Event:2022/09/01 Delegates

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Omni Delegates' Meeting - September 1, 2022 7pm-9pm

Meeting Roles

  • Facilitator/s: Patrik
  • Stacktaker:
  • Timekeeper:
  • Notetaker/s: Jacqi
  • Next meeting's facilitator(s):


  • inactive groups: CSC, FYE, GWS, LL, sudo room, sudo mesh
  • ANV: active, silver
  • CCL: active, Patrik
  • CLP: active, Billy
  • FNB: active, joe
  • MOP: active, Jacqi
  • Quorum (2/3 of active groups): need 4


BRIEF INTROS MAY INCLUDE: name, pronouns, groups you're in, land you're on, if you're a delegate, unmet access needs, meeting roles you'd like to help with, discussion topics or proposals to add to agenda, announcements/updates/report-backs from your groups, safe space issues or updates

  • Patrik- skylights above CCL/Sudo prepped to get resealed by glazier who originally installed them
  • Jacqi: more updates on liquor license next week
  • silver anv, still looking to hire replacement for anv
  • yar she/her - reminder to join the omni slack!
  • billy they/them CLP Delegate,wants to discus draft proprosal from events committee:https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/GcTDiTZqA3ao5+6hbaAuobdc/
  • Geraldo He/They, CLP

Bank Account update

  • yar: all the signers on all the unify accounts are now: imma, helen, john
    • YAY! Succesfuly removed previous signers, still need to change benefial and self-help. Signed letter was sufficient - no need for everybody to show up in person. Still need to get new debit card.

Fundraising update

  • GoFundMe is at $23,501
  • yar: we need more help managing social media & outreach & content creation
  • silver- everyone please send a short video to the social media team promoting the omni fundraiser
  • other ways to push fundraiser
  • yar, content is being compiled, not ready to be put out yet, more help is needed
  • fundraising group meets weekly/bi-weekly, scheduled via slack
  • Silver-reaching out to folks who are hesitant to support omni- recieved feedback about transparency, wanting to publicly state that it is a new group at omni to seperate the space from past harm
  • jacqi: push more content about what's happening now


should we remove fye? Yar spoke to both asaad and shido, theyre ready to be removed


  • should we remove liblens?
  • John Toroc Replied to Yar saying that they would like to remain an inactive member collective
    • john: liblens is not dead, but dormant and thinking about various projects and becoming active again. it's me and anka. glad to hear there are new groups that've become member collectives. if it'd be helpful to remove us from the bylaws or list of board members / delegates, then we could be open to that. need to check with anka.
    • LL has a few things stored at omni
    • billy: we could always add you again when you're active
  • silver: wanna honor that something difficult happening to a group, happens to all of us. sometimes it's healthy to release things. but it can be revived.
  • yar: i'm neutral on whether LL is a member collective, but either way we need to decide something. if it stays, who is the board member? if it goes, do we keep the fiscal sponsorship, and/or the bank account?
  • john: also got the slush fund money [sarcastic reference to $1k in bank account]. I have a lot going on so being delegate is mostly beyond my capacity but I could try to make it work. I need to check with Anka. Oakland Privacy is expecting 20k grant so keeping that possible is important. if there's a strong feeling that LL should not be a member collective right now that is okay with me and I need to check with Anka. Will also check with Anka about me being on paper as our board member
  • postponed


groups can have multiple delegates but only ONE person named on paper as a board member. who should it be? so far we have confirmed:

  • CCL - Patrik (confirmed)
  • CSC - Arnoldo (pending that board's consent)
  • CLP - Geraldo (confirmed)
  • FNB - Helen but need confirmation from her
  • GWS - Rachel but need confirmation from her
  • LL - John (confirmed)
  • MOP - Michael Sierra (confirmed)

the rest are in varying states of confusion:

  • ANV - Silver is reaching out to ANV folks for who will replace Roya
  • sudo mesh - Jenny is named as a director, but unclear if it was for sudoroom or sudo mesh
    • Our previous agreement was that Jenny would not hold positions of power
    • Patrik will email mesh@sudoroom
  • sudo room - unclear, see above
    • Joe will talk to Sudo Room
  • BOGSS is supposed to have a representative, but that's not ready yet
  • John proposes we notify groups who have not given an official name to be listed that they may be removed from delegates (or member collectives?)

noise complaints

  • Handwritten note from 6/25 (Cam Life concert
  • Warning letter from city with "Courtesy Notice Date" of 6/29
  • Event committee is no longer allowing events w amplified sound past midnight

cleanliness accountability

  • draft by events wg https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/GcTDiTZqA3ao5+6hbaAuobdc/
    • $100/day (or $100/infraction?) "to any member collective who's scope of work and/or membership leaves common spaces worse off than they found it, by not putting away their items and not cleaning up after themselves".
    • How to assign blame? Should always be the group, not an individual
  • At last delegates meeting, we voted to spend $1K for a 1-time cleanup: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Event:2022/08/18_Delegates#lobby_messes. Ian was interested, on an hourly rate. Phil has also been doing a lot of free labor, cleaning and stocking toilets.
  • Silver: have a chores list assigned to member collectives?
  • Sewing area in the basement is a problem. Need to be able to hold non-members to account as well
    • Yar sewing area needs to have clear boundaries, with plastic bins to store anything that can become a rats nest.
  • $100/infraction should probably be scaled instead - e.g. pay for cleanup costs
  • Billy: need to create a cleaning committee?
  • Yar: how about existing mancaves, e.g. library area above entrance hall, AV mezzanine opposite the stage
  • Develop clearly written expectations; should apply to tenant spaces as well
  • Is Cici contributing any money to Omni? Looks like she is asking for $5 from participants
    • Offer racks and bins to Cici to keep mess contained.


  • we're getting a lot of mail to individual people - does anybody know who these people are? [redacted list]
  • one of them was identified! awesome
  • brief conversation about whether this should be a thing

End of Meeting