Event:2017/08/28 Finance
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Omni Finance Working Group 28 Aug 2017
- Laura, robb, brian, jenny
- Figured out how to import qb data into 990 and are working on completing ooc 2016 990. Jenny still working on 2016 balance sheet.
- Received $1000 grant from Ben & Jerry’s Foundation. Laura will send thank you email when we receive the check.
- Finances are gradually improving. Events have brought in $3782.50 for August so far
- purchased new faucet for sudo/ccl from Riverbend Home for $105 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4_Q7DQvNFT-VlJtcHJJUjRCUDQ/view
- purchased materials for stage projector mount, ~$100 (receipts in receipt container in office)
- purchased archival spray for archiving posters/flyers ($26)
- purchased new black toner cartridge from bay ink ($91) and ordered 2 full toner refill kits (~$100)
change meetings
- via Jenny: Now that there's less fire to put out wrt Omni's finances and Building WG is now consistently meeting on 1st & 3rd Mondays, I would like to discuss changing up the meeting times and possibly converging them with Fundraising. Focus more on refining our projected budget, allocating excess funds to specific projects, and obtaining needed funds by focusing more on grantwriting.
- agreed to combine finance and fundraising wg again and to meet 6pm alternating Mondays with building wg. Next meeting 9/11.
action items
- cancel stamps.com subscription ($15.99/mo)
- Keep working on taxes
- Work party Saturday 10-5
- propose kitchen meeting for crowdfund campaign