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Weekly Omni Delegates' Meeting - 12 January 2015

  • Optional Breakout Session

== SHORT ARM RAISING (STAND, SIT, ANYTHING == (2m) Jes’ armpit quote

= Assignments = (3m) Facilitator(s): Jes & Rachel

   * Stacktaker: Mary
    • Explanation of progressive stack: Raise your hand and make eye contact with the stack taker. Please wait your turn, and try not to interupt or speak over others. Direct responses are allowed only as Points Of Information/ Clarifications, etc (use hand signal). For everything else, please raise your hand and wait your turn.
  • Timekeeper: Jes
    • Reminder to keep comments brief.

Noteswriter(s): Emji

   ** URL of this pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/omninom
      • Important Note for the Pad:
        • Please, do not delete meeting notes from the pad (especially ctrl-A), unless you have archived them properly. Please leave the most recent meeting's notes, and the template at the bottom, for the use of the next week's attendees and notetaker. Thank you, ~ maintenance.
  • Vibe Reader: Kevin, ?after
    • Reminder to stay calm, be respectful, and think before speaking.
    • URL of this pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/omninom
      • Important Note for the Pad:
        • Please, do not delete meeting notes from the pad (especially ctrl-A), unless you have archived them properly. Please leave the most recent meeting's notes, and the template at the bottom, for the use of the next week's attendees and notetaker. Thank you, ~ maintenance.

Next week's facilitators: Kevin & Emji

==Welcome to a Delegates Meeting == (3m) -OOC -Hand signals (tools, all consensual use! not required)

  • Explanation of hand signals:
    • "deaf applause", "raised hand", "point of process", "direct response", "time's up", "stop and reflect", "kermit" (wildcard)

touchy subject signal (elbow), etc.


Quorum call & MC Report-Backs: 7 needed for quorum Any delegates have anything to say?

  • BAPS: Kate
  • Black Hole: Chloe
  • CCL: Mary
  • FNB: Jes
  • La Commune:
  • MPM: Mg
  • Sudo Room: yar* (might leave early)
  • TIL: Emji
  • Quorum: Yes



Elmo Jes

   Jen - from Open Inclusivity
   Lava - backspace
   Grace - FNB, muralist
   == Inroductions (10m) ==

(5m) Ice-Breaker thingy/introductions, more personal, but we can come up with something cool,

Break out into groups of four. Pick a partner in that group Prompt: What inspires you to action? Tell the group of four your own answer to this question. Write down your partner’s answer on a post-it, and put it on the wall.

(5m) Intro to the whole group: Please include: Your name, your pronoun, anything about yourself if you want


(briefly describe) (3m)

    • Noteskeeper, please copy these topics in the Discussion section below**
  • CDC Challenging Dominant cultures: to help mediate conflicts between memeber collectives and ppl not affiliated with collectives, this, that, the other, mediated by people not in the collective they're a part of, it can be mediated by the CDC and the CDC can go forth with that. a "faceless" committee that can ban people.


  • Questions ppl have about Backspace
  • MG came here during the week, and someone was doing meth on the couch in the basement


(2m per)


Announcement of recent bans.


  • there has been mediation for awhie

Steve Bloom Stan ?

      • all 3 banned pending mediation; mediation is in progress

Conflict mediation process:

   1. deal directly w/ the person with whom you have a conflict
   2. request mediation with the collective you are a part of
   3. request mediation thru CDC (this proposal still needs to be approved by delegates)

      • Someone from CALX wants to interview ppl from OMNI, talk to Chloe (Backspace) if interested
      • BAPS Open House, Sat noon-3
      • Poetry at La Commune, Sat 2pm
      • If interested in collectivising re sound/music production: talk to Kevin,

meet Sun 2/22 at 6pm + bring a dish that reflects your dietary needs

      • Bike seats being stolen from across the street Saturday before midnight this past weekend

== WG Report-Backs: == 0-3 minutes each announcement, or postponed until this meeting’s discussion (<20m) What working groups have announcements that delegates and everyone need to hear? (to those not active in those working groups)

Building and Facilities

  • people needed at the front desk! iF you're interested, talk to Commons or Welcoming WG

This group needs help; https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/building

Ballroom-readiness needs and plans: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Ballroom-readiness

Challenging Domniant Culture (CDC)

Meetings:Sundays at 12pm

  • Discussion topic see below


Meetings: Saturdays at 1pm We review proposals for space rental

Communications / SysAdmins

Meetings: nope :)


Meetings: Tuesday at 7pm

= Fundraising

Backspace Working Group

  • Wellness group will remain backspace until they're taken off of the lease. in 1 or 2 months start using the name Omni Wellness League (OWL) will not use the name backspace any longer. retiring the name. renovations to den and treatment room, ready to be rented immediately. need other people to join them. plan a wellness clinic day, free donation based health care. If you know any practitioners, healers, movement, wellness, etc., with new den flooring communicating more with the building and community to help.

-need to write up their scope as a WG -will not be applying to be collective, are a sub-group of the Commons WG Lava has been focusing in details, paperwrk, etc.

Housing, Kids & Other Working Groups?

Time so far: 1hr (w/20m for Announcements+Delegates)


Cut quadrants and ask people to go to the other side of the room, to talk to someone new, whom they haven’t been sitting with. Something conversational. Free speech, yay! Suggested topics: what do you appreciate about other people in the omni? What are you working on? how do you relax? what do you really care about right now?

