
From Omni Commons
Revision as of 21:32, 20 November 2015 by Yar (talk | contribs) (fix link to drafting corporate papers)
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A list of all Omni meetings ever, or at least the ones we can remember. If you feel like doing some archival research, please read our old notes and fill in the summary sections.

date type summary of what happened
2015-11-19 delegates
  • presentation about being on a board of directors and LLC
  • Chiapas Support Committee is now a member collective!
  • new lawyer liaisons
  • discussion of Buried Seeds, rodent-proof food storage
2015-11-16 fundraising
  • Talking with Jesse about Brewster's proposal to buy the building
  • Plan to write a counterproposal
2015-11-15 building bloc
2015-11-11 building bloc
2015-11-09 fundraising
2015-11-08 commons
2015-11-07 building bloc
2015-11-05 delegates
  • Birdhouse is now a member collective
2015-11-02 fundraising
2015-11-02 building bloc
2015-11-02 becoming
2015-11-01 commons
2015-10-29 fundraising
2015-10-26 fundraising
2015-10-26 building bloc
2015-10-20 fundraising
2015-10-19 fundraising
2015-10-18 becoming
2015-10-15 delegates
2015-10-12 commons
2015-10-11 becoming
2015-10-05 fundraising
2015-10-04 commons
2015-10-04 becoming
2015-10-01 delegates
  • David Keenan's sabbatical has ended.
  • Front hall is common space for month of October
2015-09-29 commons
2015-09-28 fundraising
2015-09-24 delegates
2015-09-21 building
2015-09-21 fundraising
2015-09-20 commons
2015-09-20 becoming
2015-09-17 delegates
  • Liberation Ministries will be a tenant for a trial period of 4 months
2015-09-14 building
2015-09-14 fundraising
2015-09-13 commons
2015-09-10 delegates
  • Omni will partner with Restorative Justice Center
2015-09-07 building
2015-09-07 fundraising
2015-09-06 commons
2015-09-03 delegates
  • We intend to give land beneath Omni to Bay Area Community Land Trust
2015-09-02 fundraising
2015-08-31 building
2015-08-31 fundraising
2015-08-30 commons
2015-08-27 delegates
2015-08-24 building
2015-08-24 fundraising
2015-08-23 commons
2015-08-23 cdc
2015-08-20 delegates
  • new lawyer liaisons
  • La Commune will stay until October 1
  • new shower policy
2015-08-17 building
2015-08-17 fundraising
2015-08-16 commons
2015-08-16 becoming
2015-08-13 delegates
  • We honor La Commune's 30 days notice and let them move out at the end of august
  • we empower all board members, board officers, and anyone who's been approved to be a liaison to communicate with our lawyers, and our lawyers to communicate with them, at their discretion.
2015-08-10 building
2015-08-10 fundraising
2015-08-08 commons
2015-08-06 delegates
  • Global Womens Strike is now a member collective
  • empower the finance & fundraising working groups to act quickly to buy the building
  • Omni should become a 501c3
  • Delegates should meet weekly again, starting next week (Aug 13). We will decide at the end of September whether to continue meeting weekly.
2015-08-03 building
2015-08-03 fundraising
2015-08-01 commons
2015-07-30 delegates
  • La Commune gives 30 days notice
  • Replaced board of directors
  • Removed Black Hole
  • intention to ask lawyer about updating lease
2015-07-27 building
2015-07-27 fundraising
2015-07-26 cdc
2015-07-25 commons
2015-07-23 delegates
2015-07-22 finance
2015-07-20 building
2015-07-20 fundraising
2015-07-19 cdc
2015-07-18 commons
2015-07-16 delegates
2015-07-13 building
2015-07-13 fundraising
2015-07-11 commons
2015-07-08 finance
2015-07-06 building
2015-07-06 fundraising
2015-07-04 commons
2015-06-29 building
2015-06-29 fundraising
2015-06-27 commons
2015-06-23 fundraising
2015-06-22 building
2015-06-20 commons
2015-06-18 delegates
  • TIL will share space with other literary groups
  • Ticket booth room will be cleared of stuff
2015-06-18 welcoming
2015-06-15 building
2015-06-14 cdc
2015-06-13 commons
2015-06-11 welcoming
2015-06-08 building
2015-06-06 commons
2015-06-04 delegates
2015-06-01 building
2015-05-30 commons
2015-05-28 delegates
2015-05-28 finance
2015-05-26 building
2015-05-25 building
2015-05-24 cdc
2015-05-23 commons
2015-05-21 delegates
  • Rob will use a room in the basement to put together lighting for the ballroom
2015-05-19 building
2015-05-18 building
2015-05-17 cdc
2015-05-15 commons
2015-05-12 building
2015-05-11 building
2015-05-09 commons
2015-05-07 delegates
  • decreasing Rise Above's rent
  • children's room
  • re-keying front door
2015-05-06 finance
2015-05-05 communications
2015-05-05 building
2015-05-04 building
2015-05-03 cdc
2015-05-02 commons
2015-04-27 building
2015-04-25 commons
2015-04-23 delegates
  • delegates meetings are now on first and third thursdays
2015-04-22 communications
2015-04-20 building
2015-04-18 commons
2015-04-16 delegates
2015-04-13 building
2015-04-13 finance
2015-04-12 cdc
2015-04-11 commons
2015-04-09 delegates
2015-04-07 finance
2015-04-06 building
2015-04-04 commons
2015-04-02 delegates
