Event:2025/02/13 Delegates
Omni Delegates' Meeting - 13 Feb 2025 7pm-9pm
Meeting Details
- Talk at https://omnicommons.org/meet or 515-428-1108 (PIN: 465814905)
- Type at https://omnicommons.org/notes
- Send proposals to consensus@lists.omnicommons.org prior to the meeting
- Someone should go check incoming mail RIGHT NOW.
- Facilitator/s:
- Stacktaker:
- Timekeeper:
- Notetaker/s: Patrik/Paige
- Next meeting's facilitator(s):
- CCL: Patrik
- FNB: Toan
- LL: John
- SM:
- SR:
- FS: Paige
- Quorum (2/3 of active groups):
BRIEF INTROS MAY INCLUDE: name, pronouns, groups you're in, land you're on, if you're a delegate, unmet access needs, meeting roles you'd like to help with, discussion topics or proposals to add to agenda, announcements/updates/report-backs from your groups, safe space issues or updates PROMPT people to share contact info in the chat, so we can stay in touch
Check for mail for Omni
Who volunteers to go check if there's mail for Omni right now? This agenda item is part of the meeting notes template.
Non-profit transition
- Toan - EBFNB uncomfortable with major bylaw changes but nonprofit continuing to use the name Omni Commons. Think there should be some messaging or letter to share about what the changes are. Do current delegates have to decide on new bylaws or can they just step down and let next people do that?
- Paige - I think it changing the name just involves filling out an IRS form. Not too difficult. Agree we should write up something too. I think bylaws could change before or after the board members change. Just until the bylaws change, each collective could still appoint a delegate.
- Patrik - every other year information document needed to be submitted to the secretary of state. I dont know if name change requires something special, like submitting that early. Thats also where you write down current list of board members and officers. Duty of remaining board members to assign a third board member.
- John - collective of collective doesnt really exist anymore. no longer something the corporate entity is doing or plans to do. We are going for a simplified structure and decision making structure. Not enthusiastic about the complexities that currently exist.
- Patrik - proposals for new name?
- John: McArthur Commons (just to mess with people's mind). Or Anarchist Organizing Inc.
- Patrik: something referring to Oakland or Temescal? What is objection to name - wanting to break with our past? That it is no longer a Commons?
- Toan - no longer leans towards a commons. Still Omni, means all.
- John: like link to the concept of a Commons - radical history.
- free store definitely draws along cooperation to serve the community. This is aspirational, I'm thinking in terms of structure like cooperation jackson (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperation_Jackson). Hiring people from community, do things to achieve liberation. Cooperation Jackson has had folks come through here and talk about that work. Like an Omni Commons on steroids, fighting white supremacy in mississippi. - nonprofits can incubate other entities
- toan - reason why we are keeping the current nonprofit is to serve two collectives. Unless you have a plan of doing more with nonprofit
- John - aspirational goal is reason I want to keep the name
- Toan - not in friction with people later on. But name change would signal that there have been some changes
- Patrik - also something to be said for avoiding confusion with the name of the building and the name of the nonprofit.
- Paige - could be "Omni Collectives". Doesnt signify a "building" as much as commons does.
- No check for Oakland Privacy yet - should be on the way
- No sign of insurance checks; one was supposed to be delivered by Friday
- Paige paid Sarah
- Toan - out of date link to givebutter fundraiser on the website. Misleading to the public.
- Givebutter now deactivated. But no one here able to update website
Code of Conduct for building
- Valerie was going to start discussions around this - no word yet
Building issues
- Toan: some shingles on roof on 48th fell down with heavy wind. Many shingles are loose.
Tool room
- Need to claim any tools we want to keep, otherwise CALLI will keep it all and change the lock on the tool room. Valerie said they can open the tool room when tools needed to be borrowed or if we need to use the key maker
- Toan: move some drills to communal tool area?
- Patrik: should aim to have one decent set of tools in communal area. Tool Room currently probably has multiples of most tools
- Toan: will we need to arrange a time to meet to get into the room? So I think we should move tools to communal area, and sudo room since sudo room continues to allow members and others to use those tools.
Website changes
- Patrik: Should include update on what happened with building foreclosure, CALLI, nonprofit changes etc. Draft on wiki first, then copy to website?
- Patrik will update new bylaws on wiki. Also need to include list of current board members and officers
- Page Pres; Yar Sec; Treasurer open
- Board: Paige, Patrik, Toan, John, William, Daniel for SM (but just asked to be taken off the delegates list!), Ruby
- If any of those people do not want to be official board members, they should step down asap
Fiscal sponsorship agreement
- Section about intellectual property. Can we just delete that section?
- E.g. Fractured Atlas does not claim IP fro the projects they sponsor - see https://blog.fracturedatlas.org/questions-finding-a-fiscal-sponsor
- Patrik - default may still be that IP belongs to the nonprofit
- John - one example, project we are working on now where this doesnt work, Japanese american and cultural project owns project we are currently working on
End of Meeting
- please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents onto the omni wiki at https://omnicommons.org/wiki
- then please erase the contents of this pad
- then please cut & paste a blank template from here: https://omnicommons.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Delegates_Meeting_Notes_Template&action=edit
- previous notes are archived here: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Meetings