Event:2022/07/21 Delegates
Omni Delegates' Meeting - July 21, 2022 7pm-9pm
- Talk at https://meet.google.com/diw-hszw-msr or 515-428-1108 (PIN: 465814905)
- Type at https://omnicommons.org/notes
- Send proposals to consensus@lists.omnicommons.org prior to the meeting
Meeting Roles
- Facilitator/s: billy
- Stacktaker:
- Timekeeper:
- Notetaker/s: imma, yar
- Next meeting's facilitator(s):
- inactive groups: ANV, CSC, FYE, GWS, LL, sudo mesh
- CCL: active, patrik
- CLP: active, billy
- FNB: active, helen
- MOP: active, jacqi
- Sudo Room: active, nobody here
- Quorum (2/3 of active groups): yes
- Bookkeeper interviews
- Front room (entry hall) upgrades
- 7/31 Omni Fundraiser
- 8:15 pm Reuben Roberts RJ Facilitator intro
BRIEF INTROS MAY INCLUDE: name, pronouns, groups you're in, land you're on, if you're a delegate, unmet access needs, meeting roles you'd like to help with, discussion topics or proposals to add to agenda, announcements/updates/report-backs from your groups, safe space issues or updates
- imma
- jacqi
- yar
- helen
- patrik
- trash room door broken
- when to get a list of names to bogss?
- Ruben Roberts - restorative justice
- billy
- kem wants to host welcoming "empathy dinners" at omni
- report back from interviews
- need to pay sarah for may-june
- imma: just interviewed 2 potential candidates. [specifics redacted from notes]
- please boost and help curate/edit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AFihgzSP3Q5vDc2gCbeWV0zdKhUoXf761nksDhlW4Jw/edit
- billy: event revenue is scattered all over the place. hard to keep track of. need to clean up. don't even know if everyone is paying what they say.
- current banks: unify, self help, beneficial
- recommendations for credit unions: patelco? mechanics?
- bite-sized first assignments for a remote person?
- read through all our info, get access to accounts, start piecing things together
- clean up accounts / update passwords and access
- jacqi is open to helping out with some things
- long tangent about moving towards asynchronous decisionmaking, slack vs email vs google docs vs signal threads, etc etc
- should we check in with delegates before final hiring decisions? or empower the hiring committee (so far yar, imma, silver) to do it?
- jacqi in favor of empowering a small team
- helen: i think we should go through the formal process at a delegates meeting
- imma: i think there's an opportunity to pilot an asynchronous process here
- yar: if folks want more input in the process it'd help to know specific questions or info they need from the hiring team to inform that input
- seems like nothing's getting approved before august 4, oh well. still a lot to talk about.
bank account
- do we need consensus to replace existing bank signers with just imma and maybe jacqi or jake?
- current bank signers: jenny ryan, robb benson, mai sutton, john torok
- helen: i think we should agree that the people on the bank accounts should be active members
- yar: i'd prefer something clear and specific, and not vague
- helen is willing to be a bank signer
- yar will make a formal proposal by email
- final proposal: to replace current signers (jenny, robb, mai, john, shido) with imma and helen.
- consensus: YES (MOP, FNB, CCL, CLP); abstain (none); block (none) - passed
officer election
- scheduling officer election for august 18. 1 candidate so far:
- Jacqi is interested in helping out as Secretary.
- Helen also willing
entrance hall money
- Entrance hall update from Yar: Tony converted the old bar-era fixtures into a beautiful new
floor drain and cleanout, level with the rest of the floor. We've now spent ~$2500 of a $4k budget. At this point I'd like to finish the project by just doing a DIY concrete pour and call it a day. I think the binding will be good enough that we can have easy assembly in the entire entrance hall for decades. Eventually I'll want to just jackhammer the entire floor and replace it with simple white tiles or epoxy, but that's a distant future thing.
- How would people feel if we used the remainder of the budget to do other fixup work in the entrance hall, such as giving it a fresh coat of paint, and making the windows better operable? These are things that Village of Love is requesting, as they will help impress funders and make it easier for them to fundraise, which we will in turn benefit from, as much of their fundraising will be towards improving Omni.
- Consensus: Yes (CCL, FNB, MOP, CLP); abstain (none); block (none) - passed
mail room
- Mail has been piling up on the floor in the mail room. Need at least a bin, and more frequent mail sorting
- Access to mail room is blocked on a regular basis by free store racks. Notify free store organizers to leave access open, and/or mark "do not block" space on floor
- Yar will talk to Free Store folks. Patrik will get some adhesive hazard tape.
- How do we give mail delivery folks access to drop off packages? Keypad lock? Electronically activated lock (like Amazon in-garage delivery?) Lockbox with physical key?
- Jacqi will look into this - yay!
- top hinge of outside door to trash room is broken
- yar will ask ian what's going on there. ian has been fixing doors lately.
- Launching gofundme very soon. Asking for $900K. Deadline December 1st. All donations will go towards loan principal. Don't expect to raise it all, but we'll see. The pitch is simple and honest: every dollar puts us in a better position to get our loan approved. Help wanted for campaign!!
- Also in very tentative discussion with https://ebprec.org/ about a 1yr bridge loan.
- omni hosting event next sunday (7/31), will boost fundraiser https://www.instagram.com/p/CgIp6E7DR0l/ - volunteer signup: https://airtable.com/shrjZkqtsJj8CaMDz
- Need to get the word out to local reporters - have press release plus selection of high res images
End of Meeting
- please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents onto the omni wiki at https://omnicommons.org/wiki
- then please erase the contents of this pad
- then please cut & paste a blank template from here: https://omnicommons.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Delegates_Meeting_Notes_Template&action=edit
- previous notes are archived here: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Meetings