Event:2014/09/17 Ballroom Working Group

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Wednesday's 6-8pm

Present: Andrew, Danny, Maryanna, Tyler (guest), Niki, David

  • Finished Contract
  • Intake form - we made it and emailed it to everyone
  • Ballroom Operating agreement - Touched on it. Still working with the duality of "Sponsored" events hosted internally through a member collective, and "Rented" events hosted by the ballroom WG and paid for by the renter. All events go through the ballroom WG so that we have the info on what is happening in the space and can manage the flow and accessibility to all!
  • Calendar - concern that we will have a ton of scheduling conflict. Idea to carve out a dollar amount we need to make from the Ballroom OR a certain number of days dedicated to money making events.
  • We will have a page on the website with the intake survey.
  • Leslie Pritchard may be a great person to contact re our permit questions.
  • Decided, after talking to Tyler, that donation Bar (no liquor) is OK for Sponsored events and low key events. For Parties, Caterers, things open to the Public to a large degree (more than 100 people), the group needs to pull a special use permit and/or a one day liquor license.
  • Events we are currently working on signing contracts:

1. Birthday party for Dress (David is the contact)

2. Deconstruction (Danny is contact)

3. Life Support Alliance (Stephen + Maryanna)

4. Congolese Dance (Niki + Maryanna)

5. Phat Beets (Danny + Maryanna)

Money making idea events: No public dance parties!! yes conferences, yes, speakers, yes films, yes private parties, yes poetry, yes dance, yes soft music, yes theater, yes ping pong, yes holiday parties....

  • Equipment - We need it! Things we need:
  • PA
  • Lights
  • mics and mic stands (Kevin is on the look out)
  • light bulbs for the Ballroom (Oscar is researching...I think)
  • Need signage for not entering the other parts of the OMni by renters of the ballroom, and vice versa.
  • should check on our liability insurance and if it with cover us if any alcohol is present in the room during renting.
  • Andrew and Maryanna will check the omniballroom@gmail.com account for the time being.
  • looking for a new time to meet so that more folks can attend.