*knock knock* - Who's there?
- Ken
- Libbie
- Anka
- Sarah
- Dragon
- Liz
- Dennis
- Ala
- Yosef
What is your power animal
Dennis is feeling good, his power animal is snake.
Ken is also feeling good, lion
Libby, is a dolphin panther
Anka is feeling great, went camping, it was hot as hell. Her spider animal is spider,
Dragon, is a little discomboluated and he is a droganfly
Ala is feeling great, she is the only butterfly in the room.
Yosef is a honey bee.
Announcements? Anybody?
- Update on grant applications?
Anka is still complising peoples pictures, who want to be involved. Anka needs a bio and a mughshot. We are applying for a grant for peoples grovery. we need a little about your project.
Dennis has to come up with a few more instituions, anka checked out one in SF. She thought it had to many requirements.
Dennis recccomends Pacific Pioneer Fund
- Bank account set up yet?
Jabari is truant.
- Meeting with Wanda Stewart: Noemie wrote down her notes here, https://pad.riseup.net/p/seedsofstruggle
- Need to generate questions for interview
- Follow-up on that ACCE project we dropped: the family is doing a fundraiser to keep their home, http://www.gofundme.com/MrJohnsonsHome
Next Week Monday: 6pm
-Private wiki-
Get consent before putting
Yousef suggests a private wiki and can send us a link.
We are hosting a planning meeting August 9th to plan the ultimate meeting. The point of all of it, is to figure out what our values are, and face up to the challenges. 2 to 6th August 9th
Last week's action items
- 2 weeks ago: A few FTP awards need to be mailed. They are located in the white binder under the tea kettle area. We need stamps. The addresses are here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Et6z-0tRsCza99x5YigNKlGCiZl3PryDTYkc4632Efs/edit#gid=0. Dragon will figure it out with the meeting.
- Anything from last week?
Update on Movie Night
- +80 people RSVP'd on fb, woo: https://www.facebook.com/events/1447156258925573/
- Liz grabbed the film file and an adapter cable from Noemie before she left
- Are we cooking in downstairs kitchen? (there's multiple cans of pasta sauce here in the OpAl suite)
- When should we meet up?
- Sign ups: Gerald cooking, Liz on tech, Liz + Jabari + Anka + Dennis on set-up/take-down
- It has been suggested that we have a facilitated group discussion afterwards. Dennis brought a handout with advice for doing this. Any volunteers or nominations?
Omni is telling us we need to delegate a "Bored Member"
- Volunteers? Nominations?
Not really a board member Sarah nominates herself to go the meeting
Lets talk about Protocol
Liz has some idears:
- about project documentation & scheduling and keeping projects organized
- Been using that white binder a bit, but perhaps there is a better way. Individual folders for each project?
Basic forms for collecting contact info and resources for the project
- about equipment rentals
- We have some forms to test drive. There is a blue bunny faced file monster under the kettle area. All blank forms can be kept in here
- Fill out a form, stick it on the clipboard on the cork board so it's visible to others. Give Liz feedback on the usefulness of the form, she can make adjustments. Inventory here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZQDHb6p711NrlDcvoWED7ZapWAdKyBbvUC1HZzQFbmY/edit#gid=1652529138
- Liz will make a calendar where equipment availability can be easily visualized; mark off days on the calendar when you are taking out equipment
- Liz will make another form for gear inspection. She recommends that a non-project-affiliated OpAl member be present to check equipment in and out and inspect it before leaving/upon return
- about locking up the suite for the night
- Sign out of all email + social media accounts
- Save work, close programs
- Shut down the computer or not, but at least disconnect and shut off external hard drives when not in use
- Clean up any dishes or mess that was made
- lists of weekly responsibilities
- trash :P
- this pad; it's all gunked up
- Keeping batteries charged
Does anyone else have any idears?