Event:2014/05/15 Omni Delegates Meeting

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May 15 meeting:

Facilitator : Kazoo ! Stack : Niki Who's Here : Kazoo (Screenprinting), David K. (BAPS / Sudo), Niki (BAPS / La Commune), Gabby (FNB), Danny (Peak Agency), Cere (CCL), Shlomo, Matt (BAPS / Sudo), Stephen (BAPS), Libbie (BAPS), Helen (FNB), Jake (Sudo), Matt (Sudo/Mesh), Jenny (Sudo/Mesh), VIcky (Sudo / Wiki), Marc (Sudo/Mesh/CCL), Stefan, Resham, Anna, Jeremy (Sudo), Andrew (spa), Ahnon (CCL), Noemie (Sudo), Amy (Sudo), Zach (TIL), Elaine (BAPS), Bill (BAPS), Elizabeth (livespace), Sally (Sudo), David B (BAPS/cafe), yar (Sudo), Joel (TIL), Qwick Time (royal tribe), Margit (BAPS), May (BAPS)

Delegates : David B. (La Commune), Elizabeth (LiveSpace), Lauren (ONL), Andrew (Backspace), Jenny (SUDO), Danny (Peak Agency), Niki (BAPS), Joel (TIL), Ahnon (CCL).

Quorum? : YES.

CDC report back

  • party ongoing forever
  • positivity
  • the entire omni should be challenging the dominant culture
  • the omni is outside the building. we are the omni
  • address it or it adds to gentrification
  • needs a nucleus
  • Qwic - "You are the omni first"
  • hierarchy / representative democracy?


Fiscal Status (sponsorship)

Delegate Update:

  • Legal status of your organization/group:
    • La Commune - LLC (collectively run)
    • Live Space - fiscally sponsored
    • ONL - Unincorporated association
    • CCL - California public benefit non-profit corporation, 501(c)3 pending
    • Sudo - California public benefit non-profit corporation, 501(c)3 pending
    • Peak Agency - not yet incorporated, soon collectively run LLC
    • BAPS - unincorporated
    • Backspace - not incorporated yet, soon LLC or Cal Cooperative
    • Blackhole Cinema (film processing) - Unincorporated associatoin
    • TIL - unknown

Delegate applicants:

    • Contemporary Art Museum of Oakland - unincoprorated association
    • FNB - Non-profit 501c3
    • Sudo Mesh - also not incorporated yet, Cal Nonprofit, fiscally sponsored by Media Allianceh

Omni getting fiscal sponsorship?

  • no time before wednesday
  • unless we do. we'll see.
  • As much as 10% or as low as 4% of income contributed to sponsoring non-profit
  • Candidates for sponsorship:
    • east bay community land trust
    • food not bombs
      • "Could almost guarantee that we don't want money"

Money, Rent, Space & Use at the omni

MONEY, RENT, SPACE & USE AT THE OMNI : A Proposal from the Bay Area Public School

The Omni is an experiment. We are trying to create a new kind of transformative social space.

Therefore, we are going to try new things. Some are going to work, some are not going to work, but trying them is the most important part.

Because we intend to try new things, we ought to be vigilant about not letting old, unreflected-on ideas in the door without examining them closely.

The specific areas we need to think about are all related : money, rent, space & use.

These are all related because we live in a society that has used money to equate everything, and that requires money to mediate everything.

Since a founding principle of this project is to resist the logic & violence of money, and all of the relations that money conditions, we absolutely cannot proceed without interrogating money’s logic.

We are trying to create the Omni as a concrete social good in which non-commercial projects can flourish, so we need to strongly interrogate the logic of rent. Yes, we need to pay it, but we suggest that we go with the model that has been working well at 2141 Broadway for over a year now -- the collectivity makes the rent, & then makes the space available for free to non-commercial groups of all kinds -- cultural, political, and so on.

Space should be apportioned according to need and the ability to pay.

Use of the Omni ought to be based on the social good, and not on ability to pay.

discussion of proposal

  • we want to formalize our informal understanding of how we deal with money?
  • there's been conflicting visions of what omni space usage looks like
  • be really clear about radical character of this project & insist on it
  • CCL is totes down
  • groups will ponder for a week. onward!

Working Groups

(15 min)


(10 min)

  • Communications :
  • Legal / Governance : David K. & Andrew
  • Finance
  • Space Operations : Ahnon

New Working Groups

(5 min)


  • Revive Legal / Governance? - Talk about at end of meeting.

New Collective Applications

(5 min)

  • Contemporary Art Museum of Oakland (submitted ; vote 5/22)
  • East Bay Food Not Bombs (submitted ; vote 5/22)
  • Creative Empowerment Project (tabled)

Fiscal Sponsorship Idea

Proposal: We intend to propose to food not bombs that they act as the Omni Collective's fiscal sponsor until we become our own non-profit. CONSENSUS'd


  • deadline Wednesday
  • 30 days after opening bank account (May 21st)
  • need board of directors
    • compatible with the state, but also our values

Interim Board of Directors


  • Adopt baseline Bylaws
    • Creates temporary Board of Directors based on current delegates, as recommended by Jesse
    • Use Boilerplate, standard language, as sudo has done based on noisebridge
  • Start working on governance issues
    • One month deadline
  • Adopt proper By-Laws by date set in interim By-Laws

Experimental branch of Bylaws for decentralizing, maintaining a Board of Directors AND Delegates, without necessarily having overlap:

PROPOSAL : We submit the bylaws as they stand by Wednesday, with an amendment requiring that we elect a new board of directors one month (30 days) from the filing date (June 20), & that when the board of directors is dissolved (or before that date) we have a comprehensive review of the bylaws & submit a new text, vetted by the Omni Collective community and approved by the delegates. PASSED.

Action Items

  • bylaws hackathon - deadline wednesday 21st (6 days from today)

Next Meeting

  • Facilitator:


MONEY, RENT, SPACE & USE AT THE OMNI : A Proposal from the Bay Area Public School

The Omni is an experiment. We are trying to create a new kind of transformative social space.

Therefore, we are going to try new things. Some are going to work, some are not going to work, but trying them is the most important part.

Because we intend to try new things, we ought to be vigilant about not letting old, unreflected-on ideas in the door without examining them closely.

The specific areas we need to think about are all related : money, rent, space & use.

These are all related because we live in a society that has used money to equate everything, and that requires money to mediate everything.

Since a founding principle of this project is to resist the logic & violence of money, and all of the relations that money conditions, we absolutely cannot proceed without interrogating money’s logic.

We are trying to create the Omni as a concrete social good in which non-commercial projects can flourish, so we need to strongly interrogate the logic of rent. Yes, we need to pay it, but we suggest that we go with the model that has been working well at 2141 Broadway for over a year now -- the collectivity makes the rent, & then makes the space available for free to non-commercial groups of all kinds -- cultural, political, and so on.

Space should be apportioned according to need and the ability to pay.

Use of the Omni ought to be based on the social good, and not on ability to pay.