Proposals/Voting: (15m)

Please provide the following information with your proposal:

  • The date the proposal was put on the pad;
  • The group or person making/bottom-lining the proposal;
  • Who will be speaking to the proposal at the meeting;
  • Where the full text or other information about the proposal can be found, if it's not all here.

Mural Proposal (Den / Meditation Room)

grant, refurbishing area, this proposal is about the mural- link:

Restated proposal, grant, designs will be brought to general meeting when it's ready, this is agreement to going forward with planning and consent on exact design later -mural in den & roatating art gallery on wall by wellness room curated by birdhouse collective Vote:

   Against- 0

Quiet Rooms=

  • Creation of a "Quiet" Room as an intentional space for people to decompress or mark themselves as "Not Available" for other reasons. - Ryan deilann 2/3

-no social noise allowed in this space -should such a room even exist? not sure what room it will be yet, if it's a room at all. Mary:shared space with someone, maybe Icarus? -possibly would needing a dedicated space -will come back to the group about exactly where for consensus before doing so -Basement? Keep one of the rooms available at all times, would not interfere with things like BAPS (Emji brought up BAPS) -Jes: outreach program, oriented quiet in certain areas, depending upon the day - Naomi: treatment room being used for this recently. keep an hour to a day when there is quiet time, asid from being used for healing, signage saying this is a place for quiet, not go in there and have a mini party with a bunch of people- that there are guidelines directed to that. Ryan: doesn't solve the problem if it's only an hour to a day Naomi: I don't see how down here should be used for that Ryan: let's not focuson where the space should be, just want to know if it's something the omni wants to exist yar: is that about people iunteracting with me, or just next to me? (social noise) emji: won't be ale to consent on it until there's a more specific prposal, about where it is, etc. ryan: doesn't believe we can figure these things out until we find out if people believe it should even exist rachel: what if we don't find a space? jessie: i think it depends on the space nick describes a place ryan says it's being used by backspace chloe: if you have a need, go ahead with looking for it and brin back the more specific proposal yar: ryan: omni is supposed to be a social space, cutting off access to an area bc peple don't want to be social isn't a commons. i disagree and just want to get consensus on that it should exist yar: hasn't talked to sudo room ppl about it, accoridng to our philosophies, we have room for such a thing ryan: tired, don't want to put the energy into a more defined prposal without consensus on the idea itself

yar: friendly ammendment?: omni values and mission don't preclude having a quiet space somewhere in the building & comfortable saying yes, even though i haven't talked to sudo room about it

jessie: be quiet, let this settle in, don't mean to hurt ea oth feelings, this is not the point of what's going on here

==Yar proposes a straw poll to say this:

   General interest in ryan's quiet room idea ,  omni values and mission don't preclude having a quiet space somewhere in the building 
   For: 7
   Against: 0
   Abstain: 0

Naomi feels jabbed at and little attacked, if we can't think of an ideal space in the building itself where it could happen, it's complicated, felt bullied into agreeing.

MG: is there a guideline about proposals? emji: there's definitely a precedent, there's a form, the use, the contribution from projects to omni as a whole, process, details mary: can a working group make the process of using space more permanently and make these proposals more clearcut how we organize? can figure out what makes a proposal

= Tabled: =**

Oakland Next

  • CDC mediation role proposal

MOVEMENT ACTIVITY (3m challenge)

Total wiggle.

(free flow movement, whatever)

== Discussion == (30m) (5m per topic, vote on more)

  • MG came here earlier this week, and someone was freebasing meth on the couch in the basement, tall white guy with dreds

yar: anyone is empowered to ask them to leave if anyone is doing anything that makes you uncomfortable in the space, or find someone who is comfortable doing that, and just get them to leave immediately,

mary: or call someone, write to te discuss list, omnicommons.org/lists -choose discuss

yar:-if you send an email to help@omnicommons.org goes to discuss list, as of two seconds ago

la commune was open, there were only 2 people around in the building

darin: predominantly female room tonight, and you should pat yourselves on the back for that, i've been to other meetings like this

  • Theft in general, bike theft the other night

Emji: something i haven't heard come up in the last week, or lsat few times it was brought up- this is Oakland, be aware of the space you are occupying- if you're concerned about your stuff getting stolen, keep your eye on it. it feels like common sense to me.

Mary: just say hi to someone you don't know in the space, if you feel comfortable

          • !!!KEEPing the space clean, so it shows that we're on top of it!!!!

Emji: sorry to be jaded in this, but this is a commons, watch your shit like you would in the park, even if we have keycards, people leave the door open all of the time, be aware.

Naomi: am totally on board with emji on this, maybe we could have more parking inside, just wanted to make people aware to this, where to leave it or not

Mary: 3ft wide pathways, please be mindful of it

yar: and consicous of the tape on the floor, the wheelchair pass

  • CDC Challenging Dominant cultures: to help mediate conflicts between memeber collectives and ppl not affiliated with collectives, this, that, the other, mediated by people not in the collective they're a part of, it can be mediated by the CDC and the CDC can go forth with that. a "faceless" committee that can ban people.

== Action Items == (5m)

  • yar already created help@omnicommons.org
  • get people on front desk! tell all your collectives! -Rachel
  • Saturday 2pm w/ted reese, hour long poetry reading -Emji
  • Sunday 1pm Beekeeping class Sudo/CCL, bringing honey & bees!! (in jars) -Mary

Total time now, 2hrs


All hands activity! (consensual hugs optional)

<3 Release yourselves back into the wild!

Don’t forget about the post-its!