Event:2024/05/23 Delegates

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Omni Delegates' Meeting - 23 May 2024 7pm-9pm

Meeting Details


  • Facilitator/s:
  • Stacktaker:
  • Timekeeper:
  • Notetaker/s:
  • Next meeting's facilitator(s):


  • CCL: Patrik
  • FNB: Toan
  • LL: inactive
  • SMAC:
  • SM:
  • SR: William
  • DG: (inactive) Dominic
  • Quorum (2/3 of active groups): no, only 3/5


BRIEF INTROS MAY INCLUDE: name, pronouns, groups you're in, land you're on, if you're a delegate, unmet access needs, meeting roles you'd like to help with, discussion topics or proposals to add to agenda, announcements/updates/report-backs from your groups, safe space issues or updates PROMPT people to share contact info in the chat, so we can stay in touch

Check for mail for Omni

Who volunteers to go check if there's mail for Omni right now? This agenda item is part of the meeting notes template.

building recap

  • Philip Bell - 50-100k ballpark for roof
  • Patrik - 130k estimate from one of our members, who had a contractor look at it (Ramos Roofing Group). Includes full tear off and replacement with modified bitumen. Quote was made a year ago

CAST communication

  • Phillip B - should designate a secondary person. I can volunteer but might be conflict of interest. Peter?
    • Paige - I have more time right now this summer so can volunteer to do that.
    • Toan - open to you being that, you are communicative. Any concerns on Paige being secondary point person along with Pallavi?
  • No objections (FNB, SR, CCL, DG (inactive)). But no quorum either.
  • Dominic - someone mentioned us being inactive. Can somebody clarify?
  • Paige - explains what inactive means
  • Patrik - also doesn't count towards quorum. Looking it up in the bylaws... if missing 2 meetings inactive. Inactive doesn't count towards quorum and cannot vote. Return to active by attending two consecutive meetings.
  • Paige - does that make sense? So you cant vote at this meeting but if you come next week you can resume.
  • Dominic - yes
  • Patrik - but either way we appreciate your input
  • Phillip B - also I just got events@omnicommons.org.... could do some subdomain for official stuff.
  • Patrik - need to ask CAST to restart meetings with Omni community
  • Patrik - a lot of folks would like a restart of meetings with CAST. Some CCL members mentioned that they have not yet met them. Initially planned to do 3 meetings, 2 with larger community. We should let them know there is demand from our community members to do that.
  • Phillip - CAST very active and busy. But yea could re-bring this up.
  • Toan - yes FNB also wanting a proper introduction
  • William - what if we made a video, get some community members together, so anyone who wants to know can get a idea from a video
  • Patrik - not same thing as talking to them
  • Paige - if no time for both BIQTPOC and activators meetings, maybe just request a less specific meeting, just for introductions
  • Paige - SR members haven't asked for a meeting, but are concerned about losing 24/7 access. So trying to develop idea of a separate entrance for members
  • Phillip B - that's where I think the mural should go
    • Paige - yea make that entrance more welcoming
    • Phillip B - rotating mural
    • Toan - some murals, they add some sort of layer, so if its tagged it can be sprayed off
  • William - do we have action item to get an update from Pallavi?
    • Paige - we did a building tour with their property manager /building repair group last week

event issues

  • Phillip B - lots of smoking in the ballroom. Also decibel rating over 100 close to 10pm. Event renter asked politely to stop and denied. Changing event staff org in response. Has been 3 conversations about this with renter. Streamlining how we do invoices, and just 3 of us working til CAST comes in. I also want to propose that the corner office be converted, and two big rooms - set what rate of room as whole, if you want to do lower rate, then you get part of the room/sharing. I know some people need a door that locks.
  • Phillip B - East bay fusion also reported cigarette butts around. Not sure if from that event, could have been from someone else. Other Phillip has brought this up,
  • Phillip B - also vent is broken
  • Toan - we can encourage to go outside, we can set up some chairs and ash trays outside
  • Phillip B - also everyone wants to use ballroom, thinking of putting event requirement, unless needing ADA access, and if under 50 people, event should go to the disco room. Palestine group was in entry hall but kept getting interrupted, under 50 but in ballroom because need ADA.


Future dreaming about elevator maybe where entry hall bathroom is. Ramp to main ballroom entrance.


