Event:2016/02/06 Building Bloc

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Building Bloc meeting - Saturday February 6, 2016


how are you?

  • shirin, lil tired. good
  • laura, tired & depressed
  • julio, tired but took a nap. now i'm hungry but not hungry
  • yar, anxious to get more people into omni

volunteer fair

  • 3/12
  • Yar having second thoughts about a volunteer fair. Maybe instead of having a big event we should have a regular BB meeting time.
  • We discuss having a BB tableat the Love PArty on Friday were we can talk to people about getting involved
    • Need to collect all the contact and meeting info for all the wgs and collectives that needs mvolunteers and memebers.
    • Have laptop and email the contact for the group they are interested in for them immediately.
    • Shirin: The more we can humanize the face of the Omni, the more comfortable people wil feel about coming into the space and paticipating.

event newsletter

  • sang from the mess is going to help with communications. willing to coordinate a newsletter that would nclude events. Laura is orienting him tomorrow to the calendar system and other info that will be useful for collecting information.
  • some things aren't on the calendar. occupy oakland calendar has things...
  • shirin has a list of people to add to announce list - they attended the film screening

Next BB Meeting

  • 4-6pm Saturday 20th
  • Yar will tell omni Announce list