Difference between revisions of "Meetings"

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(fill in types)
(missed a couple)
Line 403: Line 403:
| [[Event:2015/05/26_DK_Brain_Dump|2015-05-26]]
| [[Event:2015/05/26_DK_Brain_Dump|2015-05-26]]
| building
Line 1,235: Line 1,235:
| [[Event:2014/05/03_Omni_Hackathon|2014-05-03]]
| [[Event:2014/05/03_Omni_Hackathon|2014-05-03]]
| hackathon

Revision as of 01:28, 18 November 2015

here is a list of all Omni delegates meetings ever, and the decisions that were made. WORK IN PROGRESS

date type decisions
2015-11-15 building bloc
2015-11-11 building bloc
2015-11-09 fundraising
2015-11-08 commons
2015-11-07 building bloc
2015-11-05 delegates
2015-11-02 fundraising
2015-11-02 building bloc
2015-11-02 becoming
2015-11-01 commons
2015-10-29 fundraising
2015-10-26 fundraising
2015-10-26 building bloc
2015-10-20 fundraising
2015-10-19 fundraising
2015-10-18 becoming
2015-10-15 delegates
2015-10-12 commons
2015-10-11 becoming
2015-10-05 fundraising
2015-10-04 commons
2015-10-04 becoming
2015-10-01 delegates
2015-09-29 commons
2015-09-28 fundraising
2015-09-24 delegates
2015-09-21 building
2015-09-21 fundraising
2015-09-20 commons
2015-09-20 becoming
2015-09-17 delegates
2015-09-14 building
2015-09-14 fundraising
2015-09-13 commons
2015-09-10 delegates
2015-09-07 building
2015-09-07 fundraising
2015-09-06 commons
2015-09-03 delegates
2015-09-02 fundraising
2015-08-31 building
2015-08-31 fundraising
2015-08-30 commons
2015-08-27 delegates
2015-08-24 building
2015-08-24 fundraising
2015-08-23 commons
2015-08-23 cdc
2015-08-20 delegates
2015-08-17 building
2015-08-17 fundraising
2015-08-16 commons
2015-08-16 becoming
2015-08-13 delegates
2015-08-10 building
2015-08-10 fundraising
2015-08-08 commons
2015-08-06 delegates
2015-08-03 building
2015-08-03 fundraising
2015-08-01 commons
2015-07-30 delegates
2015-07-27 building
2015-07-27 fundraising
2015-07-26 cdc
2015-07-25 commons
2015-07-23 delegates
2015-07-22 finance
2015-07-20 building
2015-07-20 fundraising
2015-07-19 cdc
2015-07-18 commons
2015-07-16 delegates
2015-07-13 building
2015-07-13 fundraising
2015-07-11 commons
2015-07-08 finance
2015-07-06 building
2015-07-06 fundraising
2015-07-04 commons
2015-06-29 building
2015-06-29 fundraising
2015-06-27 commons
2015-06-23 fundraising
2015-06-22 building
2015-06-20 commons
2015-06-18 delegates
2015-06-18 welcoming
2015-06-15 building
2015-06-14 cdc
2015-06-13 commons
2015-06-11 welcoming
2015-06-08 building
2015-06-06 commons
2015-06-04 delegates
2015-06-01 building
2015-05-30 commons
2015-05-28 delegates
2015-05-28 finance
2015-05-26 building
2015-05-25 building
2015-05-24 cdc
2015-05-23 commons
2015-05-21 delegates
2015-05-19 building
2015-05-18 building
2015-05-17 cdc
2015-05-15 commons
2015-05-12 building
2015-05-11 building
2015-05-09 commons
2015-05-07 delegates
2015-05-06 finance
2015-05-05 communications
2015-05-05 building
2015-05-04 building
2015-05-03 cdc
2015-05-02 commons
2015-04-27 building
2015-04-25 commons
2015-04-23 delegates
2015-04-22 communications
2015-04-20 building
2015-04-18 commons
2015-04-16 delegates
2015-04-13 building
2015-04-13 finance
2015-04-12 cdc
2015-04-11 commons
2015-04-09 delegates
2015-04-07 finance
2015-04-06 building
2015-04-04 commons
2015-04-02 delegates
2015-04-01 finance
2015-03-30 building
2015-03-29 cdc
2015-03-28 commons
2015-03-26 delegates
2015-03-25 finance
2015-03-22 cdc
2015-03-21 commons
2015-03-19 delegates
2015-03-18 finance
2015-03-15 cdc
2015-03-15 cdc
2015-03-15 cdc