  • Paige - someone from SR suggested developing our keycard system more and then offering or selling to CAST
  • Patrik - good luck
  • Paige - seems to work well to me. Just hardware part is messy. There's a want to move on from magstripe.

request to rent room

  • Phillip B - I was considering renting a small space for a desk, so I can spend more time here, also just moved and need more space for working. In the coming months planning to come here more and contributing.
  • Paige - room Deb Gives is in
  • Phillip - Mail room I think eventually would be good omni office. Door to the bar might be a egress. Supposed to be two exits in those little rooms I believe.
  • Paige - we don't hold that standard for other groups. I prefer if you used different room
  • Phillip B - yes can wait for the Dreaming Spaces period with CAST. I am just notifying right here not asking for action. They have indicated there is reset.
  • Paige - Im happy to help clear out mail room. Stuff in there mostly from eco exchange.


  • Patrik - Temescal street fair is coming up July 13th. CCL has been part of that for a few years. On Telegraph
    • We should talk to CAST about that
  • Toan - Wood Street block party June 2nd. Paige interested in tabling
    • Paige - talked to a friend and heard last years its definitely hands on event, so if we can provide services at it that's great. Like past years they've had medical clinics. We should join

request to make library area workspace

  • Philip B - some people like using sound room / tech booth to work. Want to set up intentional space near library for that.
  • Patrik - I think egress issue.
  • Toan - maybe can be a fold up table
  • Patrik - lets just look at fir emaps and see if egress route
  • Paige - issue with people putting stuff on railing then fall issue
  • Patrik - can put a railing there - get pre-made stair railing from HD
  • Toan - used to be table there. Was nice. Used to have biweekly potlucks

Rat issues

  • Patrik - anyone able to help out? 3 people at CCL available to do rat trap checks in CCL, which is bare minimum. Do we need to buy more rat traps? And if so what about the humane ones? I know some people squeamish about kill ones. Could we get one person from each collective? Don't think we need communication but each group should maintain their space. Traps should be checked 3 times per week, but ideally every day.
    • Toan - lmk if you need bait
    • PB is good to use for bait
  • Phillip - make sure to wear gloves when you put them down, if you get human oil on them, they know to avoid it. Im in favor of humane, but if you just release outside they will just get back in.
  • Toan - could do both, if people want to do humane ones they can steward, bring out 5 miles? Then people who prefer kill traps can handle those.
  • Dominic - doesn't someone have a cat here?
    • Toan - Azadeh from SMAC said they'd bring cat.
    • Patrik - not a good long term solution. In CCL we don't want cats because they jump up on lab table
    • Phillip B - basement not finished properly, so rats have lots of places to hide. 30-50k estimate for ratproofing mostly concrete pouring in
    • Patrik - most cats go after mice, but not the big rats.


  • Toan - black one leftover from ANV. Don't think it works properly. We should get rid of it
  • Phillip B - also one of them in ballroom. Its the one that's not plugged in.
  • Paige - also need a string and marker on the upstairs fridge, tell people to label, been some drama with food there.

tarps on the roof

  • Patrik - CCL lost one tarp. Hoping its not the one that one that was in vent
    • Paige - no it was very intentional. But maybe, can you ask them?
    • Patrik - yes.
  • Plans to test out that vent again to see if it is broken or not.


  • Toan - please find alternate if delegate cant attend
  • Patrik - unfortunately not allowed by California law, cannot have proxy for board members. Pain to do that though
  • Phillip B - collectives could vote on a new delegate if they cant attend?
    • Patrik - correct
  • William - can you approve things asynchronously? Like vote within the chat?
    • Patrik - technically by bylaws, need written unanimous written consent to allow asynchronous. I don't if that cant be relaxed or required by law. Might be worth checking into.

foreclosure letter

  • Dominic - what is current status. Business as usual? Is CAST on board? Will taxes be paid?
  • Paige - CAST confident can pay off along with property tax
  • Patrik - also with taxes, need to
  • Paige - can we go back in history and prove that?
  • Phillip - also 6 months of history was deleted.
  • Paige - also they never gave the amount due yet. Christina is confused
  • Patrik - we should consult CAST on this question.
  • Dominic - in time being, is it just business as usual?
  • Patrik - yes, before you joined meeting I mentioned how we need to do a reset on those community meetings planned. CAST was planning to lead with that, but then in a hurry had to pivot to working with the nuts and bolts financing
  • Dominic - for me no brainer to accept the 43%.
  • Phillip B - Recent history or not, has building ever been 100% utilized charitably?
    • Patrik - no, but at times 90% at least

post to consensus about conflict at omni

  • Toan - post from Joe L. from FNB

Sierk hacked

  • Toan - someone has Sierk's account, using signal to ask for money.
  • Phillip B - should offer cyber security public classes. Shouldn't be keeping laptops unlocked

End of Meeting

  • forward letter to Jesse
  • ask Pallavi about Paige as secondary communication person
  • property tax decision.
    • Patrik - is there a deadline to accept vs appeal?