Event:2017/06/01 Delegates Meeting

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  • Introductions, Meeting Roles, and Delegates Count [10 minutes]
  • Announcements [5 minutes]
  • Bans [5 minutes]
  • Working Group Report-Backs [15 minutes]
  • Member Collective Updates (10 minutes)
  • Proposal: to Hold Delegates Meetings on the 1st Thursday of the Month only
  • Discussion: ERIE Entheogenic Research Integfration and Education


Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Affiliation

  • Joe Fnb, Laura Finance and Fundraising, Julie (ERIE); Larry (ERIE); Rachel GWS; Almaz (late)

Meeting Roles

  • Facilitator/s: Laura
  • Explanation of hand signals: "deaf applause", "raised hand", "point of process", "direct response"(wildcard), etc.
  • Stacktaker:
  • Timekeeper:
  • Notetaker/s: Joe, Laura
  • Vibe Reader:
  • Next meeting's facilitator(s):


  • ABDC: 2nd meeting without a delegate
  • BAPS:
  • CCL: *Ken
  • CSC: Inactive
  • FNB: Joe
  • GWS: Rachel
  • LL:
  • Sudo:
  • TIL: Inactive
  • GCEA: ALmaz

Quorum: No (4/8 active collectives)


  • June 11 is the Temescal Street Fair. CCL, BAAM, and 1 other collective have said they plan to be there. FNB has agreed to be in the Omni Collective booth.


Working Group Report-Backs

Building & permits

  • Laura is updating the building 5-10 year plan by getting estimates for the largest jobs. For exanmple, Everest Painting & Waterproofing is coming to look at the Omni to give estimates on exterior painting and window replacement.
  • RObb and Mark are working on fixing leak into S wall of basement and replacing siding there.
  • Meetings: Mondays (still deciding on time)
  • This group needs help; https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/building


Meetings: Second and Fourth Thursdays at 6pm


Meetings: First and Third Sundays at 5pm


Meetings: Mondays at 6pm


Meetings: Alternating Mondays at 2:00pm, check calendar

  • Laura: We haven't heard back on any of the grants we have written in the past couple of months. Slowly working on updating and improving the Patreon page so it can be promoted as a way to givce the Omni ongoing support.

Member Collective Updates

What is going on with your collective? What are you working on? What have you accomplished? Any events coming up? Any difficulties you are encountering that you need help with?




  • Very busy with classes and events





  • Rachel is going to People's Summit next week. Will report back when she returns.




Proposal to Hold Delegates Meetings on the 1st Thursday of the Month only

  • From Ken: Proposes to hold 1 delegates meetign per month on a trial basis through September. We will reevaluate if this schedule should continue on the first meeting in September.
  • Joe - wants to have 2x per month because wants to see the Omni with a lot of things going on and with collectives coming together here. Group Omni-ness is low.
  • Ken - I was surprised that more groups weren't interested in the Temescal Street Fair

Discussion: ERIE Entheogenic Research Integfration and Education

  • Considering becoming a member collective
  • We hold small workshops and discussion groups on visionary plants. Some are f=for peole who have had experiences with entheogens but dont have another space to talk about it. USe a talking circle model. We don't provide these experiences. HAve other big events related to this topic.
  • We emerged out of CIIS. We regularly get 120 people at our events. Very dynamic events.
  • We stress the community building, since in traditional use of these plants they are very integrated in the community.
  • Interested in engaging with the larger community at the Omni
  • Interested in disco room, rooftop garden. Need versitile space
  • Joe - HOw much space do you need? How oftern would you be using the space? What would yo have to offer in rent?
  • Ken - rent in the range of $900; might steward the disco room and make it available when not using it themselves. RObb willing to help fix up the sound system up there.
  • We're not a membership organization. Have 500 people opening our newsletter and about 30 regular volunteers. COmmunity is really excited dfor us to find a space.
  • Joe: do you want an office?
  • Don't need closed office space at this time
  • Ken: Understand that the disco room would be available when they werent using it.

Last Meeting Notes


End of Meeting
