Event:2017/09/21 Delegates

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Omni Delegates' Meeting - 21 September 2017 7pm-9pm


  • Introductions, Meeting Roles, and Delegates Count [10 minutes]
  • Announcements [5 minutes]
  • Bans [5 minutes]
  • Working Group Report-Backs [15 minutes]
  • Member Collective Updates (10 minutes)
  • Proposal X: [15 minutes]
  • Discussion Z: [10 minutes]


Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Affiliation

  • Julian - current pronoun 'Julian' - BAPS - Communiations & Challenging Dominant Cultures (CDC)
  • Almaz - GCEA - Commons & CDC & Fundraising
  • Ken - CCL & Building Work
  • Robb - he, him - Sudo, Building & Commons
  • Mary Ann - she/her - Chiapas / Fundraising
  • Jenny - she/her - sudo / comms / finance / building / occasional commons
  • Steve - he/him - BAPS
  • Alpha - here to see what OC is about, part of the Social Labs (alt economics)
  • Helen - she/her - FNB delegate
  • Phil - FNB / Invisible Labor Committee

Meeting Roles

  • Facilitator/s: Julian
  • Explanation of hand signals: "deaf applause", "raised hand", "point of process", "direct response"(wildcard), etc.
  • Stacktaker: Jenny
  • Timekeeper: Almaz
  • Notetaker/s: Jenny, Julian, Robb
  • Vibe Reader: Helen
  • Next meeting's facilitator(s): Phil


  • ABDC:
  • BAPS: Julian
  • CCL: Ken
  • CSC: Mary Ann
  • FNB: Helen
  • GWS: inactive after this meeting
  • LL: inactive
  • Sudo: Robb
  • TIL: inactive
  • GCEA:Almaz
  • Quorum: 6/8 active collectives



  • Running Wolf update - Phil - RW has been able to get alternative access to computers & food. RW's request for mediation has not proceeded due to RW's prefered mediator is not able to participate. Ken is still willing.
    • Ken: Check in with campaign manager, if he left contact info?
      • Robb: Should send response
        • Mary Ann: Did that, sent to Jenny
          • Jenny: oh, thought was sent to mediation@
            • Phil - will talk to Michael Delecroix
              • Julian: Have been talking about this & banning for awhile in Challenging Dominant Cultures. Will report more in the CDC reportback
                • Steve: Just curious if you have his current email?
                  • Jenny & Mary Ann - just RunningWolf4Mayor@gmail.com
  • Add to list of people asked to leave

Working Group Report-Backs

Building & permits

Meetings: 1st & 3rd Mondays @ 6pm

  • No meeting transpired this Monday - all probably too wiped out from the work party & bookfair prep
  • Robb & Gerald installed fixture in FNB pantry
  • Almaz: Lighting needed in Library/Conference room in basement
  • Phil: Touchy area is the bathrooms
  • Jenny - Patrik, Ken & Robb have been maintaining rat traps. We need people maintaining traps in the basement.
    • Helen: Are they set up already or do they need to be set up?
      • Jenny: CCL has some we can set up; Omni can also buy some... I'm too squeamish to deal with the trapped rats
        • Ken: If others can keep an eye, they can ask me and I can remove the rats
    • Almaz: Also need one near the bar, v important
  • This group needs help; https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/building


Meetings: Second and Fourth Thursdays at 6pm


Meetings: 2nd and 4th Sundays at 5pm

  • New Omni Brochures printed! Many thanks to Grant from BAPS for revamping the beautiful ones made by Niki & Libbie in 2015!
    • Almaz: is this online
      • Julian: yes, the webiste
      • Robb: pdf on google drive [link?]
  • We haz buttonmaker! Talk to Jenny or Abe (co-owners) if you'd like to use it.
  • Meeting this Sunday! Come and participate in crafting our internal and outward-facing communications!
  • Julian - 45 newsletter sign ups at Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair, including 10 folx expressing interest in working group involvement
  • Jenny - meetings moved to 2nd & 4th Sundays


Meetings: Currently conjoined with Fundraising, 2nd & 4th Mondays at 6pm

  • Jenny: we're not broke! projected to only lose $175 this month, which is good cuz we're still repaying community loans. our loan repayments will not exceed $4000/mo here on out
  • Phil: Turned off the freezer in the basement that kept running and is no longer necessary
  • Discussion of freezer behind ballroom bar & monitoring its power usage
  • Almaz: Before winter, how is heat going to work in the building?
    • Robb: Furnace for the ballroom, furnace into entrance hall, furnace in sudo/ccl, furnace in Disco Room. Another might feed the basement
      • Jenny: We should turn on the heating this year. Just need to make sure they get turned off
        • Robb: All the heaters are time-outable
          • Ken: Auto-shutoff at a certain time?
            • Robb: Refer to Patrik, he bought one last year but was too late in the season to use it
              • Jenny - may be asking delegates to waive one or more months of rent for GWS.
  • Budget Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheetsn/d/1rvkMc5lmd8PovoViNLdvlrv0tSyvrH7iB0SmGqaFec8/edit?usp=drive_web


Meetings: Currently conjoined with Finance,, 2nd & 4th Mondays at 6pm

Member Collective Updates

What is going on with your collective? What are you working on? What have you accomplished? Any events coming up? Any difficulties you are encountering that you need help with?



