Event:2016/01/07 Building Bloc

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Building Bloc meeting #7 Thursday January 7, 2015


Meeting notes & poems here: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Building_Bloc

  • if you don't want your comments in the meeting notes, just say so at any time!

who's here

name, pronoun, a hope you have for omni, what you think BB's role is

  • remote-yar: i hope it's full of responsible people someday. we want to help keep it open, work for a culture of solidarity, name & celebrate the work people do
  • julio: self reliance through mutual cooperation, maybe involving gardens. interested in the potential to be an orientation/onboarding group, because there's no good way to do that right now.


  • just for us, for now. in january?

new members


future meetings

  • we need to have a regular time, or at least announce the times more than a few days in advance.
  • julio: is before the delegates meeting a good time?
  • yar: i hope we can settle on weekends
  • julio: people go away for the weekend though... what do you think is a good weekend? or time?
  • yar might not be able to make earlier than 3 this sunday, but julio prefers before dark


  • yar thinks cdc should merge into building bloc
  • julio: what about the restorative justice circles?
  • yar is skeptical that RJ is a substitute for CDC. needs to be room for competing ideologies to RJ
  • julio: if people start dominating a conversation it might be good to have that as a resource though
  • yar: i struggle to be hopeful about omni and the bay area. it helps to have other people to talk to, but it seems nobody really comes here but white techie dudes.
  • julio: safe space vs brave space
  • long talk about omni, values

first friday

  • we got 55 emails in december!
  • there's no first friday until march
  • yar thinks having the meeting on FF was a failed experiment
  • dunno if omni's doing anything that day


  • help! dance towards us! rejoice! we need more friends here!