  • Optik Allusions is now a member collective
2015-04-01 finance
2015-03-30 building
2015-03-29 cdc
2015-03-28 commons
2015-03-26 delegates
  • No drinking on the sidewalk
2015-03-25 finance
2015-03-22 cdc
2015-03-21 commons
2015-03-19 delegates
2015-03-18 finance
2015-03-15 cdc
2015-03-15 cdc
2015-03-15 cdc
2015-03-14 commons
2015-03-12 delegates
  • moveable walls
2015-03-11 finance
2015-03-08 cdc
2015-03-07 commons
2015-03-05 delegates
  • new bank account
  • La Commune gets a closet
2015-03-03 finance
2015-03-01 cdc
2015-02-28 commons
2015-02-26 delegates
2015-02-22 cdc
2015-02-21 commons
2015-02-19 delegates
  • CDC to advocate for temporary safer space bans pending conflict mediation
  • La Commune exterior stencil sign
  • discussion of phat beets, banning perfume
2015-02-18 finance
2015-02-15 cdc
2015-02-14 commons
2015-02-12 delegates
  • mural in the den
  • discussion of a quiet room
2015-02-11 cdc
2015-02-08 cdc
2015-02-07 commons
2015-02-05 delegates
  • discussion of how we treat each other
2015-02-04 commons
2015-02-03 finance
2015-02-01 cdc
2015-01-31 commons
2015-01-29 delegates
  • discussion of conflict resolution, visioning process
2015-01-27 finance
2015-01-24 commons
2015-01-22 delegates
  • removing Peak Agency
  • no candles
  • event organizer responsibilities
  • discussion of chores
2015-01-22 finance
2015-01-17 commons
2015-01-15 delegates
  • all proposals should be on the wiki
  • discussion of garbage, opening to the public
2015-01-14 cdc
2015-01-14 finance
2015-01-13 governance
2015-01-12 fundraising
2015-01-10 commons
2015-01-08 welcoming
2015-01-08 delegates
  • secure storage space
  • discussion of backspace
  • lock on the back door
  • omni will pay all insurance collectively
  • discussion of garbage, writing proposals on wiki
2015-01-05 fundraising
2015-01-04 cdc
2015-01-03 commons
2015-01-03 welcoming
2014-12-18 welcoming
2014-12-18 delegates
2014-12-13 commons
2014-12-13 cdc
2014-12-09 finance
2014-12-09 finance
2014-12-06 commons
2014-12-06 cdc
2014-12-04 delegates
2014-12-02 governance
2014-11-27 delegates
2014-11-22 commons
2014-11-22 cdc
2014-11-20 delegates
2014-11-18 finance
2014-11-17 fundraising
2014-11-15 commons
2014-11-13 delegates
2014-11-11 governance
2014-11-10 fundraising
2014-11-06 delegates
2014-11-04 governance
2014-11-04 finance
2014-11-03 fundraising
2014-11-03 communications
2014-11-01 cdc
2014-10-30 delegates
2014-10-28 finance
2014-10-28 governance
2014-10-27 fundraising
2014-10-25 commons
2014-10-25 cdc
2014-10-23 delegates
2014-10-21 governance
2014-10-20 fundraising
2014-10-16 delegates
2014-10-14 finance
2014-10-14 governance
2014-10-13 fundraising
2014-10-09 delegates
2014-10-07 fundraising
2014-10-04 cdc
2014-10-02 delegates
2014-09-30 finance
2014-09-30 ballroom
2014-09-29 communications
2014-09-27 cdc
2014-09-25 delegates
2014-09-23 finance
2014-09-23 governance
2014-09-22 fundraising
2014-09-20 cdc
2014-09-18 delegates
2014-09-17 ballroom
2014-09-16 finance
2014-09-16 governance
2014-09-15 communications
2014-09-13 fundraising
2014-09-13 cdc
2014-09-11 delegates
2014-09-10 ballroom
2014-09-09 governance
2014-09-06 cdc
2014-09-04 delegates
2014-09-03 ballroom
2014-09-02 governance
2014-09-02 finance
2014-08-30 cdc
2014-08-28 delegates
2014-08-27 communications
2014-08-26 governance
2014-08-21 delegates
2014-08-19 governance
2014-08-19 finance
2014-08-16 cdc
2014-08-14 delegates
2014-08-13 governance
2014-08-12 building
2014-08-11 fundraising
2014-08-09 cdc
2014-08-07 delegates
2014-08-05 governance
2014-08-05 finance
2014-08-04 communications
2014-08-02 cdc
2014-07-31 delegates
2014-07-29 building
2014-07-24 delegates
2014-07-22 governance
2014-07-19 cdc
2014-07-17 delegates
2014-07-10 delegates
2014-07-08 cdc
2014-07-06 building
2014-06-26 delegates
2014-06-26 governance
2014-06-25 cdc
2014-06-23 communications
2014-06-09 communications
2014-06-09 cdc
2014-06-05 delegates
2014-06-03 governance
2014-06-02 governance
2014-06-02 communications
2014-06-01 governance
2014-05-29 delegates
2014-05-26 communications
2014-05-26 cdc
2014-05-22 delegates
2014-05-19 communications
2014-05-19 cdc
2014-05-15 delegates
2014-05-15 cdc
2014-05-12 delegates
2014-05-12 communications
2014-05-12 cdc
2014-05-08 delegates
2014-05-03 hackathon
2014-05-01 delegates
2014-04-28 cdc
2014-04-24 delegates
2014-04-10 delegates
2014-04-03 delegates
2014-03-27 delegates bigger open meeting - quick info session. CCL & Tooth joined collective
2014-03-13 delegates
  • decided to name it Omni instead of Building Bloc
  • discussion of LLC vs nonprofit
  • planning Silvia Federici talk
2014-03-11 work meeting to draft corporate papers
2014-03-06 delegates
2014-02-27 delegates
2014-02-13 delegates
2014-02-06 delegates started as info/intro, officially bootstrapped into the Collective of Collectives
2013-12-05 informational
2013-11-20 informational

These were collected from our weird calendar hack over here