Event:2014/05/12 Challenging Dominant Culture Meeting

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OMNI challenging dominant cultures working group meeting

Jordan, Margit, Sarah, Kazoo, Danny, Noemi

1 thing each of us is hoping for with the Omni:

  • hoping to have movement performances
  • hoping it will become open and interesting and desirable for groups outside of our immediate group
  • hoping a move to Temescal doesn’t disrupt the Sudo community
  • hoping it will be a catalyst for social action/social change, getting what we need to fight capitalism
  • hoping for direct communication amongst us as a bigger group, and a sense of pace that feels grounded at the center of all tentacles
  • hoping for care to preserve values of transparency and non hierarchy

items to discuss:

  • reaching out to Omni neighbors
  • creating safe space within the Omni and a conflict resolution policy/procedure including alternatives to police intervention
  • materials and website to be multilingual
  • making invitations to diverse stakeholders
  • ways we might document what’s going on


  • reaching out to Omni neighbors
    • we ought to wait until the lease is signed
    • and then?
    • door-to-door, in groups of 2 or 3
    • come with intent and allow side-track conversations to build relationships and build community
    • per-person outreach capacity? perhaps 2 or 3 houses
    • and in materials, proving a tangible way to get involved – e.g., an info-session and potluck in the ballroom, experience the space
  • outreach
    • what about inviting people to consider space?
    • there are options, multiple points of entry:
    • some groups may be open to sharing their space
    • there are rooms you can reserve
    • there is common space open to all
  • community events
    • August may be too late
    • what if individual groups want to do their own outreach?
    • and neighbors might get confused if they get spoken to twice
    • door-knocking coordination seems necessary
    • holding the Thursday meeting as only discussing lease and logistics
    • maybe our first goal as “challenging dominant culture” and radicalizing the Thursday meeting
    • and, putting pressure on the “logistics” team to catalogue issues and concerns
    • and note that there is a release valve on the nightly check-in call, which may also relax the Thursday meeting
  • making invitations
    • many groups doing transformational work in Oakland ought to come to a meeting … or something … but how to set expectations?
    • the Thursday meeting is not welcoming
    • so, back to the meeting culture!
  • inreach
    • meeting culture needs challenging!
    • hierarchical, not fun, sorta kinda effed up, reverted into following and leading
    • we’re in a state of emergency until the lease gets signed
    • nothing happened at 6:30pm except for Danny holding space
    • there is no facilitator chosen after the last meeting
    • the meetings are welcome at fiiiirst, but then the positive intention clashes with the anxiety around the work
    • people need to BOTH enjoy AND celebrate
    • the culture needs to be fun
    • next CDC meeting held at 5pm, and WE will be the welcoming committee
  • reporting back to THE WHOLE GROUP
    • what might we say?
      • we’re intent on improving the language we use as being accessible
      • we’re concerned about the meeting culture being fun and inviting
      • we’re also concerned about tech issues and related work, like getting added to the list or wiki or whatever
      • we’re interested in going door-to-door


  • have 1 meeting a month as an open meeting for anyone interested in the Omni? restart the announcement list?
  • propose something farther ahead? maybe all of the Omni folks just spending half a day together

action items:

  • party!
  • kazoo sends an email
  • kazoo will make a cake
  • propose plan and dates in late May/ early June for visiting neighbors – via omniogistics list with contact
  • translate 1-sheet into plain, accessible language – building on from communications group
  • Danny collects language from communications group and sends to Kazoo
  • Margit talks with communications group regarding materials in other languages
  • Jordan raises conversation about coordinating door-knocking and outreach between Omni and Sudo

next meetings:

May 14, 5pm at 2141 Broadway

May 19th, 6:30–8pm Monday May 19th location TBD