Event:2017/10/26 Basement Kitchen Meeting

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Omni Commons Kitchen Fundraising Meeting - Thursday, Oct 26, 2017 @ 6pm


  • Gerald
  • Phil
  • Sierk
  • Ken
  • robb
  • Anka
  • Jenny

last mtg's remaining action items

  • reach out to orgs/businesses that might give perks - gerald
    • contacted film dept @ ucb & pacific archive
  • get quote from Alba re: windows - robb - no
  • update budget spreadsheet with any quotes or additions/corrections: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gog9KDQb8youQp8LalMM11vquNyWAVN2v2z_LEeTVR8/edit?usp=sharing
    • ping david [jenny]
  • check in with Chad about whether backflow preventer was installed or just an inspection - jenny / david / laura
    • laura is checking w/ him but he's not responding
  • make measurements and start on the drawings - sierk
    • sierk: can make something tonight that's more rough
    • anka: remembers joe showed a more extensive sketch. not sure it still exists.
      • for the video, we can fake it - eg pull out some old permit plansets/sketches from secure storage and shoot a few of us sketching / looking at it on one of the counters in the kitchen - let's shoot it quick tonight
  • learn how to use google docs :) - gerald & joe - here's a video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBh8bMC7XEU


  • 3:26 long
  • repeat of word 'large' at kitchen scene - also joe's voice a bit too loud/off
    • robb: can probably compress that part and get rid of some of the twang
  • add scene/shot at "this crowdfunding ... modernize and expand this kitchen"
    • maybe a shot of a mockup of the indiegogo page?
      • sierk: not sure what it adds, that or an image of the planning
        • phil: visuals in the omni help focus and slow it down
  • anka to send jenny video file and robb audio
  • add more flashes of link to donation / campaign page and upload/share organically (not just link to indiegogo campaign url)
  • Daniel: too long. took a long time to say "we need money". logo of food not bombs somewhere? people recognize it. perhaps put "omnicommons.org/donate" all on one line at the end.



  • stove? only need to replace 2 burners
    • ken will reach out to some possible in-kind donors
  • estimate for new stove & demo of current is $7,000


community outreach - asap: reach out to friends and family for early pledges

  • It's recommended to 'tee up' funders and raise 20-30% of the goal within the first 48 hours of the campaign. For us that would mean roughly $15K pledged prior to launch.
  • video mailers - we have 400 - can load up to 3 videos, 20 minutes of video
    • anka: they look better on the videomailers!
  • everyone: forward spreadsheet for preliminary pledge requests from friends, family, org contacts: [REDACTED]

end of november: launch party

  • jenny put a placeholder on the calendar for Saturday, November 25th

project needs

  • someone else to help with quotes / budget (ideally someone with some familiarity with commercial kitchens and local contacts)
  • someone else to help with campaign text / launch
  • someone to lead community outreach for big donors
  • someone to help with project management / facilitation
  • someone to help with social media strategy / marketing

miscellaneous link dump

action items

  • reach out to orgs/businesses that might give perks - gerald
  • get quote from Alba re: windows - robb
  • test floor drain - gerald & robb
  • add grant opps to kitchen subfolder - laura
  • get ToDo's on what we need to pay for permits & inspections - gerald / dk
  • put Tamarack quotes and cut sheets and budget into Kitchen drive - david
  • check on stove donation possibilities - ken
  • reach out to contacts who might make preliminary pledges - everyone