2015-03-14 commons
2015-03-12 delegates
2015-03-11 finance
2015-03-08 cdc
2015-03-07 commons
2015-03-05 delegates
2015-03-03 finance
2015-03-01 cdc
2015-02-28 commons
2015-02-26 delegates
2015-02-22 cdc
2015-02-21 commons
2015-02-19 delegates
2015-02-18 finance
2015-02-15 cdc
2015-02-14 commons
2015-02-11 cdc
2015-02-08 cdc
2015-02-07 commons
2015-02-05 delegates
2015-02-04 commons
2015-02-03 finance
2015-02-01 cdc
2015-01-31 commons
2015-01-29 delegates
2015-01-27 finance
2015-01-24 commons
2015-01-22 delegates
2015-01-22 finance
2015-01-17 commons
2015-01-15 delegates
2015-01-14 cdc
2015-01-14 finance
2015-01-13 governance
2015-01-12 fundraising
2015-01-12 delegates
2015-01-10 commons
2015-01-08 welcoming
2015-01-08 delegates
2015-01-05 fundraising
2015-01-04 cdc
2015-01-03 commons
2015-01-03 welcoming
2014-12-18 welcoming
2014-12-18 delegates
2014-12-13 commons
2014-12-13 cdc
2014-12-09 finance
2014-12-09 finance
2014-12-06 commons
2014-12-06 cdc
2014-12-04 delegates
2014-12-02 governance
2014-11-27 delegates
2014-11-22 commons
2014-11-22 cdc
2014-11-20 delegates
2014-11-18 finance
2014-11-17 fundraising
2014-11-15 commons
2014-11-13 delegates
2014-11-11 governance
2014-11-10 fundraising
2014-11-06 delegates
2014-11-04 governance
2014-11-04 finance
2014-11-03 fundraising
2014-11-03 communications
2014-11-01 cdc
2014-10-30 delegates
2014-10-28 finance
2014-10-28 governance
2014-10-27 fundraising
2014-10-25 commons
2014-10-25 cdc
2014-10-23 delegates
2014-10-21 governance
2014-10-20 fundraising
2014-10-16 delegates
2014-10-14 finance
2014-10-14 governance
2014-10-13 fundraising
2014-10-09 delegates
2014-10-07 fundraising
2014-10-04 cdc
2014-10-02 delegates
2014-09-30 finance
2014-09-30 ballroom
2014-09-29 communications
2014-09-27 cdc
2014-09-25 delegates
2014-09-23 finance
2014-09-23 governance
2014-09-22 fundraising
2014-09-20 cdc
2014-09-18 delegates
2014-09-17 ballroom
2014-09-16 finance
2014-09-16 governance
2014-09-15 communications
2014-09-13 fundraising
2014-09-13 cdc
2014-09-11 delegates
2014-09-10 ballroom
2014-09-09 governance
2014-09-06 cdc
2014-09-04 delegates
2014-09-03 ballroom
2014-09-02 governance
2014-09-02 finance
2014-08-30 cdc
2014-08-28 delegates
2014-08-27 communications
2014-08-26 governance
2014-08-21 delegates
2014-08-19 governance
2014-08-19 finance
2014-08-16 cdc
2014-08-14 delegates
2014-08-13 governance
2014-08-12 building
2014-08-11 fundraising
2014-08-09 cdc
2014-08-07 delegates
2014-08-05 governance
2014-08-05 finance
2014-08-04 communications
2014-08-02 cdc
2014-07-31 delegates
2014-07-29 building
2014-07-24 delegates
2014-07-22 governance
2014-07-19 cdc
2014-07-17 delegates
2014-07-10 delegates
2014-07-08 cdc
2014-07-06 building
2014-06-26 delegates
2014-06-26 governance
2014-06-25 cdc
2014-06-23 communications
2014-06-09 communications
2014-06-09 cdc
2014-06-05 delegates
2014-06-03 governance
2014-06-02 governance
2014-06-02 communications
2014-06-01 governance
2014-05-29 delegates
2014-05-26 communications
2014-05-26 cdc
2014-05-22 delegates
2014-05-19 communications
2014-05-19 cdc
2014-05-15 delegates
2014-05-15 cdc
2014-05-12 delegates
2014-05-12 communications
2014-05-12 cdc
2014-05-08 delegates
2014-05-03 hackathon
2014-05-01 delegates
2014-04-28 cdc
2014-04-24 delegates
2014-04-10 delegates
2014-04-03 delegates
2014-03-27 delegates
2014-03-13 delegates
2014-03-06 delegates
2014-02-27 delegates
2014-02-13 delegates
2014-02-06 delegates / informational bootstrap
2013-12-05 informational
2013-11-20 informational