Event:2016/10/24 Fundraising

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Omni Fundraising/Finance Meeting - 24 October 2016


  • Marcus, Mary Ann, Laura, David, Jenny


  • Jenny sent in sudo's vanguard application last week, should have arrived this morning. 30 days max til approval
  • Mary Ann and Brian working on end-of-year fundraising letter, DK to send some quotes on eg ADA elevator
  • Ed giving us another $3K loan tomorrow, on track for making November expenses
    • Would like to open escrow and exercise option before Nov. 1st
  • About to do plumbing work in CCL/back of entrance hall, DK could bring up the option transfer to John in the same go
  • EB will sign promissory note tomorrow. We should be good for Nov rent
  • Jenny will be training Liz on QB
  • Tax preparer is working on 2015 and then 2014
  • Sudo meeting on Wednesday with Jenny, Kyle, jesse, to go through details of resolution to change to Omni Commons etc. SUdo board will approve by unanimous written consent.


Capital improvements & accessibility:

  • Stage accessibility - full commercial lift (~$15K)
  • Elevator cut out from section of ballroom bar up to mezzanine (~$125K)
  • No indication from potential grantor on limit of the grant
  • Reluctance to give much money in first 5 years of operation
    • However, this org is spending down 2016 funds
  • Can't install chair lifts in commercial properties, only those that have a UPS, functions for 6 up and down movements, mostly self-operable, certified UL listing, etc;
    • DK: Safest thing is to say we're not accessible - there are firms that go around and file predatory lawsuits for those who claim accessibility and aren't


  • Mary Ann: How much are we selling the option for?
    • Laura: Nothing, IRS is primarily concerned with money transfers between two nonprofit orgs
  • Once you get to a certain dollar amount, a certain percentage *must* be spent on building improvements, up to a certain expenditure point at which the *whole* building must be upgraded for full accessibility (eg; sprinklers, fully-integrated fire alarm system)
  • Sewer lateral (PSL) test/upgrades (~$12 - 15K) built into the closing costs? (
  • DK: Good vibes from Aubrey @ the Oakland Planning Dept, saying "that place has become an institution, it's so important"

Action Items

  • Find published info on Omni social activity demonstrating there was never a 1-year gap in use for community assembly - DK / Evan
  • Investigate property tax welfare exemption requirements
  • Follow up with Jerry re: commercial lift - Jenny wrote to Jerry on 10/24
  • Schedule call with Mary Ann's son John re: new insurance policy (Laura). He will be in town as of the 18th and will be able to meet/come by the building.
    • DK: Nonprofit Insurance Association (NAIC or NIAC) - may want to talk to them as well
    • Would be really good to get new fire insurance as well for actual assessed value
    • Sewer lateral estimate (Laura)