Event:2015/02/21 Commons WG Meeting
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Commons WG 2/21
- Niki, Laura, Jenny, Crystal, Noemi, Matt, David K, Kwe
Late: Rachel
- Crystal is a member of an experimental music group (Active Music Series) looking to possibly join Omni
- Two other people run the series
- contact info:
- Always give any proceeds to the artists
- Request that artists provide their own sound
- Want to keep group in Oakland
- https://activemusic.wordpress.com/
- once a month, uptown was hosting free, donation-based
- $120/event in donations average
- ~25-40 attendees/event
- Explain difference between renting the space once a month vs. becoming a member collective
- a big show once a year (terry riley performances, etc) - roscoe mitchell
- The second tuesday was their uptown day - looking to stick with tuesday(s)
- shows are usually ~ 2h - could start at 8pm (end at 10)
- (which room? could fit easily into disco room but we need to soundproof a bit in there)
- just emailed a request, not yet filled out form - will do so once they have a date picked (not a rush)
- Figuring out the alcohol situation - bump to an email thread
- Fundraising for Renovation Next Steps?
- Different tasks:
- Raising money: Fundraising has been taking a break but we can organize meetings on mondays again. It should be ongoing. It's good to take a break but there is a need for continuous work. Example: there is a work to do on the perks. Kwe is interested in spearheading the next phase.
- Organizing the space
- Community center aspect
- Building: Matt and Mary have been meeting on sundays at 1pm. Needs to be documented and announced. David has been working on this too :) combine forces!
- Different tasks:
- Omni Media Group Room(s) Status
- Kwe: I'm representing a larger organization MIHU, that is spread out all over the world. I'd like to know how to become a legitimate active collective as Music Is Healing Us.
- Please send out the information about your group and we'll collect questions from other collectives. Clarify the space that you need and what you can contribute to the omni.
- Began with a shared vision of a community media space, especially for youth
- Black Hole came and requested one of the basement rooms (this is but one option for black hole)
- This option is sub-optimal if Black Hole is able to close off the hallway instead (utilizing currently unusuable space).
- Black Hole needs to submit a space use proposal to the delegates
- So both music production and post production difficult in basement
- Liz started putting together scheduling needs to accommodate both needs
- Proposal to separate post production space to crow's nest to allow for basement music production
- OpAl to arrange and maintain equipment in the crows nest and steward its accessible, scheduled use for Music Is Healing, Optik Allusions, Oakland Next, and other groups
- Other classes and meetings that take place in the 'Library' room would need to be rescheduled
- The basement rooms need significant work - taking down all drywall to treat the mold, and upgrading ventilation system
- Suggested to look at Omni Music Project proposal for inspiration
- Responsibility to the Omni at large? Media support for in-house collectives
- Optik Allusions to make a proposal to steward the crows nest now for post-production
- OpAl to participate in working groups
- Figuring out Music is Healing Collective @ the Omni (agreement, grant/crowd funding, scheduling, space, storage etc)
- What is the agreement, where do I stand as an omni collective?
- Sarah P expressed concern about personal storage and cleanliness of Disco Room and crow's nest
- Started out as 'work sound life' - was an online community
- music is healing is more work on the ground
- wp calendar de-foobarring next steps / how to help
- Israeli folk dance in the ballroom
- Being moved to the Disco Room
- TABLED Improving documentation / fee schedule / newbies at Commons WG meetings
- Sustainable Economies Law Center -- what might be things we would be interested to barter for use of the space one night in May (submission coming soon)
- Help with leases, sub-leases, tenant contracts, collective structure, non-profit structure, etc
- Help with cooperative formation, legal advice.
- Ask: for Legal Cafe
Last Week's Events
- Structure, Sign, Play - Public School Class; published
- Sharefest - Jenny will follow up - emailed to confirm, asked to pass the hat
- This is what I want - Sarah P following up - niki pinging sarah; Not happening
- West African Dance Class - Niki will follow up w/Cere - waiting for reply
- Discussion about cleaning of the floors before/after dance classes
- Schedule maintenance time, schedule 'prep'
- Black Womyn's Brunch - Jenny will follow up - email sent - will try to meet up next week to discuss options to support
- Women's Variety Show - Jenny will follow up with Marina about moving to another date - emailed, will email again
- Film Screening: Tales of the Grim Sleeper - Niki following up
- Space Apps - Jenny following up, still needs to follow up
- Anti Drug War Benefit - Niki - need to send info re: bar / insurance
- Dance rehearsal request - Sarah; No response
- Kristin & Slim's wedding reception - DK following w/Stan.
- dk - Emailed stan last week (who put in the event request on their behalf), no reply, unless someone knows them we will have to cancel.
- HAXAN - Niki emailed; They're coming by for a tour & conversation next week
- Isaura's Brazilian Dance & Drumming Workshop - contract was signed and turned in - Jenny will follow up for collecting deposit
This Week
- Kommunity FK - dk to followu p with don
- West African Dance Class - waiting to hear from Cere, follow up w/Kwe if they're interested
- Drum Sunday - no response
- Isaura - Jenny to follow up on getting contract signed
- Being Carried yoga - Rachel will follow up
- Ving Tsun Class - Niki will check in w/Max about moving these classes to the Den; needs to have insurance
- Don also doesn't have insurance - DK will talk with Don
- Renovating Ourselves: An Omni Commons Organizing Series
- an event brought by matt.. six sessions 1 wk apart, monday nights, to talk about omni organizing - an outside speaker coming to each one
- N asked L.P. too
- Happy Homes Tenants Meeting - Jenny
- Women's Variety Show - Jenny
- Space Tourism - Laura, Niki & Danny LAura will email asking for at least $1000 dollars
- This is your brain on Race with Victor Lewis - laura will f/u and ask for $300 or a %, whichever is greater
- Emerson Elementary School auction - April 25, Sarah following up. They'd like to provide childcare, will need ballroom + a space
- Space Apps - Jenny
- Wedding Reception - Niki will talk with Zoe
- 28toomany - Rachel will mentor Noemie
- SELC event - willing to barter legal services
Action Items
- Insurance for martial arts classes
- DK will talk with Don
- Niki wil talk with Max
- Jenny will remove the martial arts classes until they get insurance
- Finegrain rental fee requests - Matt and Jenny
Last Week's Action Items
- Jenny to add locations to the BAPS calendar - what locations need to be added? seems they're all on there.
- Put up do-ocracy signs in the space (Shorter Ryan)
- Work on form to highlight rental rates granulated by need (Jenny)
- What are you charging for your event? - done
- Transparency about our (Omni's) financials - done
- Forefront expectations - "we are a volunteer-run group" - done
- Charge for A/V needs? Offer that renters hire some people we work with to set up/run equipment/videotape event etc. Jenny will make list of those people
- Commons WG Volunteer orientation - David and Jenny and Noemie
- Make a pamphlet for onboarding new commons/booking volunteers - Niki