  • Julian - classes on the calendar
  • Steve - Jerico has not been meeting


  • Ken: cleaning up so can look remotely like Sudo
    • trying to finish organizing fermentation station


  • Mary Ann: people are likely aware from the news about the disater for Mexico. CSC is collecting funds for the disaster & Mary Anne is a the agent doing that. Wire transfers direct from CSC to a Zapatista Human Rights organization. national indigenous organization has identified 5 responsible organizations to send money to. an inquiry that came across one of our lists, from UCB. if you get that kind of question, you can
    • Julian: is there publicity we can point people to?
      • Mary Ann: I can put the link of on Omni's FB page
        • the whole call is on the blog


  • Helene: no particular updates so


  • Almaz - need to cleanup kids rooms
    • still looking for laptop
      • perhaps not cleaned since the Bookfair?
  • also the earlier mentioned announcement for Sept 29th
  • 4 volunteers helping w/ 4 youths


  • Benefit for Haiti in honor of Lori on Sep 30th - check the calendar


  • Eisenstein's October films screening


  • sudo room is clean af!! check it out!
  • workshop on Sat


  • Jenny: a book release party soon, "like a solid to a shadow" - possibly Oct 21st

Discussion: Cleaning

  • Phil - hard part is bathrooms
  • Julian - last meeting there was discussion of a women's bathroom proposal, any proposal?
  • Jenny - Laura said she would inform Cathy on how to submit proposal for women's bathroom
  • Phil - sign will create awareness that there is no staff here.
  • Almaz - we discussed having an Omni cleaning day once or twice a month
  • Julian: If we could formalize mandatory collective participation in cleaning days, that would be optimal -
    • Mary Ann: Discussed this with CSC - Arnaldo spent $95 on cleaning supplies to get things ready for CompArte, was very upset. Reported on it at last meeting. Unanimous rejection of mandatory cleaning day with loss of voting rights. We have 3 people - I'm disabled. Few things I'm willing to do, if specified. The other two often work on weekends, and work all week long. Already holding the group together - in fact resigning from it right now. We're very clear that it won't work for us.
      • Almaz: We can come up with a different proposal... eg donate money, or sthg. different... if it affects the collective
        • Helen: Think we should stick to making it voluntary - if it's a regular thing, people will come to it
          • Julian: Skeptical that that's true, not sure there's a bet thter way to deal with it. People say the same thing about working groups but it's a relatively stable crew that comes there
            • Mary Ann: Group thinks an outside cleaning service should be hired for events due to different standards of cleanliness
              • Jenny: COuld add cleaning service orgs to the Event Rental packet
                • Julian: Important problem to solve, but if we can't DIY this, that says a lot. We should figure out a way to do this ourselves
                  • Ken: Would be fine with me if you did the enforcement thing, but not initially... eg Mary Ann has limited personnell, some group does way more but has the personell. Have a more organized set of cleaning duties. I'd like CCL's work on setting rat traps to be recognized and not be docked because not doing other cleaning duties.
                    • Helen: We're talking about 3 different things: 1) events cleaning up, 2) duties needed on the everyday (eg toilets) and 3) large-scale periodic cleaning
                      • Jenny - met someone who is involved in a community space & they rotate which collective cleans bathrooms/floors/outside
                        • Almaz - Events are doing great work. They clean up before & make sure the event cleans up afterwards. Maybe Commons group needs to have a discussion about how cleanliness is going with events. Make sure to separate the events from the collectives.
              • Need tuo focus on everyday duties and large-scale periodic cleaning. Can focus on those 2 topics on the next meeting, or someone(s) work on a proposal for the next meeting.
                • Helen: When would be a good time to have a general cleaning day? Pick 2 times and send back to the collectives

  • Can do a weekday
  • 2 a month - one a weekday, one a weekend
  • Take back to collective with proposed weekday and weekend time
  • This is a voluntary practice -
  • Mention of karaoke setup ^_^ combine Friday

Action Items

  • Follow up with ____ from London Crossroads space re: chore distribution - [jenny]

Last Meeting Notes


End of Meeting