Event:2015/11/27 Commons WG Hackathon
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Omni Commons Commons Hackathon - 28 November 2015 Starts at 12pm @ Laura's place :)
yar, jeremy, laura, jenny, julio, robb
- lasted until 1:17pm
- Calendar feeds are now syncing again! But manually, not automatically :(
- Jenny revised and updated the floorplan - feedback appreciated: https://omnicommons.org/occupy/omni-commons-floorplan/ and https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Floorplan
- Jenny updated Locations in /occupy/, /calendar/, bayareapublicschool.org and sudoroom.org
Meeting Structure
- Second Sundays
- Full review of pending events for the following month & assigning point people
- Link to event criteria?
- All other meetings
- Prioritize answering questions from event holders and orienting new volunteers
- Check in on the week's upcoming events (calendar listing, point person(s), A/V needs, optional promoting on omni social media, contract & deposit, payment & invoicing)
- Maybe one meeting a month could be dedicated just to onboarding new volunteers?
Responsibilibuddy / Point Person Responsibilities
- Update https://omnicommons.org/wiki/responsibilibuddy - draft happening at https://pad.riseup.net/p/responsibilibuddy
- Give accounts on /calendar/ and /occupy/ and sign up for mailing lists
- Comms Checklist: Meet w/ event holder, go over any concerns/questions, iron out day-of logistics, create/send/sign contract, invoice for payment & deposit (Quickbooks), be present for entire event, return deposit up to 1 week after event
- Meet: Can be done during a Commons WG meeting 1st, 3rd & 4th Sundays or independently
- Concerns/Questions: See the FAQ for common questions and answers (todo: write an FAQ)
- Day-of: Clean space, work out A/V logistics, anticipate concurrent events, provide doorperson if necessary
- Contract: revise to be simpler
- Invoice: Is there a Commons account for our Quickbooks?
- Create a temporary keycard for recurring events
- If event requires quality sound, let them know they can message sound@omnicommons.org to hire an in-house sound technician
- laura thinks we should just change the contract, make it simpler like this place: http://mccatheater.com/, http://theboxsf.com/Box_Contract_06-08-2012.pdf
Event Request Form Improvement
- point person detail on event request form (not useful) (jeremy will talk to laura or jenny)
- update the rules (neighborhood, noise, limitations of space use, street restrictions) and have them be apparent in general information about having an event a the Omni
- please add to the wiki page, linked to from /occupy/: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Rules
- make sure autoresponse for booking the event is happening
- emails are only sent when pending events are approved. there is no template for when events are submitted. A success message appears for users upon submission: "SUCCESS!!! You have successfully submitted your event. We (the all-volunteer Commons working group) review all requests on the second Sunday of the month. You will receive a response shortly after that. Please be patient, as we receive many requests every month. Thank you - we look forward to hosting you in the Omni Commons!"
- new requests can all appear in one spreadsheet to make them easier to review
- jenny: is the extra work to implement this worth it when we can also just look at 'pending events' in /occupy/?
Booking Process Walkthrough
Jenny will facilitate (if she works out the bugs in this new plugin first):
- New contract form: https://omnicommons.org/occupy/occupy-the-omni-commons/
Dream Calendar System Brainstorm
Yar will facilitate:
Done Today
- Began updating Location pages and reformatted so that info and photos go above the map, sync'd w/ /occupy/, BAPS and sudo calendars [Jenny]
- Opened an Issue w/ the ESS plugin developers [Jenny]: https://github.com/essfeed/wordpress-events-manager-ess/issues/8
- Began updating Responsibilibuddy FAQ [Laura]: https://pad.riseup.net/p/responsibilibuddy
- Solicited WP Contract plugin developers to debug the plugin [Jenny]
- Deleted out-of-date pending events and checked in on outstanding comms followups [Julio]
- Fixed and updated https://omnicommons.org (Yar)
- Laura did more research on alcohol and insurance reqs
Action Items
- Update all Locations on https://omnicommons.org/calendar with detailed information and photos of each space; replicate to BAPS and Sudo calendars OR AND put space info and pics on its own page on site - [Jenny started adding photos to individual Location pages in /calendar/ @ https://omnicommons.org/calendar/wordpress/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=location ]
- Need photos of: Upstairs Den, Treatment Room, Blue Classroom, Entrance Hall, Ticket Booth Room, Ballroom Library, Basement Library, more recent Ballroom photo
- Create Commons user on sudospace and train folks on granting temporary keycard access for recurring events [Jenny/Yar?]
- Write an FAQ for potential event holders as well as for point people that consolidates all of our documentation (eg https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Responsibilibuddy and https://omnicommons.org/occupy ) --> https://pad.riseup.net/p/responsibilibuddy [Laura/Jeremy]
- Debug Events Manager ESS plugin re: automatic syncing [Jenny/Yar] - https://github.com/essfeed/wordpress-events-manager-ess/issues/8
- Update A/V equipment list [Robb]
- Create a page on insurance, permits & alcohol
- Update and simplify contract [waiting on feedback from WP Contracts plugin devs]
Gratuitous Link Dump
- Omni Web App brainstorm: https://pad.riseup.net/p/omniapp
- Omni Booking System brainstorm/user flow: https://github.com/sudoroom/omni-booking
- DK's insurance flowchart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByjR12L1MEjCWTlndkstc2puTXM/view?usp=sharing
- Jeremy and Sadie brainstorm: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Event:2015/09/29_Commons_Working_Group
- ESS Plugin Github Issue: https://github.com/essfeed/wordpress-events-manager-ess/issues/8
- please leave this here along with some whitespace :)