Event:2014/10/25 CDC Meeting

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are we actually living up to our values? let's re-read our values...

  • yar feels like the values as written are a bit toothless
  • how much is the need to make rent a part of this problem?
  • it runs deep. we have a wide coalition of groups in many ways because none of us can do it without each other
  • it's also about making space for conflict and having difficult conversations

self-care conversation

  • yar is feeling the crunch of the calendar job. lots of people are being polite but it's also clear they're really eager for it to be done. going to try to release a stub open-source project for it today to relieve some of the pressure on me individually.
  • dk's been taking a break. yay for him! <3
  • there's more awareness about peoples' capacity and taking on too much now.
  • yar goes on a rant about the cuban revolution :3
  • omnidance's statement made her feel defensive at first
  • yar PROMISED her friends she'd quit after the CR event. a month ago...
  • the problem is when you can't take a break when you need to
  • your first job is to train your replacement

talking about the omnidance letter.

  • lots of talk about artistic practice and what it means for omni to value artistic practice
  • should it be in our actual values statement? maybe not necessary

renting out the commons - need more conversation about the political economy of this.

  • who would we say no to? explicitly oppressive orgs (racist, sexist, homophobic)
  • cops, prison industry
  • noisebridge had this debate over military funding early on
  • mitch altman strongly believed that if you take someone's money they will change you. NSA [no strings attached] is a lie. money is inherently stringy.
  • "i'm happy with a blanket no on venture capitalists"
  • we might not ever get the consent for that
  • need to brainstorm the types of orgs we WOULD like to rent to. abundance mindset, not scarcity!
  • maybe next week's breakout conversation can have questions about "where do we stand on who we take money from and not?"

racist troll yesterday on sudo-discuss

fundraising campaign

  • worries about how the omni gets articulated in that conversation
  • worried about it being manipulative