
  • Stacktaker:
  • Timekeeper:
  • Notetaker/s: Paige
  • Next meeting's facilitator(s):


  • CCL: Patrik
  • FNB: Toan
  • LL:
  • SMAC: Ruby
  • SM: Daniel
  • SR: William
  • Quorum (2/3 of active groups):

Check for mail for Omni

Who volunteers to go check if there's mail for Omni right now? This agenda item is part of the meeting notes template.

Yar did, no notice of auction


  • Patrik - we invited Ojan to our CCL meeting this Wednesday, sounds like they are planning to work on the roof within this year.
  • Yar - in the EB PREC membership meeting, most of it was justifying and explaining the expenditure. Most questions are about opportunity costs, how it impacts investments. Were questions about the boycott, and they did have meetings with both CLP and PP. EB PREC wanted to know if they would be boycotted if they bought, and their answer was no. They intend to start a fundraising campaign once they own the building.

lease terms

  • Patrik - Had some back and forth on lease increases. Agreed on CPI + 1% with lower cap of 2%. They agreed to postpone initial 15% rent increase until the roof is completed. I think this effects the people in the bocce court. They seem flexible on the opening hours, but I don't think they will go for 24/7. Hope we can push it to 10 or 11 am. Might boil down to them whether or not they can find a property manager who can go through the building at that late hour
    • Yar - I could do it for a few months. I really think its the kind of thing where you can get a list of trusted individuals to close. I don't see the problem, seems doable.
    • Patrik - and push five buttons around the Omni
    • Yar - or take pictures.
  • Toan - I think Ojan expressed willingness to allow groups to stay later if they have a specific event that goes late
  • Patrik - but currently we tell members they get 24/7 access, so will have to stop doing that
  • Toan - I think its good if we make it clear on what days we need extended access


  • Patrik - There's not much money in the bank account. Might not have enough to return deposits to collectives and pay the current utilities, our next rent, and the Safer DIY bill. Rent would be due on the 6th. First day CALLI collecting rent on the 25th. I was hoping we would not have to collect rent at the beginning of the month, so we could use that money to spend on deposits for the new leases.
  • After august bills paid by CALLI?
  • Paige - Safer DIY bill not in the PSA?
    • Patrik - last I saw they agreed to legal bills to attorneys not to exceed 8k. Since it was years ago now, harder to argue it should be in sale
    • Yar - in normal real estate sale, that would be added into the bill.
    • Patrik - was years ago now its been owed
  • Paige - what do we do if short funds? do we do a fundraiser? How much do we need?
    • Patrik - bills around 6k per month. Safer DIY 23k
  • Ruby - if Omni went in default on utility bills, would just become CALLI's problem
  • Paige - can FNB and CC make the deposit and rent?
    • yes, but not sure if Wood St can
    • Patrik - The 15% increase in rent can be delayed until roof is fixed for groups impacted.
    • Paige - groups that could push off 15% would be SR, CCL, and Wood St Commons?
  • Can collectives pay Omni for one more month of rent?
    • FNB yes, SR/CCL would have deposits back so wouldn't have to, CC can make it happen (need to ask Wood St Commons).

  • Check in about beneficial bank. Jake said it was closed but don't see money from it in unify
  • Board approves closing the self help.
  • Who should close? Patrik is going to ask John. Hope to do it before end of the month.

initial deposit

  • Patrik - I think the new lease have to be signed with omni? leases stay with the building. that's how Jesse explained it. I don't know who keeps the deposit. [Jesse over email - For groups that already have a deposit, you would fill in the current amount unless CALLI wants it to be increased. Some groups might be able to negotiate not having a deposit with CALLI.] Jesse explained the leases as something that signed before closing, and stays with the building. Wonder if there is legalize on how the funds are transferred? Ojan was saying that is a good plan, because if all falls through with CALLI, lease still attached to building.
    • Yar - in scenario that they sell it?
    • Patrik - I guess so?
  • Ruby - collectives are supposed to have leases all in by the 31st? And closing by Sep 6?
    • yes.

building rules

  • does CALLI have these? they are noted in the lease
    • Paige - lease was just copied over from our old lease. I would guess CALLI wouldn't have these yet because new. Maybe could copy over from EB PREC's building rules at other locations? But otherwise I would guess they would just copy our omni building rules
    • Yar - If I were signing a lease, I would want to know what the building rules were ahead of time.

We should ask CALLI about this

items needed to be cleared out of common space

  • loom in entrance hall
    • Toan - you can use FNB truck if you need to move it
  • Yar - who will own the pianos? Can we put in the Purchase Agreement that Yar can play the pianos.
  • 2 Pianos and an organ
    • Yar - willing to let go the one in the entrance hall

[Ojan over email says they'd love to keep the instruments]

CeeCee basement project

  • Paige - Ojan listed that space SMAC using around 2000 sq ft. Different from SMAC's own estimate.
  • Silver - SMAC didn't include the walkway to pro arts in the sq footage
  • Patrik - 2000 also still sounds high
  • CC and Ruby are going to re-measure.
  • Paige - Would you be interested instead of renting this room and the three small rooms? I haven't talked to Ojan about this, but I'm just thinking about the plans to renovate the kitchen area
    • CC - I'm just trying to keep things going, just ramping up now with more people
    • Yar - jewelry space would still be open if kitchen renovation. In old plans for the kitchen, there would be less area available in current sewing space.
  • Toan - I think they will proceed to renovate the kitchen, we can share the old plans we had
  • Patrik - if they increase dollar per sq foot, would you still want that extra space CC?
    • CC - I could probably shoulder it with what I'm proposing, and with my backers
    • Yar - probably in your best negotiating spot right now, as opposed to later down the line.
    • CC - SMAC was paying $1200, I could probably do $1500 if we changed to outer office. I know Ojan listed a lot more, but I think could pay $1500 til I figure out. I could also just take back half for now, but useless for me until they get outlets and lighting
  • Does SR have insurance right now? Status quo has been covered by Omni. So SR will have to start paying for insurance. CC pays part of that?
  • Toan - do you have people partnering with you, CC?
    • CC - I have a funder. It is a big space but we have a lot of equipment. I'm in talks with group in detroit who has soft goods certification. We just got the equipment list required, and I had all items on list.


  • Silver - we shouldnt have to pay August, who moved the amount
  • Paige - I did. If youre not paying, who's paying for rent in the basement right now? Also aren't you still moving?
  • Yar - maybe you can split it?
  • Ruby - SMAC was hoping to get some funds from Omni for moving given other collectives getting good outcome from sale. But that was with last week's understanding that Omni would have leftover funds.

Sounds like CC will be paying the August rent for basement. Then Omni can return funds to SMAC

including CC and Wood St. Commons on delegate email list

  • should we put them on the delegates list?
    • yes

Free Store

  • do they need insurance? Wasn't asked for it. Operations do fall in line with standard use of the building.
  • Silver - is free store gonna pay rent?
    • Yar - no, work trade, by us staffing the door.

town fridge

hope its staying around it

  • Toan - silver proposed it originally. it doesn't belong to Omni, it's a public project
  • Yar - we've been paying for the electricity
  • Toan - maintained by the public, but coordinated with Omni

sq footage

  • Patrik - we should get sq footage that we all agree on. Map given to Paul Dresher had CCL at 1400, I measured 1770. I think SR like 1500. Depends if include corridors and all that stuff. Should agree on a number with CALLI because utilities are going to depend on that too.
    • SL: measurements excluded corridors on Dresher map. Those are common areas in that they are used by separate entities: CCL, Sudo Mesh and Sudo Room

End of Meeting