Event:2017/09/24 Communications

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Communications WG - Sunday, 24 Sept 2017



  • updates
  • newsletter
  • comms w/ new neighbors
  • ongoing building & maint volunteer task visibility
  • phone tree
  • revisit our potluck's proposal?



  • auto-generate paper newsletter from diginewsletter?
    • while researching Julian did not find that, but did find out about a plugin that generates newsletters via wordpress post. we've previously talked about using the blog; it could maybe be cool to consider switching our digital newsletter publication method to blog>>>email via "Newsletter" https://blog.paper.li/2015/07/31/tools-newsletters/
    • after about 30min of searching (so not too much) w/o much luck, started wondering: what if instead of doing a whole paper layout, we just need 1/4 sheets announcing our new newsletter for neighbors? we could do a standard design & just change the dates? would save a lot of paper. if it turns out this actually boosts our readership, then we could consider doing full on paper?
  • Grant at work uses a short newsletter email & the full newsletter for the website – it keeps the email from getting too long & allows folks to review the past newsletters
    • "click to read more" - thumbnail to the left - email version being shorted; website

comms w/ new neighbors


  • statement of solidaryt
    • grant will do a draft & send to julian & vice versa, with goal of having a very flashy & sexy statement
    • we should have it in more places & more prominently displayment
  • Omni external signage out front - there should be more clear & engaging!
    • we don't have any! people don't know what it is, it's kind of a stand-off-ish space
    • awning replacement w/ Omni print?
    • frontdoor phone - if that's not in use, replace?
    • what this could say
      • what the place is about, what you can do here, how to get the calendar

ongoing building & maintenance volunteer tasks visibility

  • Jenny made those dope remember to clean the bathroom signs; she we keep up with those?

phone tree

revisit our potlucks proposal?

  • that person Alpha came to our last delegates assembly thinking maybe it was a good way to learn about the omni, but obviously it wasnt. this continues to be an issue: we don't have a very open interface outwards. the previously discussed notion below seems one solution?
  • delegates meeting proposal & discussion draft email
    • dear omninoms,
      • jenny & i were just (in our communications meeting) talking about convos folx have had about bringing more conviviality to our delegates meetings. we're proposing that assemblies double as potlucks, and that the potluck portion begins a little earlier – 6:30 – so that by 7 we can be ready to begin meeting. additionally, in light of recent events, we're suggesting that we reserve time at the next meeting to discuss our mediation processes, safer space policy, and solidarity statement. - julian & jenny
  • start orientations again – 6pm!
    • Julian add grant to delegates email list, write proposal for orientations, & draft &/or find orientation outline
      • those who join could, eg, go onto the welcoming committee & help staff our open hours.

action items

  • Grants:
    • pdf newsletter template
    • statement of solidarity template