2014/05/03 Omni Hackathon/Values
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Existing list of core values on Wiki:
The Omni Collective chooses to value:
- Community over seclusion
- Consent over coercion
- Communing over isolation
- Consensus over factions
- Do-ocracy over bureaucracy
- Process over the tyranny of structurelessness
- Cooperation over competition
- Commons over private interest
- Independence over centralization
The Omni Collective chooses to value:
- Fostering radical discourse and education
- Maintaining an active, publicly accessible commons
- Providing a venue for innovative cultural production
- Striving for social, economic & environmental justice
- Standing in solidarity with all oppressed people
- Cultures of consent, against rape, violence & exploitation
- Safe spaces
- The survival & thrival of our communities and neighborhoods
- Create a community where we can be autonomous in a non-alienating environment
Concerns with existing values
- feels apolitical
- casts equal shade on rape and paperwork
- could be more explicit
- what is the forum?
- Seeming contradiction between 'consensus over factions' and 'independence over centralization'
- Move away from the culture of head-nodding and consensus models where those who have the most privilege / comfort / loudest most persuasive voice in a group influence
- What is the motivation / aim of communicating our values?
How do we develop our values?
- What we want to achieve vs. What our process / philosophies / politics are
- Framing things in terms of being for over being against
- Broad more abstract values that include explicit examples
- Public-facing vs internal functioning
- Political vs process
Moving Towards....Moving Away From
- Activity / Engagement....Passivity / Apathy / Hopelessness / Apolitical
- Creativity....Productivity
- Community....Alientation
- Consent....Coercion
- Dialectic / Rhizomatic....Programmatic
- Need to adopt conflict resolution policy
- Sudo Room's conflict resolution policy: https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Articles_of_Association#Section_3.2_Conflict_Resolution
- Values are often latent, and inform all of the other aspects of our functioning together
- Broad statements we can all get behind, but from there we need to define what these terms mean
- Values there as these dyadems we point at each other from across the space, all holding this orb of vague
- Maybe we should be actively articulating what we *don't* want in the space
- Definition of safe space at the Omni:
- How are we putting our collective resources behind anti-oppression?
- Value of specificity, clearly stating we're antiracist, antihomophobic, etc
- Plastic vs. non-negotiable values
- Adopting practices models - a framework for how we deal with specific situations in non-oppressive manner
- These values are ways for people to identify us when "shopping for community" - functioning in a manner similar to hashtags
Link to Safe Space / Dominant Culture notes: