Event:2023/09/28 Delegates

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Omni Commons Special delegate meeting September 28, 2023

present: patrik/CCL, helen, joe/FNB, jacqi/MOP, gerald, josh, jake, paige/Sudoroom, Anka/LL


  • inactive groups: anv gws
  • BOGSS: not invited
  • CCL: patrik
  • CLP: not invited
  • FNB: joe
  • LL: anka
  • MOP: jacqi
  • SR: paige
  • SM: inactive
  • NEEDED: five. quorum achieved.

bogss rules

  • motion to accept patrik's changes to the BOGSS rules so that no one member collective can dominate bogss?
  • Rules of BOGSS: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/BOGSS Changes highlighted in bold below:
    • 1. Committee Makeup: There shall be 5 members of BOGSS selected from Omni collectives and at large or working group volunteers/organizers, including no more than 40% committee members from each collective, working group, or "renters" (organizations that rent space but are not collective members). All members must be selected per the election process below. The BOGSS committee shall be considered inactive when it has less than 4 members, or more than 40% members from any one collective, working group, or renters. When inactive, the BOGSS committee shall only have an advisory role rather than the Powers described below.
    • 2a. The congress shall have the following caps to prevent a single organization from overwhelming the membership:
      • 5 maximum members per Omni collective
      • 5 maximum members from at large Omni volunteers from the various working groups
      • 2 maximum members per Omni "renters" (Orgs that rent space but are not collective members)
      • No more than 1/3 of members from any one collective, working group, or renters
    • 2b. Nomination and Election Process: From this first round, the top 10 nominees, including no more than the top 3 from each collective, working group, or renters, will be chosen to advance to the second round of elections. During the second round, each Congress member may submit 2 votes for BOGSS. These votes must go to 2 different nominees. These votes shall also be submitted through a role call process. At the conclusion of this second round, the top 5 vote getters, including no more than the top 2 from each collective, working group, or renters, shall be selected to BOGSS for the next term. 3a. BOGSS Powers: When the BOGSS committee is not inactive, BOGGS shall have the power to...
  • CONSENSUS: YES (ccl/patrik; joe/fnb jacqi/mop anka/LL); ABSTAIN (paige/sr); BLOCK (none)

removing CLP

  • PROPOSAL: remove CLP as a member collective
  • CONSENSUS: YES (joe/fnb paige/sr patrik/ccl anka/LL); ABSTAIN (jacqi/MOP); BLOCK (non)

adding TANC

  • PROPOSAL: accept TANC's member collective application and formally invite them to come to omni
  • patrik: they already retracted their application but we can definitely extend a hand
  • joe: i spoke with daniel. he confirmed the major problem was TANC didnt have the energy to deal with what was going on, mainly the interactions and participation of CLP. he sounded like there was room for reconsideration if we remove CLP.
  • AMENDMEND: we will ask them to have a non-dsa delegate until PYM's boycott is lifted
  • CONSENSUS: YES (joe/fnb patrik/ccl anka/LL paige/SR jacqi/MOP); ABSTAIN (none); BLOCK (none)


  • Proposal to amend the bylaws to codify all this:
  • also acknowledge that CSC and ANV have left omni and are no longer member collectives
  • to summarize the changes: delete old inactive groups BAPS, TIL, CSC, GCS, ABDC, ANV; add MOP, BOGSS; not add TANC until they accept
  • changes highlighted in bold below:
    • (a) Each director shall hold office until the next annual meeting for designation of the Board of Directors as specified in these Bylaws, and until his or her or their successor is designated and qualifies.
    • DELETE: (b) At each annual meeting, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by the Bay Area Public School Committee, a Committee established by a resolution of the Board of the Corporation.
    • (c) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by Sudo Room, a Committee established by a resolution of the Board of the Corporation.
    • (d) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by Liberated Lens Collective, a Committee established by a resolution of the Board of the Corporation.
    • DELETE: (e) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by the Timeless Infinite Light Committee, a California public benefit organization.
    • (f) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by Global Women’s Strike - Omni Collective, a Committee established by a resolution of the Board of the Corporation.
    • (g) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by Counter Culture Labs, a California public benefit corporation.
    • (h) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by East Bay Food Justice Project, a California public benefit corporation.
    • DELETE: (i) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by Chiapas Support Committee, a California public benefit corporation.
    • DELETE: (j) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by Global Communication Services, a California public benefit corporation.
    • DELETE: (k) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by Art Bison Design Coop, a Committee established by a resolution of the Board of the Corporation
    • DELETE: (l) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by Acta Non Verba, a California public benefit corporation
    • (m) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by Sudo Mesh, a California public benefit corporation.
    • ADD: (n) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by Myriad Outreach Project, a California public benefit corporation.
    • ADD: (p) At each annual meeting of the Board, one (1) director shall be designated pursuant to Corporations Code Section 5220 by BOGSS, a Committee established by a resolution of the Board of the Corporation.
  • CONSENSUS: YES (patrik/CCL paige/SR anka/LL joe/FNB jacqi/MOP); ABSTAIN (); BLOCK ()

fine print

  • For each delegate, please confirm unambiguously that the presence of a CLP or BOGSS delegate at this meeting would not have changed any of your previous votes tonight.
  • YES (joe/FNB anka/LL paige/SR patrik/CCL jacqi/MOP); NO ()

new president

  • nomination of paige planter to be president of omni
  • CONSENSUS: YES (joe/FNB patrik/CCL paige/SR); ABSTAIN (anka/LL jacqi/MOP); BLOCK ()

Delegates meeting is adjourned.